Thoughts on save scumming


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Out of interest, are there two types of 'save scumming' or just one? In other words, is there a difference between re-naming a save game and copying it to a different folder to be used in case of death etc. (or even exiting out of the game during a wolf or bear attack) and between repeatedly re-loading the same save in order to practice a particular skill? 

Once I realised it was possible, I did the latter in order to practice archery. I just couldn't get the hang of it and decided to practice on rabbits but I only had 3 arrows crafted from scavenged arrow heads. Obviously, any skill acquired during the pre-loads wasn't cumulative, so it didn't really affect the game that much, but I did find it really useful as a way of getting to grips with archery.

On the other hand, I've never save scummed in order to save a character (if they die, they die) or when hunting deer when low on ammo.....

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3 hours ago, past caring said:

Out of interest, are there two types of 'save scumming' or just one? In other words, is there a difference between re-naming a save game and copying it to a different folder to be used in case of death etc. (or even exiting out of the game during a wolf or bear attack) and between repeatedly re-loading the same save in order to practice a particular skill? 

Once I realized it was possible, I did the latter in order to practice archery. I just couldn't get the hang of it and decided to practice on rabbits but I only had 3 arrows crafted from scavenged arrow heads. Obviously, any skill acquired during the pre-loads wasn't cumulative, so it didn't really affect the game that much, but I did find it really useful as a way of getting to grips with archery.

On the other hand, I've never save scummed in order to save a character (if they die, they die) or when hunting deer when low on ammo.....

yeah, technically everything you described is...

as Yoda best said it, "There is no try.  Only do!"  
Think of it this way, if you were IRL and only had three arrows, would you risk breaking one or loosing one by repeatedly shooting it for practice?  And when you say that any skill acquired didn't really affect the game, I'd have to say technically correct in terms your stats in the game didn't change.  But, you as a player however probably improved because of the practice and that will/should/did affect your gameplay.  

But in the end, who cares.  it's your game, play it however you want!

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38 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

 And when you say that any skill acquired didn't really affect the game, I'd have to say technically correct in terms your stats in the game didn't change.  But, you as a player however probably improved because of the practice and that will/should/did affect your gameplay. 

I'm only saying that it isn't cumulative - e.g. if there is a stat buff which increases your chances with the bow and arrow after three successful shots, you don't get that buff if it's one successful shot in three reloads. At the end of the day, players generally improve with every game they play, as a rule.....
In other words, assuming two characters who have both survived, say, 70 days, I would expect the character of the player who has played, say, 2000 hours to be significantly better at archery than that of the player who has played only 150 hours - even though both characters supposedly have the same experience.......

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3 hours ago, past caring said:

... assuming two characters who have both survived, say, 70 days, I would expect the character of the player who has played, say, 2000 hours to be significantly better at archery than that of the player who has played only 150 hours - even though both characters supposedly have the same experience.......

I understand what you trying to say, but nah, you can't just make that assumption.  I say that because your scenario actually mirrors my own IRL experience playing TLD to a certain degree. lol    lemme explain,

I've got over 2000+ hours in the sandbox.  Enjoy the game immensely so I gifted a copy to my 9 year old niece when we all went into covid lockdown.  anyway, she's probably got just about that much time playing experience as you describe, but her innate ability to use the bow is vastly superior to mine.   I've watched in amazement how she can just point and shoot and hit moving targets as if she had a targeting telemetry computer mounted on her bow!  Not to mention the ability to hit down range targets with incredible accuracy.  I've watched her put an arc on an arrow and hit a wolf standing on the road by the coal mine entrance from the parked car in DP by the old stone church. And she does it consistently.  She tells me her hit percentage is in the high 70's.   In contrast, my hit percentage is consistently low 40's.  Firearms on the other hand, not so much.  She says she doesn't like guns... 

At any rate, I get what you're trying to say and in most cases I'd agree.  Like I said in my previous post,  it's your game, play it however you want!  ;)


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On 10/4/2020 at 3:19 AM, manolitode said:

Reading the replies to this post has been a delight. The vast majority acknowledge that, while we all have our opinions, your gaming experience is your own and you do what you like with it. Thank you for  the great quality of this community. 

Hear hear!! ❤️

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Just to throw a two cents in here because i also didnt realise Scumming was a defined thing.

I've done this myself with stupid things, ie. i get all prepped for a big explore/resource grab, head out, walk all day, dodge wolves and bears etc.. Set up camp and..... yep, forgot to pick up my bed roll.

Am i going to try and brave it all the way back, waste all those resources, likley die from exhaustion becuase i forgot to pick up a stupid bedroll? Nope, I'm scumming that shit.

However i can completley see how someone woud think "well this is part of the game", that its all part of the experience, and next time DONT FORGET YOUR BEDROLL!

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1 hour ago, Ecygma said:

Am i going to try and brave it all the way back, waste all those resources, likley die from exhaustion becuase i forgot to pick up a stupid bedroll? Nope, I'm scumming that shit.

ha ha ha, that made me laugh!    Been there, done that!

Mark my words, later on down the line after you've played a while, you're gonna be intentionally leaving your sleeping bag at base camp so there's more of a "challenge" to the game!   

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/1/2020 at 1:07 PM, Sherri said:

.. but for me... I have 3 children, a business, a household to manage....  I just don't have the time for gaming that I did when I was younger or before I had kids.

I'm in a similar situation.  The reward I get from the game is "collecting stuff", managing my inventory, increasing skills, stockpiling supplies - all that makes me feel good and it's what I enjoy most.  Not to say I couldn't go on about all the other aspects of TLD I like (music, art, etc.)

I don't have the time or patience anymore to continually replay the same content.  It would be like playing a story-driven single-player game, dying and having to play the same content again and again.  So, yes, I have save-scummed (as well as modded) and I'm not ashamed of it.  As many have said, it's my money, my time and I'll choose how to maximize my pleasure from that.

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