Cured Leather


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I am going to run out of cured leather. And yet if I were to fashion a Moose Hide Satchel then harvest it I would get one leather… Which would be a mad thing to do. What I would like to be able to do instead is harvest the cured moose hide for like 4–8 cured leather.

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If you have really exhausted all Great Bear of cured leather... your best bet is going to be to go beach combing.  You can find shoes/boots, leather gloves, or even actual cured leather this way.  If you've just run out of whatever supply of leather you happened to have, I'd suggest heading out to other regions to gather up some more.

In either case, I don't think making cured leather so easily renewable is the right answer.


9 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

[part of what I like about this game] comes from having to wisely manage our limited resources.


On 9/16/2019 at 3:23 AM, ManicManiac said:

I'm generally not in favor of adding things that make life easier for our survivor... as what I love most about it is the struggle (most of my other posts can attest to this :)).


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It's a relative statement, I know... but hunting a moose is not all that hard.  It's fairly easy to stalk one and land hits outside their detection range... meaning they just flee.  All the hunter has to do is rinse and repeat. 

Besides, if we can just craft more cured leather... I think it would take away the value of cured leather in the game over all.  I think it's good that you have really think about how and when we use what we have.  I also like the fact that you can already get a renewable source from beach combing - the best part being that you can't always count on it. 

This makes every piece of cured leather we have precious and important.  The end result... we just need to pay more attention to how we use our limited resources.  This is what I was getting at in the first place - that's why I like it as it is,  and I disagree with your suggestion.

I mean you no ill will, I just don't agree with the idea you put forth.  :)

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Well, I'm not really out to be disagreeable just for the sake of it... but it seems I do have a different perspective from a lot of folks when it comes to how I see this game.


On 12/21/2019 at 6:21 AM, ManicManiac said:

I do feel (that at least to some degree) I can understand and appreciate the choices that Hinterland has made with their game... and I think a voice expressing that is not harmful.

[text removed for brevity]

I don't condemn other opinions, I just don't always agree with them because I try to understand and appreciate why Hinterland makes the choices they do.  To me, player choice is more powerful at adjusting the experience than wanting to change the game itself.


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Everyone plays TLD for different reasons and enjoys different aspects. It is difficult for Hinterland to make a game that ticks everyone’s boxes. I only suggest things that would make the game more engaging for me, fully acknowledging that those things may not also work for everyone. As it is they have made a game customizable enough and with enough variety that it has a broad audience with widely differing interests in TLD. Bravo Hinterland.

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Rare resources are rare. This is by design and definitely part of gameplay balance.

However, can I ask the situation you've encountered that's caused you to run out of cured leather? There's typically an abundance of this resource scattered across the maps. Harvesting spare shoes and driving gloves should give you dozens of pieces, more than enough to keep your few best items well repaired. Unless you're trying to repair every single item you find to 100%, you shouldn't run out of this resource for hundreds, if not thousands, of game days.

I guess I don't really understand the game situation that would require a change to the current game.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/20/2020 at 4:47 AM, Jimmy said:

Rare resources are rare. This is by design and definitely part of gameplay balance.

However, can I ask the situation you've encountered that's caused you to run out of cured leather? There's typically an abundance of this resource scattered across the maps. Harvesting spare shoes and driving gloves should give you dozens of pieces, more than enough to keep your few best items well repaired. Unless you're trying to repair every single item you find to 100%, you shouldn't run out of this resource for hundreds, if not thousands, of game days.

I guess I don't really understand the game situation that would require a change to the current game.

I have quite a bit of leather in Pleasant Valley I have discovered. But probably less than 20. RNG I guess. I was in Broken Railroad when a wolf attack damaged gauntlets and moose-hide satchel. It suddenly occurred to me that I could repair one or the other. I traveled through to Mystery Lake and had like three leather there. So I put aside the gauntlets and made rabbit gloves. I am also now a rabid moose hunter so can make more satchels and neglect repair of them. I have also been trying to keep my gear over 90%. But perhaps I need to lower expectations to 80%.

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On 3/4/2020 at 3:26 PM, dahemac said:

I have also been trying to keep my gear over 90%. But perhaps I need to lower expectations to 80%.

If you go to the fandom wiki, you can find out how much you can repair items when you repair them (example when you repair a wool toque you can repair up to 90% in total IIRC), and then tailor your repairs to that number so that you're not "wasting" your raw materials. Now obvs there are times when you should NOT do that, but by and large you definitely don't want to blow tons of cloth repairing a toque from 90 to 100; I'd say you want to wait until it's down to at least fifty or even more.

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I've never not had enough cured leather.

Personally, what I do, is harvest lower tier clothing items (some will give you cured leather) and repair the ones worth sacrificing precious materials. I also store my crafting materials in a file cabinet at my bases. File cabinets as storage are an excellent way to keep track of all the different items and crafting materials in a compartmentalized and organized way. 

It's helped me stay on top of what tools & materials I have at every base in the main maps. Hope it helps you.

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Guest jeffpeng

Well .... there are adequate replacements for all items that require leather to be repaired. Replace your gauntlets with rabbit skin mitts, boots .... deer skin boots. And the satchel .... well that one is made from non-leather items already. And it's not like the renewable options are really any worse than what you could replace with them.

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On 3/5/2020 at 8:50 PM, stratvox said:

If you go to the fandom wiki, you can . . . .

While think that fandom can be very informative, that information takes away much of the challenge.  One of the great aspects of the game, for some people, is having to work it all out for yourself.

Same with the maps.  Those maps, I forget the name of they guy who did them, are very, very good, but it takes the unknown, the excitement, the fear and suspense out of the game.

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