Metuhsellah origin theory.


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Now... After my Old Bear origins theory, I decided to look deeper at someone who is overlooked a lot. Yes, I am talking about Metuhsellah. He is proably everyones favorite character. He gives tips. He does not mind you stealing his meal in front of him and... He is a real character. So... finding Methusellah's origin is a harder job that finding the Old Bear' s origin. Old Bear origins were given to us kind of clearly. It was not hard to piece things together. Metuhsellah on the other hand, Does not have any notes or any kind of clue related to him. All proof I have is his dialouges which... He talks really criptic. This theory will be diffrent from my Old Bear Theory as I dont have a clear answer to this at the moment. I have several theories about his origins so, grab a popcorn and... You know what? I will not try to sound cozy as I am terrible at it.

THEORY 1:         

So... you know the first time you talk with him? Mackenzie says "You look oddly familiar to me old man". So... I dont think Raphael put this in just randomly. Also considering something happened to Will's father, Maybe Metuhsellah is Will's father. I really dont have much proof of this father other than this. I dont believe this is the case tho.


Metuhsellah is a saint... yeah... lets Forget that one.


This theory is the one I believe the most. I think Metuhsellah is Will's future. Let me explain. So will found him oddly familiar as he is just an older version of himself. He always guides will and seems to read his feelings. He knows things he should NOT. If you kill Hobbs, He somehow knows and confronts will in a way that... gives the impression that he himself did it "Is it easier to do it knowing that nobody would know?". Now... dont even try to tell me that he looked from the window. That window is SO blurry that even roxy would not see the inside. I think there might be a time loop going on here. Or much more likely this is just will's mind showing his older self to keep him sane. Ether way, All of this leads to this theory. I will search more about the possiblity of the time loops.

But for the time being... what do you think about these? I would really love to brain storm with some The Long Darkians as he is my favorite character in Wintermute.


Edited by Thorumsu
Som- I will find you...
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  • 1 month later...

Given how prominent Methusellah was for Will in Episode's 1 and 2, his absence in Episode 4 was a head-scratcher.


But there's something definitely supernatural about him. Most notably, how he's able to get to locations that shouldn't be accessibly before Will is able to, like the Milton Basin for example. He could be a hallucination, a manifestation conjured up by Will's fragile psyche in order to process the trauma's he's going through. It would explain why he appears right when he's "needed" in episode's 1 and 2, as well as his knowledge of things he would have no business knowing if he were a human.


He could also be a supernatural being. Perhaps he is THE Methusellah, as in, Noah's father, immortal and acting as God's Herald. That too would also explain everything, except Will's passing familiarity with him.


One thing's for certain though; he definitely is NOT human.

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I used to think that Methuselah is an imagination on Will’s mind and agree with your theory 3 but he did not appear in episode 4 and that confused me. 
But after your theory 1 maybe he is Will’s father. I remember ın episode 1 tutorial part (when Will is hanging up in Jackrabbit Plane Hangar, there was a photo frame we can look at and we saw 3 guy-Will,his father and brother?-Maybe Will lost his father tragically and after the crash and trauma, he created Methuselah in his mind like a hallucination of his father.

Beside the theories, ı can accept all your 3 option about him. I just want to learn end of the episode 5.

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I think it's obvious, Methuselah is an alien observer who was sent to the planet to study how human beings handle extreme crisis.  The "aliens" who are watching are doing this as a pre-first contact protocol to gauge our reaction to unknown phenomenon.  If you recall Jace mentioned that she and her "Advisor" were working out of a nearby observatory and had some arcane knowledge regarding the "event."    Although she never fully elaborated on what that knowledge was, she intimated that she knew what was responsible from their research at the observatory.   What better way to accidently discover the presence of an alien spacecraft entering our solar system than using a deep space observatory equiped with a massive telescopic and a slew of other electronic instruments.  Even with the subsequent power interruption, the telescope could still be used manually to observe the spacecraft.  

or, Jace is actually Methuselah and the alien's technology is so advanced that they can change their appearance using advanced shape shifting technology or a
holographic cloaking device.

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  • 4 weeks later...

He might be a hallucination of Will but at the same time when I first heard of the Forest Talkers and from how Methuselah talks about the balance of nature I felt he was a member of the Forest Talkers and he was one of the first representative appearances of one. No doubt the Forest Talkers are very adept in living in the conditions of the winter apocalypse. It also seems like he's been in this same apocalypse before and is witnessing it again.

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  • 2 months later...

Interesting theories. I gravitate towards him being either Will's imagination to keep him sane through the trauma and him being Will's spirit protector/knowledge giver to help him through the crisis.

Whatever he was, his absence in E4 was felt. I hope the devs have him in E5. I felt he was an important character in the Story mode. 

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He must have been a mountaineer in his early life because in the last encounter with him in episode 1, how on earth did he get down there lol. The rope was not deployed yet. 

I simply think he's an old citizen of Great Bear who knows a lot about the environment and what's happening, and he's always watching you. I'm definitely interested to see if we see him in Episode 5. I was fully expecting him in Episode 4 but was surprised to see he was not there. 

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