Missing prepper cache


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Has anyone else had this problem? I've spent many hours looking for the cache in mystery lake and it's not there!  I searched all known locations at least six times ,checked the maps several times! I've had them all several times over on many runs so I know them nearly off by heart ,even in a blizzard! This is pre-update! 


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The only problem I've had is missing the hatch the first 3 times I went looking, only to stumble on it a hundred days later when tracking a wounded animal or something.

All the playthroughs blend together. I've gotten in the habit of using spraypaint to mark places I've searched, with an X. Just paint a marker on the ground at your feet when you check a location, that way you know simply by glancing at your map that yes in this particular run you did in fact check that one spot, and you're not mixing the memories up with one of the other dozens of runs you've played over the years.

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1 minute ago, ajb1978 said:

The only problem I've had is missing the hatch the first 3 times I went looking, only to stumble on it a hundred days later when tracking a wounded animal or something.

All the playthroughs blend together. I've gotten in the habit of using spraypaint to mark places I've searched, with an X. Just paint a marker on the ground at your feet when you check a location, that way you know simply by glancing at your map that yes in this particular run you did in fact check that one spot, and you're not mixing the memories up with one of the other dozens of runs you've played over the years.

Good idea thanks.  I'll give it a shot.  Good job there's so much spray paint around.  

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3 hours ago, Leeanda said:

Has anyone else had this problem? I've spent many hours looking for the cache in mystery lake and it's not there!  I searched all known locations at least six times ,checked the maps several times! I've had them all several times over on many runs so I know them nearly off by heart ,even in a blizzard! This is pre-update! 

I've never not have a bunker spawn in ML in as far back as I can remember in playing the game.   there are few bunker spawn locations however that are kinda off the beaten path and require a little effort to find.  Often when I've ruled out the obvious easy to find bunker spawning locations, I go back and start checking those areas.  
I like @ajb1978suggestion of marking the areas that you've searched with a paint can.  Not all symbols appear on the map when you open it, so be sure to use one that does so you can easily identify where you've been.  

Here's a little something if you want the help...

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11 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

I've never not have a bunker spawn in ML in as far back as I can remember in playing the game.   there are few bunker spawn locations however that are kinda off the beaten path and require a little effort to find.  Often when I've ruled out the obvious easy to find bunker spawning locations, I go back and start checking those areas.  
I like @ajb1978suggestion of marking the areas that you've searched with a paint can.  Not all symbols appear on the map when you open it, so be sure to use one that does so you can easily identify where you've been.  

Here's a little something if you want the help...


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Thanks. Just can't understand why I can't find it on this run. I've used that map and every variation I could find ,.and I've had all of the caches before on a lot of runs.  But I'll keep trying for a few days using the cans. If it doesn't appear I'll have to report it as a bug.

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If you can't find it PM me, I'll give you an email address you can send your save file to. I'll take a look myself and see what's going on.

Edit: Assuming you're on PC. If not, well...bleh. Nevermind.

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1 hour ago, ajb1978 said:

If you can't find it PM me, I'll give you an email address you can send your save file to. I'll take a look myself and see what's going on.

Edit: Assuming you're on PC. If not, well...bleh. Nevermind.

Thanks for the offer but I'm not on pc I'm afraid.  Hoping to be soon though! 

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15 hours ago, Leeanda said:

Has anyone else had this problem? . . . .

Yes,  A couple of times I have failed to find a Prepper's Cache in ML.  I ended up puzzled.  I felt that I had looked everywhere, but at the same time I felt that it must be there somewhere. I suspect that I have established, and stick to, the same old routes between places and that there must be a few places that always miss.  Perhaps I'll go back to an old save in which I have not found the cache and have a closer look.

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It's odd isn't it? I've triple checked both the lake area ones, the ones near the dam and yellow carriage 4 times and I've spent two hours checking and marking the entire area on the west side of the map from trappers all the way round to the dam again! Going by the maps locations it's not there! I now have a record of 84 sprains on this 120: day run, most in mystery lake! I also lost half my life again as I ran out of meds! 

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The one I've had the most problem finding is the one above the little cabin past Unnamed Pond (where the Moose rubs can be seen).  There's a pretty clear path on a ridge you walk up, but the hatch is tucked down below that a bit and I didn't see it until I took maybe 3 more steps and looked down a little hill. Still got a sprain working my way down to it, arrgh!

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21 minutes ago, twyn1 said:

The one I've had the most problem finding is the one above the little cabin past Unnamed Pond (where the Moose rubs can be seen).  There's a pretty clear path on a ridge you walk up, but the hatch is tucked down below that a bit and I didn't see it until I took maybe 3 more steps and looked down a little hill. Still got a sprain working my way down to it, arrgh!

I wish the sprains would be more consistent! I walked and ran on near vertical slopes without getting any ,then get three on nearly flat ground!! Makes no sense!   

I thought it mightve been that one I was missing as I've had it the least but  nope still not there! Half my map is orange signs!🙂

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Well, sounds like you're been pretty exhaustive in your search.  If you haven't found it after searching each spawn area 6 times, it must not be there.  I assume you have the locations memorized by now?

On new runs, I have an established "route" I take, which has always turned up the cache.

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17 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

Well, sounds like you're been pretty exhaustive in your search.  If you haven't found it after searching each spawn area 6 times, it must not be there.  I assume you have the locations memorized by now?

On new runs, I have an established "route" I take, which has always turned up the cache.

I certainly am exhausted! Poor Astrid  has had a lot of sprains ,just today she's had nearing twenty. Lost half her life ,again!  Nearly died from slipping on near vertical slopes and took loads of clothes damage too.  According to my map there are now about 50 food stashes in ml!🙂  I knew them all fairly well ,some better than others before this run but now Im 100% positive!    The only thing I found were two cairns!  

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1 minute ago, I_eat_only_wolf_meat said:

Next to the crazy interior lighting problems, sprains are my least favorite game mechanic.  The idea that you could sprain both wrists and an ankle in under five minutes is a little nuts, no matter what you were carrying.

I know what you mean. Never understood why it's so dark inside even in the middle of the day!   I was in the camp office earlier reading for quite a while in near blackness and when I went outside it was only just dusk!   

I've had all four sprains in about two minutes a few times in the last two days actually.

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