Harvesting clothing warning


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So my ADHD brain was chatting on stream and then I realised I'd automatically clicked Harvest instead of Repair on clothes I was wearing.

After much facepalming I came here to see if we could maybe have a warning on this, like we have a warning on burning books we've not read yet.

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Having a warning to harvest cloths may be both good and bad. You don't want additional confirmation nagging you every time you want to harvest clothes because game would have no idea which clothes you wanted to wear or which ones were of no use to you. It would be like, delete file, ok, are you sure, ok.

Having confirmation for harvesting clothes that are on you are a great idea though, or perhaps even not having ability to harvest them if your wearing them, like @odizzido mentioned!

We already do have confirmations for eating raw meats and I think those are great because it is all too easy to accidentally eat raw meat(not in real life🤭)

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Could you imagine in real life. You're out in the cold ripping up a couple shirts you found to patch up your jacket and then you shred your jacket up too. That you're wearing. On purpose. Only after do you go oh crap. It's almost impossible.

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A warning about harvesting any clothes seems a bit to "guardian angel" like for the game. 

A limitation that clothing items that were equipped cannot be mended or harvested seems more practical and in keeping with the "let the players do what they want and suffer the consequences for the decision" aspect of the game.  It won't get unnecessarily in the way of harvesting clothing and would be more transparent, once players understand the change in the mechanic.  That's about as far as the game might go for I vaguely recall seeing players (on videos) occasionally harvesting items that they wanted to keep and that were not equipped because they were not paying attention to what they were doing.  The game's protecting players from themselves should only go so far.

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I would not want the warning. You end up shredding so much clothing found in the world just for the cloth. That said, warning for shredding clothes that one is wearing sounds like a great idea. Another way this could work is if one could just interrupt the shredding process in time to save the piece of clothing. Or, honestly, both.

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Agreed. No warning but inability or notification regarding cloths you’re wearing. I mean, after a while I can imagine losing your wits to the point this might happen, but seems illogical.

Although, the thought of the player hulking out and tearing their shirt off and then adding a comment of “why did I just do that?” does seem like a good time.

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Being given a warning when you're trying to shred clothing that you are wearing would be incredibly helpful and not at all annoying on too "in your face" or anything. Also, as @Mroz4k mentioned, the ability to stop the shredding process could also perhaps be useful.

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The harvesting process can be stopped by hitting ESC or the Cancel button anytime before the process reached completion.  It leaves the item untouched.  Perhaps one of the times when having to get to task completion to get the result of the task was beneficial in case of mistakes. 

I tried it out to make sure since I did put out incorrect information and, after repeated "harvestings" that I aborted before completion the ragged scarf I was using, as test subject, was intact. 

It might be nice if the the item being harvested was visible while the process arrow goes around.  After all, the character would be able to see what was being harvested. 

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