Evening Mass at the Stone Church


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It was near dusk and from the observation deck of the lighthouse, I noticed light flickering from the old abandoned church.


The light was significantly brighter around dusk and somehow my hopes perked up that I may not be alone.  So I thought I should check it out.



As I approached the darkened entryway I thought I could hear the muted murmur of voices coming from the interior.



The crucifix was alight and the cracked stain glass windows reflected a somber light and the air was pungent with the smell of burning cedar.



The pews appeared to be full of worshippers as I slowly stepped into the sanctum.



There was an oddity about them that sent chills up my spine.  



With growing uneasiness as the hair on my neck began to rise, I fled in panic, but not before glancing in one last time...

I was truly afraid, for now I knew I was not alone....



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@hozz1235  yeah, I looked at various angles to put pants on them but the couldn't get the placement good enough to work viewing from the front.  
So, after getting the balaclavas placed I pondered how to proceed.  Then it struck me, put the boots on the ground and check out the view from behind!

That really seemed to do the trick, don't ya think?  Anyways, glad you were amused!

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1 hour ago, Stone said:

@piddy3825 deliciously creep! The long and really dark dark - well worth the effort.

You know, looking into that church as a Loper... I see men of cloth...

love the pun! 

glad you enjoyed my brief descent into insanity!  
I watched a documentary the other day dealing with isolation and mental health.  Experts say just 15 days of forced solitude can be enough
to cause permanent psychological damage – with effects ranging from anxiety to paranoia to the inability to form coherent thoughts.  
My character has been roaming this island now for over 1000 days.  As ole gramps would say, "that boy is batshit crazy!"

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