That Ahh haa moment that you realize you worst is about to happen


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So i am playing a custom game where I dialed up the wolf spawns to max and set the  sensitivity setting on high as well.  Got a great run going so far day 152 and I am making the jaunt through Forelorn Muskeg  on the way back to Mystery Lake.  As circumstances would have it, I'm just a tad over encumbered and I figure I can always drop gear if I have too in case of emergency.  I leave early in the morning near dawn and so far have managed to avoid a bear as I follow the tracks into the fog....


The power lines appear to just disappear into thin air before I can begin to make out the outline of the power pole.  By the time I close the distance and reach the next pole, the mist suddenly disappears and then my Ahh haa moment hits me....  hard too....


5 fryking wolves...  the two in front almost immediately dialed onto me and it wasn't very long before three of those mofo's had their way with me.  I would have taken a few more pics, but in my furious clicking whilst defending myself, I knocked over my beer and had to abort mission.  wolves 1 survivor 0

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13 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

before three of those mofo's had their way with me.

Good thing they only stalk you one at a time. Very polite wolves with a wait-your-turn-mentality😂

You can just slowly walk away - light a fire and carry on. Or light a fire and watch wolf chaos ensue. 

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7 hours ago, Looper said:

Good thing they only stalk you one at a time. Very polite wolves with a wait-your-turn-mentality😂


Yeah, when I saw the five, I didn't know how many it would take to bring me down, but I knew how many the game was planning on using...  note to self for future encounters, no open containers of liquid on my desk when playing TLD!

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5 hours ago, Willy Pete said:

This is why I always carry at least 1 flare

Actually flare is the worst wolf repellant ever.  Such a trick to pull off with many wolves 😛Just pull out one mighty match and make a fire with 2 sticks. All wolves will wait politely for you to resolve  or run in terror from the firebuilding madness (which goes to say about Wills or Wilmas style).😂

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