Question about Birch Bark Tea


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The other day I really got my ass handed to me by a wolf and I would've got him off of me faster but my hand slipped off my mouse and it dropped my condition down to a lovely 23 percent before I finally stabbed him with my knife.

I made birch bark tea and while I have never made it before because I've always used herbal tea to recover condition. I figured I had to sleep anyway so I made the tea, consumed it and went to sleep. Woke up the next morning and my condition really didn't improve at all. Did I do it wrong or does it take more time to recover condition?


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I believe birch bark tea restores something like 5% condition over 2 hours.  I think herbal tea increases energy gain while sleeping and perhaps condition as well by "X" amount/hour over 5 or 6 hours (don't recall which).  So I think you could look at birch bark as more of an in-situ healing option, while herbal tea is better if you are going to be sleeping for the night.  I myself would use bb tea to get myself in better shape for a trip to a bed, or more likely to keep my condition loss at bay if I want to do something I will constantly be losing condition.  Like fishing for days on end without sleeping.  The bb tea will counteract the health loss at exhausted while also gaining some health back.  I see birch bark as more of a tool than a health potion if you will.

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Birch bark tea works during sleep and stacks with herbal tea. But as said it's only a small increase, so it's easy to miss. It doesn't hurt to drink it before sleep, but generally it's more something for during the day. Keep in mind though that your needs need to be met for it to work. If you're starving or freezing you don't gain condition

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Birch Bark indeed does recover a little bit of condition, but it is a very small amount. Also all your stats must be on the white, so you can't be freezing, exhausted, dehydrated or starving in order to gain the tea's passive benefit. This is a sweet bonus in my opinion specially considering it's a renewable food source and grants you hydration and calories on top of the condition recovery. If you are living near the ravine or the birch forest in Pleasant Valley you can get around 2 days worth of calories from birch bark every 5-6 days assuming you have cooking 5 and efficient machine, so it's a neat resource to be collected.

Edited by GarlicPops
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Sweet! Thank you all for your responses. I don't remember if any of my meters were in the red but I did have food poisoning if that keeps the tea from working. And I had figured it was similar to herbal tea as it's a restorative drink, only I didn't have herbal tea on me (dammit I knew I shouldn't of left it at the trappers homestead :D )

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Food poisoning doesn't prevent BB tea from working as far as I know, but food poisoning does an insane amount of damage very quickly and will easily overpower the tea. It's like pouring a cup of water on a blazing house fire....yeah, it kinda helped put the fire out a tiny amount but not anywhere near enough to do anything.

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16 hours ago, PrincessAutumn said:

I did have food poisoning

Well in that case you wouldn't have seen the expected health regeneration regardless of which tea you drank.   Assuming you treated it before sleeping, I think the best you can do with food poisoning is maintain condition until the poisoning is healed.  The bb tea may have given you 5% but that would be all.

Edited by haft2doit
The herbal tea would probably still have been more effective combined with poisoning
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Birch Bark tea helps recover condition over a 2 hour period. I can't speak to how much and whether the recovery rate differs from difficulty to difficulty rate, but I can safely say in my current sandbox, which is custom tuned for slowest possible condition recovery, one birch bark tea recovers *about* 5% total condition every serving, over the course of two hours.

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Before BBTea, a bunch of us were asking Hinterland for an abuntant hot drink option to take advantage of the warming up heat bonus more often. It seemed silly that you had to use a key resource like rose hips or mushrooms without the option to just drink some hot water from a can. BBT appears to be their answer - abundant but not free, with a modest recovery bonus to boot. Thanks Hinterland

But it gets better. If that 4 degree warming bonus keeps you from freezing then its two hour duration saves you 8% condition. More likely the bonus slows down how quick you hit freezing. How much you ask? It's tricky, heat lost changes exponentially with feels-like temperature. Plus the difficulty modes have different rules. But it's safe to say BBTea warmth buys you more time before freezing so it's condition bonus goes beyond just the recovery (when its cold out!) 

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