Need your updated experiences searching for bear carcass and lost arrows


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Early game bear hunt, asking for your experiences in where bears go to die.

While looting the hunter blind at No Name Pond, the old bear walked from the bear cave moving directly towards the blind. Being only day 30 of a new “vanilla” Stalker run, my character was rested and drawing the survival bow produced a nice, steady white-dot reticle which fell centered on the bear’s brow line.

I released the arrow and time slowed; the arrow arched slightly and struck the old bear directly in the face. The bear turned away and ran at full speed up the snow-covered hill and I listened as the sound of the bear continued in the direction of the lonely cabin.

I finished looting the No Name Pond area and harvested a deer carcass before following the bear’s trail from the pond to the Lonely Cabin. I was a little surprised to find no sign of the bear and so I cooked the deer meat at the cabin and mapped the area with charcoal…no sign of the bear.

I checked the sundial and as there was too much daylight remaining to waste it, I decided to walk back to my base at Trappers Homestead and eat and sleep there for the night.

I mapped the pond with charcoal and did not find any sign of the bear at the Frozen brook, the pond, nor near the bear cave.

So, warm your coffee and share with me your advice and experience finding bears after a bleed-out kill. This old cooking pot makes too much coffee for me alone and I would appreciate your insights as to where to search in the morning to find the bear carcass and my lost arrow.

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions and help.

Stay safe my friends. :coffee:

Edited by s7mar7in
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6 minutes ago, DarKube said:

If you immediatly pass time while the bear is bleeding, he won't move (it might have been fix tho)

Thank you @DarKube for that idea. My last playthrough I lost a few arrows and a bear carcass at the Clear Cut area. Eventually I did find the arrows on the ground at the edge of the Clear Cut but the game time had been a few days and there were crows and feathers but no bear carcass.

Seems this is a common cost of early game bear hunting with the survival bow.

Stay safe my friend. :coffee:

Edited by s7mar7in
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Update; let me refill your coffee and tell you what was found by tracking the No Name Pond bear.

Set out early in the morning and found no sign of the bear at the pond hunter blind.

No bear at the pond bear den.

Crows at the Lonely Cabin turned out to be a wolf from an earlier struggle.

Searched and mapped the Clear-Cut Area with many wolves but no bear anywhere.

Also, at the deer carcass the game once again “gifted a broken arrow”, (sort of like a “lost and found” area for lost arrows).

Then on my way back from the Clear-Cut I pathed along the rock ledge along the edge of the rabbit grove at the Lonely cabin; (by exiting the Clear-Cut as close as possible to the destroyed lookout trail)…


Found a very loud group of crows which turned out to be my lost bear and my lost arrow.

It seems the pond bear stayed in the area of the pond and the lonely cabin and did not enter the territory of the clear-cut bear.

Stay safe my friends. :coffee:


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Try this next time:

Build a fire in the path of the oncoming bear, then peg him with an arrow.  He should charge the fire, then stop, so peg him again!  He will either fall dead or run off at this point.  If he runs off, follow him!  He probably won’t go far before commencing a dying bear grumble walk, probably back toward you.  Figure out his path and make another fire, then shoot him.  He will be close to death and may just keel over.  But if not, he will stop before your fire and you can shoot him again to finish the job.

bears are way easier now than they used to be before they were afraid of fire.  Moose are now the hard ones.  But there are tricks for those beasts as well. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/13/2020 at 8:30 AM, DarKube said:

If you immediatly pass time while the bear is bleeding, he won't move (it might have been fix tho)

This changed quite some time ago.  They'll run off if you pass time.


On 12/13/2020 at 8:25 AM, s7mar7in said:

share with me your advice and experience finding bears after a bleed-out kill

My standard approach is to find a steep cliff, tree or other obstacle I can shoot from and "escape" if charged.  Either way, the bear runs off.  I will then find some way to pass time in the general area.  3 hours seems to work well, but is not guaranteed bleed-out time.  I will then start by looking in the general direction he ran off to.  Sometimes they can run pretty far but not usually.  Look and Listen for crows.

Edited by hozz1235
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