wolf fur coat


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The wolf coat increases the chances of a wolf fleeing from you, it doesn't guarantee that they will.  However, the items that increase those chances do stack.  Based on what I've experienced, if you have wolf coat(s), bearskin bedroll, bearskin coat, and moose hide cloak (in any combination) will help maximize the chance of scaring off wolves.  Again though, it's never guaranteed.

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Besides the chance to scare off wolves, it's also pretty warm and offers good protection.  Of course layering two expedition parkas is my usual route, as it offers double the warmth, 50% better wind resistance, and 5% better sprinting for the same weight.  Although the wolf coat does provide 15% defense, coming in third behind only the bear coat and moose cloak.  So that's something to consider if you have problems avoiding wolves.

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Well there are only a scant handful of things that are guaranteed in this this game (other than death)... the rest comes down to chance, and our ability to adapt & play the hand we're dealt.  :) 

Even if you are carrying/wearing all of the game's wolf-repellant items the wolves can still decided to attack you (as the percentage is never going to be 100%)... sure there would be a much greater chance of them running in fright, but it's not a force field. 

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It's nice when it happens, but don't rely on it. It's relatively rare. It can also happen when you want to hunt a wolf.

The coat is a must have on Interloper. But for warmth there are better man made coats in lower difficulties. And protection isn't as important with less lethal wolves

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If you want 100% protection from wolves, consider torches. When you have a lit torch in hand, wolves will halt their charge and pause a few meters away, growling at you instead of pouncing and initiating a struggle. Note that you have to move away from the wolf at this stage. Moving towards it will cause it to attack!

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