Tipi (teepee)


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In survival mode, after 50 days, we can have a lot of animals skin, etc.

It would be great to be able to make a rustic tipi in homeless areas. Compared to the bivouac tent, it would be more solid and allow to make fire inside.


( images for example from https://www.teepeejoy.com/teepee-history/)

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It would be cool to be able to build a shelter that is more useful and longer lasting than a snow shelter. Now, how warm would one of these be without a fire going. How warm would they be in a blizzard sans fire? It can be pretty tough to keep a large enough wood supply to manage a fire overnight for several days if you end up being unable to go out and collect firewood due to weather, dangerous animals, illness, injury, or not having a hatchet.

I ask that because in my voyager survival game I've gotten pretty much stranded inside the garage in Coastal Highway because there has been a blizzard going pretty much non stop (except for in the dead of night both with and without the aurora) and even when things are somewhat clear, I'm having trouble getting past the wolves and am running low on ammo.

Really though, I'm one of those here who are all for more long term survival play.

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I feel like they are rather against being able to make a shelter wherever because it makes the game significantly easier. However, it would be nice to make shelters with supplies in them in strategic locations and have places you know you can come back to. I would really appreciate being able to make a shelter around a campfire so you wouldn't have to worry about the wind while cooking up a bear.

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I do not think they are opposed (who, the developers?). The idea here is have a sustainable shelter, but to build it would require a significant number of skins and wood. This is the case once well in the game (between 50 to 100 days) where many skins become useless.

Easy to survive in a cabin


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We also already have snow shelters and caves.  If we are careful about where we place a campfire wind isn't so much of a problem.

Extra pelts will eventually come in handy when we need to repair our crafted clothing/bedrolls/satchels.  However, if we already feel we have too many, we may be hunting more than we need (but that is a playstyle choice - in which there is no right or wrong answer... it's just a choice).  We could also just opt to take the meat off a carcass if we feel we don't need any more pelts/gut.

While being able to build more types of shelters might seem like it would be a nice touch, I don't see much gameplay value since we have options that address those aspects.  I'm good with our snow shelters, caves, and various other means of shelter (be they manmade or improvised).

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/12/2019 at 2:01 AM, peepercreeper said:

this sounds like a great idea and i think it should be a thing but i dont see how they can create the recipe in a balanced way

This game has too few crafting options.  To balance it, require it to take quite a bit of wood, pelts, gut, and extensive time to construct.  Then make it so it has to be torn down and transported in multiple pieces in order to be moved.  Just give us more options to craft and something to do besides exist in a shack somewhere.  Just isn't much to do late game.  More things to craft is needed and a crafting skill so that you have to become skilled enough to craft something such as a Tipi.

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