The Map we’ve been waiting for!!!

Sir Loin1557

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It is Christmas time and I am thankful for the new map, but I’m a dreamer and there is something in a map I feel is missing and I would like in my wishlist for the next addition. I should preface this by saying I am fan of this game and believe it does not get enough attention and should be recognized as such a complex and beautiful game.


Preferably not another dead end map, I think I can speak for many others. But the general theme would be a somewhat small abandoned (perhaps off-season) ski resort.


Included would be a cafeteria/restaurant with a locked fridge/freezer to be opened for good food supply. A managers office with a top tier random item “Lost & found” box, which can only be accessed during aurora (much like the cannery). Swiss Chalet cabins around the resort with great scenic views.


Of course there would have to be a ski lift to take you up a huge mountain side ( which runs during aurora), the downside is a pack of wolves awaits underneath the loft and patrols the mountain side. If not wolves perhaps another dangerous animal.


On top of the mountain is the ski patrol lodge, featuring an extensive first aid kit and some good quality items. Of course you can walk your way to the top of the mountain, however you’d have to navigate your way through a series of cross country skiing and dog sledding trails.


Spread around the resort would be some more guest rooms, a gift shop/ ski rental area, a lake and river with ice fishing possibilities, ice skating rink, luge course???


Just some ideas, what would make a ski resort a great addition to the Long Dark? I’m not 100% sure, but I think it’s fits the theme of the cold and would be Great Bear Islands tourist spot. What would the resort also need? Let me know, I want to hear from all the creative people!

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I like the idea for what it is. I’m not sure how to add it to Great Bear without it feeling “off”.  What I mean is, the resort would be huge, but Great Bear is supposed to be in decline, with no real economic opportunities for the denizens.  Do you have any ideas for how to square the two?  Unfortunately, I’ve got nothing.

Edited by Derek0311
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It doesn’t need to be massive or Grand or high tech by any means. A ski resort Long Dark style, run down, empty cupboards, wolves lurking outside, beautiful sights, and surprises everywhere. Ski Resort Tourism, a part of Great Bear no one would expect from the condition it is currently.

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There are still a few "small town" ski hills in Alberta that I think would be on a scale appropriate for Great Bear.  Forty years ago, many of these hills had just a single rope tow (no charis) and a prefab oilfield camp type set of trailers (think of the grouping of trailers at the Hibernia site in DP).  These trailers served as the kitchen (usually run by volunteer parents) and the "lodge'  a row or two of picnic tables.  There were some porta-potties nearby.  Of course, to use a rope tow during an aurora, usable skis would have to be added. 😀

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I have to admit that this idea does intrigue me. A small, abandoned ski-resort would be interesting and point to a time before the economic collapse and such. Maybe there'd be some lore scattered around as to why it came to be the state it is, similar to Ash Canyon's mine. 

I am not sure how it would be implemented, but if it is only a small scale, old resort like the one @UpUpAway95 mentioned, it would be a feature that I would definitely check out. 

What would you expect the difficulty to be? I'm just curious. Judging by the multiple wolf zones, I would maybe put it in the intermediate or advanced category. 

Though I dislike the idea of usable ski-lifts, everything else seems interesting and a pretty good idea.

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Difficulty would be intermittent to advanced because of the possible loot scattered throughout. I think it would be an aspect of Great Bear we haven’t seen yet with plenty of options toy around with. The ski lift would only be usable and provide a shortcut option, no other perks about it. If you have an ideas toward this I’m interested. This is something I’ve thought of which I had hoped Ash Canyon had but just another mine area.

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