Could this work in TLD?

Guest kristaok

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Guest kristaok

I've been playing another Survival Game lately (don't worry I still LOVE & play TLD), in that game you have a Protein, Fats, & Carbs Meter... well I'm wondering if that could work in TLD? I think it would be awesome! but that's just me... See the Proteins & Fats can come from Bears, Moose, Deer, and perhaps Wolves. Rabbits are lean so they wouldn't contain much if any Fats at all. Anyway you could get your Carbs from eating Rosehips, and yes I know currently Rosehips won't regrow... BUT! I think they should! I mean I am not a Rosehip expert or anything... We could also get Carbs from the Reishi Mushrooms, they can be regrowable as well since Mushrooms well... regrow! XD 

Of course Proteins can also come from Canned Goods, same with Fats, and Carbs, even though those things eventually run out.

Also I wonder if even though there's snow everywhere certain things could be grown in Makeshift Planter Boxes??? Idk maybe I am full of it here... Someone please give me a fresh perspective, thanks!

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Guest jeffpeng

Well I've played Green Hell quite a bit, and honestly, I found the need for dietary diversity pretty fascinating at first, too. But I must admit that it can get tiresome after a while when, for example, you simply fail to secure enough fats from nuts, but you are drowning in bananas (-> carbs).... you are seriously hampered. It's realistic, and Green Hell in particular is much more forgiving since you can basically just run around and eat the jungle, but I can see this requiring quite the rework of the entire food mechanics in TLD. So, yeah, I'm kinda on the fence (as so often ... :D ). It's some awesome depth you can add to the game this way, it's clearly realistic, but it also adds a lot of complexity and will probably take a few iterations to get TLD back to a balanced state.

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On 3/12/2020 at 12:36 AM, kristaok said:

in that game you have a Protein, Fats, & Carbs Meter...

That (macronutrient management) about as realistic as I think I'd be willing to go.  There was one game I saw, I forget what it was but it had you managing MICROnutrients. had to manage your individual vitamin levels.  Whoops, your Vitamin K is too low, now you bleed like a stuck pig.  Too much vitamin D though, hope ya like kidney stones.  I remember my first thought was "What's next, a 'file your taxes' simulator?" lol

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I've mentioned this is another thread, so I'll just echo it here.

On 3/3/2020 at 5:43 AM, ManicManiac said:

I just don't think it would fun to have to deal with this sort of micromanaging in this game.  I don't think I would enjoy a "diet simulator" anymore than I could enjoy a "depression simulator" or a "campfire simulator." 

On 11/10/2019 at 11:46 PM, ManicManiac said:

I feel there comes a point where there is only so much micromanaging that can be done before it stops being fun and starts just feeling like a slog...


On 12/5/2019 at 7:26 PM, ManicManiac said:

I just don't think something like this would be any fun, and cross over into the territory of being on the level micromanaging that I don't really enjoy in games that I play.



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Guest kristaok

@ManicManiac Have you ever played Green Hell??? It's not really that hard to micromange those simple factors; Proteins, Fats, Carbs, and Water. If you haven't tried it give it a go sometime, you will see it's actually pretty fun / realistic like. It's also not that hard to micromanage it all. Of course some things would need reworked a bit to get it good and ready for TLD, but I do think it could work. 

Another thing I really enjoyed in GH is Plant Cultivation, perhaps that could work in TLD? You could grow Rosehips and Reiki Mushrooms for your Carbs.  Meat and Fat will obviusly come from certain Animals like; Bear, Moose, Dear, and a little bit from Wolves and Fish, the Rabbits wouldn't give much.


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No, I've not played Green Hell... but I have seen enough game play footage to have a reasonably good idea of how they chose to implement it.  However, my consideration of the idea is made solely from the perspective of TLD's mechanics and systems, and I rather like the decisions they've made (they being Hinterland).

As for plant cultivation... I'd imagine that would be rather difficult.  Most plants are dormant in the cold seasons, so I'm not sure how much I'd like to be able to "grow things" given the circumstances.  Considering the deep cold, I'd say it's reasonable that we can't farm or that wild plants don't "re-swpawn."  I like that aspect because it makes it important to be careful how we use the limited resources we find/forage. 


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Guest kristaok

@ManicManiac I know it's cold, but Reikis and Rosehips can surely grow, and perhaps there are other Winter hardy Crops... for instance Potatoes! There has to be something.

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Guest kristaok
36 minutes ago, mayimbe said:

 Well, if there are winter crops, wheat, barley,  are crops that perfectly survive in winter, so it would not be a bad idea to plant crops.

Thank you - gracias

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Guest jeffpeng
11 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

"What's next, a 'file your taxes' simulator?"

"Experience crash landing in a foreign, hostile wildlife with nothing but yourself to rely on. There are countless threats you have to face: the elements, starvations, vicious predators and worst of all: The IRS." 🤣

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Guest kristaok

I definitely know they're their own thing, but that doesn't mean that ideas can't be received between the two. 

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