Placing Wood in Campfires per Drag and Drop


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i believe it will be a great quality of life change, if you could place your firewood into campfires per drag and drop.

I usually have huge piles of wood next to my campfire and in my oppinion cooking is much more fun, when you don't have to open the inventory all the time to place wood and meat. I already stoped using cooking pots for this exact reason.

I hope you guys agree and if not tell me why!

Much love,


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It doesn't bother me either way, but then again, I still cook it an pot and, as a result, have to open my inventory anyways.  One drawback, perhaps, would be having to pick up and then place sticks individually would take more time than picking up a bunch by rapidly clicking on the bunch on the floor and then dropping them onto the fire by rapidly clicking in the inventory.  What I really wish is they'd allow us to somehow "bundle" sticks into 5- or 10-stick packets that can be picked up and, in this case, placed all at once.  That would save a lot of carpel tunnel.

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Sticks automatically getting bundled into fives when dropping more than 5 at a time would be awesome. Dumping 15 sticks on the ground and then realizing there's one item underneath that you can't pick up without picking up most of the sticks is so annoying...

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I love the idea!  It is simple, it makes sense, it definitely adds to the immersion! Of course one can go through the HUD, but its nicer if you dont have to. I believe that a common player of TLD will drop a campfire down through quickbutton, use radial menu to slap a pot or recycled can on one of the cooking spots, but if you want to add add more firewood, you have to go through the process of adding it via HUD. It is not uncommon to drop stuff by the campfire to pick it up later to lose some weight for easier mobility around the campfire, or it just might be a place where you drop off the excessive things you dont really want to haul with you the whole way, but you found them in an unopportunistic place and decided to grab them with you to leave them in a more accessible area. 

It is also a very good idea to set up outposts around well traveled routes where you would leave extra wood behind in case its needed later, or when you need to spend the night there. Being able to put more wood on campfire by moving the "fuel" object on top of campfire is just amazing. 


22 hours ago, lordcirth said:

Sticks automatically getting bundled into fives when dropping more than 5 at a time would be awesome. Dumping 15 sticks on the ground and then realizing there's one item underneath that you can't pick up without picking up most of the sticks is so annoying...

Ive made a suggestion that would solve this pretty easily, one that actually makes a use of how some items already act in the game. Sticks could act the same way bullets or medicine would - in a sense that if there is a same item of the type and condition on the ground already, it adds the newly dropped item into a stack there. Say you drop a bullet onto a ground. And then another - it puts then to "bullet x2". With medicine or matches, it just says the item name - Painkillers, box of matches - doesnt even say how much. If you drop 2 or more bullets at the same time, it will even create a box of bullets on the ground (if it was already a box of bullets in your inventory in the first place).

So sticks could work the same way. Dropping one, and another on top would just add Stick x2. Dropping 5 sticks or more could create a "pile of sticks" on the ground the same way box of bullets work. It would be immersive, it would ease down on the excessive clicking and would just be a great quality of life change.

If Hinterland wanted to go far and beyond, they could design a different "skin" for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5+ stick piles. With the design changing to one of the 5 different sets based on how many sticks are in that pile. This could then make sticks appear in the world in different piles of different amounts, which would I believe actually make foraging for sticks more interesting - because at this point, it is very easy to determine whether the item in the far away is a stick of something else. More of a variety to the designs there could make that determination a lot harder. If say a group of 3 sticks appeared from far away similarly to a branch, for instance. Just some further food for  thought.

Anyways, this was a well-deserved upvote, OP :) :coffee:

Edited by Mroz4k
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