Add Wolf Eating Sounds After Failed Wolf Struggle


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I've noticed that after dying in the game to a wolf, they have the AUDACITY to do nothing but prowl around and repeatedly howl after killing my character. It would be respectful if hinterland could add sounds indicating the wolf is enjoying my corpse as a meal, indicating that at least one of us will be satiated. Otherwise, hunting me down just for the sport of it is honestly kind of a dick move.

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12 hours ago, Stinky socks said:

Agreed! Switching to third person view would be phenomenal! You can watch wolves eat rabbit and deer; why not dead player? It would make for one satisfying ending:)

Reward, for failing the game? Also, it would mean that the player would actually have to have a model as well... right now, we dont :D 

16 hours ago, darkscaryforest said:

I've noticed that after dying in the game to a wolf, they have the AUDACITY to do nothing but prowl around and repeatedly howl after killing my character. It would be respectful if hinterland could add sounds indicating the wolf is enjoying my corpse as a meal, indicating that at least one of us will be satiated. Otherwise, hunting me down just for the sport of it is honestly kind of a dick move.

Not sure I agree. It is a bit morbid, and that might be an issue. It could affect the game´s rating. Right now it is rated for teens, this would probably push it towards Mature audience, which I doubt Hinterland wants. In fact, from what I remember Ralph said, they were hoping for rating for younger people. 

But, I guess the game is pretty brutal at times as well. Lets just think of all the rabbits ever caught by a stone... maybe I am wrong and it wouldnt change a thing. In that case, I dont mind it :D

There is a thing to consider here about the wolf behavior and attacks.

Predatory animals dont always just attack when they are hungry. There are different types of an animal attack, the way I understand it - predatory and defensive/offensive types of attack. Predatory is what you would expect - the animal attacks its prey because it is trying to eat it. Even then, it usually does not just "dig in" - they are most likely going to check the area first before taking a bite. 

The defensive/offensive/explorary type of attack is a result of instinctual attack on the person by the wolf who appears to be defending themselves, who are cornered, protecting their pack or their young, who are curious and attack to test the defense of its target, etc... it is said that animals, who kill their target in this manner of an attack, most of the times will not eat it afterwards. There is also a marked difference between how the attack happens - predatory attack, it is the intent of the predator to kill its prey. They bite into the soft tissue with intent to cause massive bleeding and kill the prey quickly. During defensive attack, the idea is to hurt the target instead. They dont aim for cartery, for neck. They bite extremedies instead, because they are easier to reach, and the idea is to discourage the target from attack, or to test its defense instead.

Obviously, wolves attack deer and rabbits for predatory reasons. But human is much bigger then they are - it is plausible that attack on a player by a wolf is motivated by defensive, offensive or just curious behaviour. In this manner, the wolf struggles are survivable, and actually make a lot of sense with the way things work in TLD. If the wolf did attack the player in order to kill them, the struggle would be more fatal. They would push the player to the ground, then go after their neck immidiately after. 

Different sources divide wolf attacks to even more sub-sections. It is actually quite an interesting topic. If anyone is interested, there is a wikipedia page on wolf attacks.

Edited by Mroz4k
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I think if the same sounds of a wolf eating a rabbit/deer were repeated to when a player died, then the game's rating wouldn't be affected

But I agree. Wolves in TLD don't attack the player because they're hungry, but out of territorial instinct or feeling threatened etc. Note how if a player loses a wolf struggle, the wolf walks away. It wouldnt walk away if it attacked out of a meal. So my final answer would be that this wouldn't fit with the theme

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7 hours ago, TheKnightIsDark said:

I think if the same sounds of a wolf eating a rabbit/deer were repeated to when a player died, then the game's rating wouldn't be affected

Possibly. Then again it is a different thing context-wide. However, I think you are right in a sense it wouldnt impact the game rating. There are some pretty grim moments in the game, worse then this would be. 

8 hours ago, TheKnightIsDark said:

Note how if a player loses a wolf struggle, the wolf walks away. It wouldnt walk away if it attacked out of a meal.

That is an excellent point. You get an upvote for that one :D 

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20 hours ago, TheKnightIsDark said:

I think if the same sounds of a wolf eating a rabbit/deer were repeated to when a player died, then the game's rating wouldn't be affected

But I agree. Wolves in TLD don't attack the player because they're hungry, but out of territorial instinct or feeling threatened etc. Note how if a player loses a wolf struggle, the wolf walks away. It wouldnt walk away if it attacked out of a meal. So my final answer would be that this wouldn't fit with the theme

Yeah, take a look at the frozen corpses in-game. None of them look like they were eaten by wolves.

Bears and moose attacks are almost certainly territorial, for the same reason.

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Speaking of horror movies, I was traveling to my next region at night during an aurora because I couldn't make desired time and I saw a wolf with glowing eyes. Haven't seen one yet because I like to travel during day and that growl and those eyes and that aurora music, now THAT IS TERRIFYING!!😬😵Thank you Hinterland!

Also I had to pass through bear territory. Do you know how high i jumped when my dog growled at the toy behind me as I was sitting in a chair all tense? 

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