Will you continue playing TLD in the Spring/Summer months?


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Obviously one of the greatest things about TLD is the atmosphere and environment, but the downside of this is that I don't have much desire to play a Winter survival game when it's hot and sunny outside. I don't know if it's just me but it doesn't feel right, trying to survive in a tranquil Winter wonderland in the middle of Summer. I'm gonna check out the new content once the next update comes out (which I hope is soon) but after that I'm probably gonna take a break until next October/November. I'm probably try some more tropical survival games like "Stranded Deep" or "The Forest", which both look pretty promising.

I was just wondering if the rest of the community feels the same way? Do you think Hinterland should anticipate a slowdown in sales for the Summer months?

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I have played both mentioned "survival" games, and the fact I am registered here and participating in this community and know nothing about the communities of those games (if those have communities at all), is because of Hinterland, and not TLD only.

I suggest you to check out the dev team and what they represent in the gaming history to get a clearer view on what you may expect from them (from TLD) in the future. (EDIT: yes, the story mode is planned to have 4 seasons, not only winter)

The tone of the game is so perfect, that it will stay in focus in other seasons too, because that is what makes this game successful, but the main point here that you have a chance to be a part of the early times of an extraordinary team.

Specifically about TLD: this will be much more than what it is right now, you will be back playing TLD after you got bored of the mentioned games because of a simple reason.

You gonna miss thinking.

We will be here, see ya later :D

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Will you continue playing TLD in the Spring/Summer months?

Certainly yes, I just won't open the window any more for increased 4D realism! :D

(I don't mind playing winter games in summer at all. In fact, I even like it.

It's some nice contrast to your everyday life.^^)

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We just rolled out of summer here and I couldn't have cared less to be honest. In saying that if it's hot and sunny outside you should be experiencing the outdoors for realsies (unless this is not possible for personal reasons)

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I don't think it should matter what the season is because this it's such an immersive game. I'm from a country that has no seasons. It's summer all year long here, well, we do get the rainy season in December-February usually so that's like our winter :D One of the reasons I got this game was because it was set in winter, since I never experienced it, this is as close as I've got (well, we have Snow City here, but that doesn't count). So yeah, I'll play it all year long.

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I really like to play winter themed games in a summer and watch document about arctic, alaska etc. and tropical themed in winter :D I have Stranded Deep, it is more than promising, wreck spotting and diving after i found binoculars is the part i love most, there is performance issues and lack of content still tho...However, would recommend it. I found the horror theme of The Forest to be bit turn off for me, since i am a total whimp :P Seems to have very nice dark atmosphere instead of jump scares.

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I really like the idea but dont you think it will become too easily? You dont have to worry about cold anymore, dont have to melt water, fishing all day long without have to chopping firewood for heat,...

But i so want to have some fan art or mod about summer in there maps.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Obviously one of the greatest things about TLD is the atmosphere and environment, but the downside of this is that I don't have much desire to play a Winter survival game when it's hot and sunny outside. I don't know if it's just me but it doesn't feel right, trying to survive in a tranquil Winter wonderland in the middle of Summer. I'm gonna check out the new content once the next update comes out (which I hope is soon) but after that I'm probably gonna take a break until next October/November. I'm probably try some more tropical survival games like "Stranded Deep" or "The Forest", which both look pretty promising.

I was just wondering if the rest of the community feels the same way? Do you think Hinterland should anticipate a slowdown in sales for the Summer months?

I feel absolutely the same way.. I have no idea if I ll be in the mood to play TLD, especially in Summer. Thinking of it feels weird. I enjoyed it so much in the Winter months and I don't think it will be the same experience while there are sun rays and nice bird sounds entering the apartment. I ll keep updated and probably take advantage of those cool and rainy days.

I guess there is no need for a slowdown. It will be so cool if I didn't play the entire summer and then there is tons of new exciting stuff in the game for when I continue :] Besides there are so many people who play from countries where it's almost always warm -- it wouldn't be fair towards them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think playing in summer could be super interesting.

Like collecting mushrooms and plants, and perhaps using boats.

The summers could be short and have rainy periods, different predators, lack of hunting animals, forest fires etc. It would be nice to camp outside for a change. Let's wait and see, right now they concentrate on winter.

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We have to realize that after the year cycles once, all of the goodies were took for granted are probably going to be long gone. So we are going to be left with whatever we can hunt, gather, scrape and claw out of the environment to last another winter.

While hunting and fishing are still going to be around, we should also be able to gather more wild edibles. Maybe we will have a short planting season of our own. If the devs add a root cellar, we would keep those veggies for the TLD waiting around the corner. If the devs added a smoker or drying racks, we could smoke, dry and cure our meat... again for the pending season. We could stock up on wood in the summer (probably need 4 to 8 cords), so we don't have to forage for it during the cold winter. We could try to fashion a few cisterns out of barrels to collect the rain water, so we can store potable water.

Most of us have lost touch with what it takes to survive season after season, year after year. Lets just hope the devs give us the tools so our character can attempt it. From what I have seen so far, I have no doubt they will. :)

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Actual outdoor conditions in real life have no bearing on entering the virtual reality and environment of a video game. Likewise when I get hungry in the game, I don't feel the desire to leave my computer and eat something at home. If I encounter a snowstorm in the game, I have no inclination to grab a blanket and wrap it around myself as I sit in front of my PC. Hopefully the Game will not try to conform to other people's ideas about what the seasons should be or change to based upon their individual geographic location. Regardless of what is happening outside my home, the game is a place I go to and expect it to be what and where it is.

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I think the developer has infinite options and summers need not be at all like people expect. A typical summer anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere is quite boring in that almost anyone can survive quite easily. But they could decide that summer should be rather short, cold, wet, stormy, or hot and arid. Whatever fits best. I don't know what the game will be like but I'm sure we are going to do more than eat raspberies and swim in the lake until summer ends.

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