Moose challenge


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I had a pretty uneventful afternoon really! I crafted the rabbit hat and thought I'd make a few arrows as I don't seem to have many. Unfortunately I only had enough arrowheads to make three. So instead of  going to keepers pass I decided to make my way to forlorn  while checking out mystery lake good signs of moose.  I haven't really had much chance to get very far as I wanted to look for the prepper cache to!  No moose or rubbings  near the dam   . I've just arrived at trapper's cabin hoping the moose or bear will show up !  But I think there might be a long overdue aurora tonight!  

One thing I have noticed on this run is that there are a severe lack of Crows . And when there are there are no feathers most of the time. I've also had the opposite!  Crows but  no corpses or carcasses with several feathers! ! Curious bugs indeed! 

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1 minute ago, ManicManiac said:


Well done.
I've really been enjoying the creativity of all your personal challenges, and all the adventures you've had along the way.


Thank you! Same to you as I've been keeping up with yours too! 

Mind you it could be a short one if I don't find many flare shells🙂

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There are definitely many kind and interesting people on this forum. I appreciate that even if they don't leave a message, there will often be a like or up-vote. Just nice to know someone is reading along.

Good luck with your moose hunt. I have always been very lucky finding one in that little cabin area past Unnamed Pond, but I know other people never see a moose there... just another roll of the dice, I guess.

If there is one there for you, I think getting up on the little rock out-cropping gives a good & fairly safe line of sight. (not promising that tho, since the wildlife has been a bit chaotic lately).

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30 minutes ago, twyn1 said:

There are definitely many kind and interesting people on this forum. I appreciate that even if they don't leave a message, there will often be a like or up-vote. Just nice to know someone is reading along.

Good luck with your moose hunt. I have always been very lucky finding one in that little cabin area past Unnamed Pond, but I know other people never see a moose there... just another roll of the dice, I guess.

If there is one there for you, I think getting up on the little rock out-cropping gives a good & fairly safe line of sight. (not promising that tho, since the wildlife has been a bit chaotic lately).

That's true on both comments!🙂 

I was planning on heading there tomorrow to check for rubbings and the hide for arrows or spare bow.  Maybe check for the weapons cache I walked straight past twice earlier on!🙂   

How's your run going on?

Edited by Leeanda
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3 hours ago, Leeanda said:

.... How's your run going on?

Doing well -- I got Faithful Cartographer, 500 Days and am trying for Level 5 in all the Skills. Last one is Revolver but I only have 50-something rounds and need to make every shot count.

Went to Coastal Highway to take advantage of all the rabbits there, but not sure if I want to continue.  Just feels so wasteful -- got a bear and 3 deer and the meat is all piled up ... don't even need to go fishing.

Will see how it goes tomorrow, really wish I could make a target or set up cans to shoot, even if I lost all the ammo & cans in the process ...

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7 hours ago, twyn1 said:

Doing well -- I got Faithful Cartographer, 500 Days and am trying for Level 5 in all the Skills. Last one is Revolver but I only have 50-something rounds and need to make every shot count.

Went to Coastal Highway to take advantage of all the rabbits there, but not sure if I want to continue.  Just feels so wasteful -- got a bear and 3 deer and the meat is all piled up ... don't even need to go fishing.

Will see how it goes tomorrow, really wish I could make a target or set up cans to shoot, even if I lost all the ammo & cans in the process ...

Congrats on the achievements! 

I know what you mean ,so much meat it'seems a waste of time. But you're so close to getting the last one it seems a shame to give up  now!  You could shoot at the crows? Sometimes I get more feathers doing that!🙂  And it's good practice as they can be tricky things to hit!

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Didn't have much luck this morning!  No moose in Mystery lake at all! 

I found the prepper cache ,sadly not the weapons one so no more arrows! It turned out to be the general tool one and I came away with nothing except a pair of snow pants!   No flare shells anywhere either!

I got a better condition bow from the hunters blind and found the only bear on the map there too! I only have 5 arrows so I left him be for now!  

As I was passing the broken tower I decided to get the rope and head down to the ravine to get the shells from there!  There were only three unfortunately so my supply is very limited still. I only have six so I think I need to head down to the lighthouse in lower bleak! 

I'm currently in the tower at upper bleak doing a spot of reading as my archery skill is only level 2 and I want to get the bear there! I need all the help I can get!🙂


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In the Stalker games that I play I usually decide that the moose is best avoided once I have a backpack.  Several times I have wasted too many hours waiting for the moose to come closer, and often I have wasted several arrows without getting a kill.

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5 minutes ago, peteloud said:

In the Stalker games that I play I usually decide that the moose is best avoided once I have a backpack.  Several times I have wasted too many hours waiting for the moose to come closer, and often I have wasted several arrows without getting a kill.

I still need the moose sack and as you might know I hate HRV so refuse to go there to get it!   But you're right ,the amount of arrows etc needed to kill it is most of the time a waste.  It's a bit of an annoyance that it doesn't bleed out like the rest of the animals.

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This afternoon I left the tower and climbed down to lower bleak with the intention of getting the shells only . I really need to make some arrows as I only have 5. I spent a while checking out the east side of the map down to the lighthouse. I found only 3  shells there and one in the  fishing hut near the cabins.  I noticed the bear coming toward the cabin so I thought I'd try my luck with bow. I've never managed to kill one with  just the bow before . I climbed onto the cabin roof and waited until it  was near the fishing hut and took my shot! I thought I'd missed but obviously not as ran toward me and tried to get on the roof. Running and kinda jumping (or bad glitching 🙂) round for several minutes so I took another shot ! A hit,somehow! And he ran off towards the fallen tree towards the bridge ,got stuck there for a while then disappeared over the hill. I still thought I'd missed him until I saw the blood splats ,but the weather took a sudden turn for the worse so I decided not to follow but to head to the cannery for the night!

I woke in the night to the first aurora I'd had for a while (despite it being on high ) and made my way into the building.  My lovely white wolf was back!  I left it alone and fixed up my tools until the aurora stopped. My white wolf was now rainbow coloured!  It got slightly unnerving after a while sharing a dark place with a silent wolf ! It even ran through me a few times so I decided to sleep in the one place it didn't go! The bathroom😁 

I woke late morning to find it was still multicoloured but at least it wasn't silent any more!   I decided to leave him be and go track the bear down, I finally found it in his cave with 2 broken arrows on the floor . I took his hide and a few guts to use later as I want a bear roll before going to Keepers pass. 

I'm now  at the back room in the cannery getting ready to leave for forlorn,hoping to find a moose near the cave entrance on the way!

I do only have 11 shells  and 2 arrows so crafting at forlorn is now a priority!  


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9 hours ago, Leeanda said:


I woke late morning to find it was still multicoloured but at least it wasn't silent any more!   I decided to leave him be and go track the bear down, I finally found it in his cave with 2 broken arrows on the floor . I took his hide and a few guts to use later as I want a bear roll before going to Keepers pass. 

I'm now  at the back room in the cannery getting ready to leave for forlorn,hoping to find a moose near the cave entrance on the way!

I do only have 11 shells  and 2 arrows so crafting at forlorn is now a priority!  


That white/multicolored ghost wolf sounds lovely!!

Congrats on getting the bear ... alltho' it sounded a bit unnerving with him trying to get at you on the roof! Yikes!

Hope you get your Moose!!


** Side Note -- my ancient game console decided on the All 5-Level Skills dilemma for me by refusing to Save anymore -- so it's off to a new adventure!

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4 hours ago, twyn1 said:

That white/multicolored ghost wolf sounds lovely!!

Congrats on getting the bear ... alltho' it sounded a bit unnerving with him trying to get at you on the roof! Yikes!

Hope you get your Moose!!


** Side Note -- my ancient game console decided on the All 5-Level Skills dilemma for me by refusing to Save anymore -- so it's off to a new adventure!

I really wish I could post screenshots of it but sadly not! 

And thanks. Just for a second I thought he was going to get me ,he got very close!! 

Sorry about you losing your save! That sucks, especially after you got so far with everything! Hope the next run goes ok!

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On my way  to the cave back to forlorn I did Indeed find the moose! I managed to get very close before he noticed me and I managed to get a good shot on his face! Sadly it  didn't kill him and he ran off as usual. But not too far so I tried another shot and hit him in the chest! Again he ran off , unfortunately over the ice and I was too tired to follow! The weather was getting bad anyway so I was forced to leave him and I carried on toward the cave.  Luckily the wolf carcass that has been absent for several runs  was in its usual place so I quickly harvested his hide and left bleak behind.  I made my way to Spence's farm hoping to see the moose but no luck!  I spent a pleasant day or two there crafting arrowheads . I now have 30 which isn't as many as I would've liked but there wasn't much scrap metal around! It's a good job I picked some up in bleak ,and there was  hardly any coal in the cave either. I only found 4 which seems very odd as there's usually lots! 

With the bear and wolf hides,arrowheads and collection of saplings I was severely overburdened ,( as per usual with me🙂) so I spent the rest of the morning slowly trudging my way back to PV farm!

I'm now waiting for some of the birch saplings to cure and catching up on some reading until I go to bed! Tomorrow is going to be a busy crafting day so I need to be up at first light! 😁

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4 minutes ago, Catlover said:

Sorry for not really being active here. I haven't read all of this challenge but so far it seems like it's been going a bit better. Hopefully next time you'll be more lucky with that moose, sounds like they're a pain! 

No probs!🙂 

Yeah that's one word for them lol   Ill get him in the end or die trying😁

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12 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

No probs!🙂 

Yeah that's one word for them lol   Ill get him in the end or die trying😁

Haha well good luck! You haven't died yet at least and hopefully you won't 🙂 Just don't go goating after being stomped! 😜

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10 minutes ago, Catlover said:

Haha well good luck! You haven't died yet at least and hopefully you won't 🙂 Just don't go goating after being stomped! 😜

Lol! If I'd known that stims let you climb with broken ribs I'd still be being mauled!😁 

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