Wolf spawned underground?


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I just had a wolf bark and growl at me, right behind Mountaineer's Hut (in the valley with the deer carcass). I never saw the wolf, just heard it coming closer (I mean, real close, so I backed away until I could hear that he went off into another direction). The very next day, exactly the same thing happens. Invisible wolf? Bug? Sound hallucination? Will keep on investigating ;)

PS: Interesting that it happened in Timberwolf Mountain for both of us, not exactly the same space, but very close by. 

Edited by melcantspell
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On 12/26/2019 at 3:31 PM, micah6vs8 said:

As far as the clip shown the wolf was very close to you. If you have any doubts about being attacked shoot that flare pistol. A spent round is nothing- melee can ruin your whole day. Aiming it will only cause the wolf aggro. You could have also dropped a quick fire. The wolf would have stopped and growled, but aiming the flare pistol would have caused it to run away.

Of course maybe it was bugged regardless, and whatever you did you have led to tears. Happy Hunting.

Well, I was on stalker and knew I had good clothing/knife, so I really wasn't too concerned even if he did get me, I just thought the whole thing was surreal and decided to see if the wolf could even get me. Guess I had to find out the hard way. XD 



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