Too Many Wolves


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On 6/17/2024 at 1:34 PM, Semple Fi said:

The torches and flares are not deterring them, they still attack.  Not much fun.

They will be more prone to attack if you're overburdened, exhausted, or you're carrying meat or guts.  If you're in good shape and not smelly, the flare should be an effective deterrent.

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I think seasoned players know this, but some might not know, so here is my trick.


Lit torch or flare will keep them at bay, but they can still decide to charge the player anyway. However, placing down a campfire will effectively create a ring that they will not enter. This applies to wolves and timberwolves both. As long as the campfire is at least in embers, it works! Also, when one is "preparing" a campfire, it is also already placed, so the wolves will stand there around it and keep waiting. Even if the campfire is failed, it still deters them from entering till it is failed, so if one is fast enough, and fails in placing it the first time, you can place it again and still prevent wolves from charging.

Now, the more advanced solution. This works well on both wolves and timberwolves, too. In fact, it is far more effective then even the noisemakers! But, I think it might also be a bit of a bug, so dont use this unless you want to make dealing with wolves riddiculously easy.

Once you light the campfire and have a safe "ring", whip out a lit torch or flare, and toss it onto the wolf. Now, just the act of tossing can scare the wolf, but might not. BUT, if you manage to make the lit torch fall on top of the wolf, it is quaranteed to work. I believe it is because the burning torches/flares can cause condition/clothing damage if walked on. Funnily enough, this completely OBLIGHTERATES Timberwolf morale. Between 1-3 lit torches thrown on top of a timberwolf is enough to scare off the biggest pack.

I pretty much used these two methods with the torch-chaining and more-less completed the whole episode with all the side missions, too. I dont like dealing with wolves in TLD so im glad this works so well at repelling them. :)

Edit: ah, I see this is a bit older thread. Oh well :)




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