Throwing Weapons


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Sometimes I'm carrying extra knives, hammer and hatchets. Then it occurred to me. What if I could just throw some of them? They would do as much damage than an arrow and would be like a final desperation attack or when you don't have a gun. Would be pretty badass too. Throwing a hatchet like a tomahawk on a bear's head and scaring it away. You lose the weapon you threw but can pick it up again if you missed or pull it out of the animal if it lodged on it.

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8 hours ago, desertedone said:

Sometimes I'm carrying extra knives, hammer and hatchets. Then it occurred to me. What if I could just throw some of them? They would do as much damage than an arrow and would be like a final desperation attack or when you don't have a gun. Would be pretty badass too. Throwing a hatchet like a tomahawk on a bear's head and scaring it away. You lose the weapon you threw but can pick it up again if you missed or pull it out of the animal if it lodged on it.

Im not exactly against this, would give you an upper hand on an incoming target and you don't have a projectile weapon, but I don't think the devs would include a tomahawk. Maybe a mini spear? Multiple choice crafting for birch saplings? 

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I'd love to be able to throw a hatchet if only to be able to toss it over the ledge before taking a rope (just as we can do with torches).  The hatchets have some weight and, sometimes, it's the difference between being able to climb the rope and not.  As to the damage it would do... that's "hit and miss."  There is a definite technique to throwing one so that it sticks... even into a stationary target.  If they do implement it, I think the chances of scoring a hit should be relatively low.

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10 hours ago, desertedone said:

Sometimes I'm carrying extra knives, hammer and hatchets. Then it occurred to me. What if I could just throw some of them? They would do as much damage than an arrow and would be like a final desperation attack or when you don't have a gun. Would be pretty badass too. Throwing a hatchet like a tomahawk on a bear's head and scaring it away. You lose the weapon you threw but can pick it up again if you missed or pull it out of the animal if it lodged on it.

That's a nice idea, it would add an interesting risk/reward element to wildlife fights. Throwing your empty revolver at a moose might be your last chance to get away but you wouldn't want a wolf to skedaddle with the only improvised knife you own still stuck in his pelt. There's a balanced implementation of throwing axes/spears/younameit in a game like far cry primal and it seems to work veyr well for that game.  

@UpUpAway95 already found a possible exploit. I too would be throwing my tools off rope ledges. And summits and Towers, through that unaccessible broken window at the carter dam frontyard :) 

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9 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

I'd love to be able to throw a hatchet if only to be able to toss it over the ledge before taking a rope (just as we can do with torches).  The hatchets have some weight and, sometimes, it's the difference between being able to climb the rope and not.  As to the damage it would do... that's "hit and miss."  There is a definite technique to throwing one so that it sticks... even into a stationary target.  If they do implement it, I think the chances of scoring a hit should be relatively low.

I kinda do that already. Its tricky, but if your overweight and want to climb down a rope, you can drop stuff to the ground waaaaaaay at the bottem of the rope. :P 

21 minutes ago, Yusufpaw said:

The knife isn't meant to be thrown like if you where playing CoD, but I certainly agree that we need more throwing weapons, like at least a spear or a tomahawk at most 🙂

Agreed, needs some balancing, but would really make improvised knives much more useful than "just to quarter" with.

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4 minutes ago, wizard03 said:

I kinda do that already. Its tricky, but if your overweight and want to climb down a rope, you can drop stuff to the ground waaaaaaay at the bottem of the rope. :P 

Agreed, needs some balancing, but would really make improvised knives much more useful than "just to quarter" with.

Yeah I've tried that a time or two.  Last time I tried it, I wound up falling a ways down the cliff... unable to climb back up and unable to find a path to shinny on down.  I jumped... dead.  I'd like to be able to actually throw tools the same way we can throw a torch.

Edited by UpUpAway95
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This is actually a great idea. I usually find myself with a couple extra hatchets on my hands after looting MT (at least on Voyageur). For something that I don't want to waste bullets on, or even as self defense, last ditch effort. It'd also give me more incentive to find that carcass faster.

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