Vanishing bears and tracks


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Is anyone else having this problem? 

Its the third time a bear and its tracks just vanished. 

Shot the bear at the barn in PV followed its tracks. Which then vanished and spent ages looking for both but found nothing.

The previous bear also vanished and I never found its carcass either. 

Any help appreciated.

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2 hours ago, Leeanda said:

Is anyone else having this problem? 

Its the third time a bear and its tracks just vanished. 

Shot the bear at the barn in PV followed its tracks. Which then vanished and spent ages looking for both but found nothing.

The previous bear also vanished and I never found its carcass either. 

Any help appreciated.

If this happens again, can you log it via our support portal? This may (or may not) be related to other issues we're seeing, and it would be helpful to have any/all information you can forward to us. Thanks for your time, and sorry this is happening to you. 

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2 minutes ago, Admin said:

If this happens again, can you log it via our support portal? This may (or may not) be related to other issues we're seeing, and it would be helpful to have any/all information you can forward to us. Thanks for your time, and sorry this is happening to you. 

Support portal:


No problem! Thanks for the reply!  I hope it doesn't though I'm running out of food!🙂

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7 minutes ago, Bimbobjoejr. said:

I think I had this happen once. I shot the bear by the birch forest and tracked it to the river and shot it again, had to go around to make it up a slope and came back around to no blood or tracks. Didn't see the bear running in the distance either but thought nothing of it. 

Same bear. Right next to the tractor it was, when I shot it . It ran up toward the birch area and I never saw it again.

Got as high as I could , nothing. Then scoured miles in near blizzard then fog and still nothing.

Getting desperate for food even though I shouldn't be on pilgrim!  Couldn't find any wolves either today .good job there's some rabbits on the river! 

Not sure why it's just bears though. Bit odd if you ask me!

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The carcass of the bear would be in the last place you look.   

If you haven't found the carcass then you haven't gotten to the last place.  😁

It can be maddening.  I shot a bear (the Long Curve bear) on the western fields at the Farmstead.  It took me the better part of two days to finally locate the carcass laying between the Farmstead Barn and road. 😲   I had been missing it, until the end, because I was following all the "logical" paths the bleeding bear might have taken back to its cave and that "logic" took me hither and yon as I looked for the black spot of the carcass.  

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10 hours ago, UTC-10 said:

The carcass of the bear would be in the last place you look.   

If you haven't found the carcass then you haven't gotten to the last place.  😁

It can be maddening.  I shot a bear (the Long Curve bear) on the western fields at the Farmstead.  It took me the better part of two days to finally locate the carcass laying between the Farmstead Barn and road. 😲   I had been missing it, until the end, because I was following all the "logical" paths the bleeding bear might have taken back to its cave and that "logic" took me hither and yon as I looked for the black spot of the carcass.  

Tell me about it. I switched it off without saving cos I was mad as heck!  Finally caught up with it this morning while I was looking for the moose. Took a random shot at the bear then went for the moose. Found the bear later that day, which was a bit of a surprise. Normally takes all night to die!  Funny though I did check whether I'd hit it or not and didn't see any blood anywhere!  



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I've kindda given up on tracking bears after I've shot them.  I will usually go find a "safe" place to rest/pass time for 2-4 hours (preferably an "outdoor" area) and then, weather permitting, start looking for the crows.

Edited by hozz1235
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1 hour ago, hozz1235 said:

I've kindda given up on tracking bears after I've shot them.  I will usually go find a "safe" place to rest/pass time for 2-4 hours (preferably an "outdoor" area) and then, weather permitting, start looking for the crows.

Trouble is since the update ,the crows don't seem to be around as much as they should be. 

Mind you most of the time I don't track them either, I just go to sleep and wait til next morning but for some reason I'm running out of food  a lot quicker than usual.  My last run was the same. I shouldn't need cattails on pilgrim after day 3-4. For any reason.  

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17 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

Hmm...wonder if HL tweaked a setting in the background?

I hope not! There's already a lack of animals on pilgrim in my opinion anyway. That's why by day 2+ I'm killing bear and moose no matter where I start from. 

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5 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

Plenty of rabbits & deer on Pilgrim too?

Not as much as there used to be ,I think. BlackRock seems to have the most rabbits  but i only saw 1 deer there in about a week!  On this  100+ day run I've seen no deer in bleak, forlorn or broken railroad! Might just be this particular run but was not much better on the last few runs either. 

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I do wish tracking was more of a thing. IME the tracks disappear too quickly. I get it when it's windy, but not on calm clear days or in fog. I've tracked a wounded bear clear across PV, only to have the tracks disappear for no reason in the middle of a flat meadow, all on a calm clear day. Anywhoo, making tracking a bit more realistic could be it's own mini-game, if done well.

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Shot the bear ,it ran off so I sat at the top of a tree and waited for  2 hours. Saw nothing so went in the direction it ran to. I could  hear crows so followed the sound . When they were at their loudest I scouted the entire area and found nothing and when I looked up there were no crows either... Anywhere!... This was in forlorn not too far from the exit to mystery!

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1 minute ago, hozz1235 said:

You seem to have lots of very strange game behavior, @Leeanda.  Have you tried repairing/uninstalling/reinstalling the game?

It's a pretty new console and a very new disc so it's only been installed a couple of months. Not long before the update actually. But for the most part the animals were pretty scarce anyway. This vanishing bears problem has only been happening since the update. But the tracking I've had problems with for a while ,it just got a lot worse since updating.

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Got about 6 bug reports on the go already.  I'm managing to eat , just , and I kind of like the challenge at the moment. Halfway through level 4 cooking so soon I'll be able to eat the large amounts of ruined food all over the map!🙂 

The major problem is the wasted rifle ammo these stupid bears are costing me. Was hoping there would be a few in BlackRock but sadly not!

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I lost a bear in Coastal Highway in the same way ... definitely bleeding & as I tracked it across the ice, it was clearly heading back to it's cave. I decided to duck into a fishing hut to warm up for a couple of hours, and when I went back to look, it was gone completely. No crows, no carcass, even tho' I searched for another day or so. Bear was back maybe a week or so later (in game time).

I am not currently seeing a lack of animals for food. I made my way to TWM from Ash Canyon after getting the backpack and crampons for the first time! I am currently in the Mountaineers Hut & I've had 3 to 4 deer on Crystal Lake with at least 3 wolves, and rabbits galore spawning and re-spawning quickly. Same story in the wooded area with the wing & storage crates. Wolves are killing the deer & rabbits, I'm killing the wolves (practicing with the bow) and I probably have a month's worth of meat and fish outside in the snow (& I don't take/eat the wolf meat). The entire floor of the hut is covered in pelts!

Was planning to head down to PV,  just waiting to see if Mr. Moose shows up, but with all this food I may just retire here.

This was restarting on an old saved game, so maybe that's the difference?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ok this gets weirder!  A couple of days ago I was trying to kill the bear at PV farm . After wasting about 15 arrows  it ran off with no sign of bleeding  so I was positive I'd missed . Not surprising really I'm terrible with the bow😃 

Yet this morning when I switched the game back on it was laying about 6 metres away from the porch! Dead.  

I have no idea how! 

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If you hit (presuming you're not at level 5) the game signals each hit on the right-hand side of the screen (for a PC).  For Level 5 archers, the journal keeps track of arrows "fired" and number of hits on animals.  It does it for rifles and revolvers.  

In my Pilgrim game, a bear was walking away from the farmstead when I popped it with a revolver shot (probably hit it in the back/side/rear) and it took off.  Ran across the north field to the road, then towards signal hill, then swung towards Long Curve then towards its cave den then was out of sight.  For various reasons I decided to sleep in the farmstead car.  Passed a reasonable night.  Then in the morning got out and was going to start the long process of tracking down where the bear had died.  

Then I turned around towards the north field and saw...20220207132708_1.thumb.jpg.db3e0b6bc6ee06a1dcc08c4dbd55d3fa.jpg

I was a bit surprised.  😲

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