Traversing the dam during aurora


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Is there any way at all to traverse to the lower dam during the aurora in survival mode? I know you can get through the lower dam easy enough, but the wires in the upper dam make the lower dam inaccessible during the aurora. The only way to explore the lower dam is if you camp out in the lower dam and just wait for the aurora to show up. Which can take a full week or more and it's really not worth hording food and camping out just to see the dam lit up

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Yes there is a path through the upper dam, but in the hallway it requires a perfectly timed sprint to make it over the wires inbetween sparks.  In my experience it's extremely difficult to time that, and I've only successfully made it across without getting burnt once.  Especially since sometimes you can get "stuck" on the edge of some of that debris on the ground when approaching it from the Mystery Lake side, stopping you from moving forward while you're standing directly on top of a sparking wire. If you absolutely must make the trip...throw caution to the wind, strip off whatever you don't want damaged, and just take it head on.  Treat the burn, or let it heal on its own, and move on. Once you're through that, it is possible to weave between the turbines, take the far stairs up to the catwalk, loop around to the other side, and a mountaineering rope down will lead you down from the catwalk, right next to the lower dam transition.

In Story mode, the lower dam also has a bit of a puzzle section where there is an impassable sparking wire, and you have to find a way to get to the switch to shut it off. And then further on, there's another "time your sprint" moment at the base of a flight of stairs, but that one is more likely to succeed than the one in the hallway in the upper dam.

When I was collecting buffer memories from the lower dam, I just camped out in the cave down by the river behind the dam.  Then go in the back way, check the computer, and break stuff down until the aurora ended, then just walk back to my cave without worrying about the wires.

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1 hour ago, ajb1978 said:

Yes there is a path through the upper dam, but in the hallway it requires a perfectly timed sprint to make it over the wires inbetween sparks.  In my experience it's extremely difficult to time that, and I've only successfully made it across without getting burnt once.  Especially since sometimes you can get "stuck" on the edge of some of that debris on the ground when approaching it from the Mystery Lake side, stopping you from moving forward while you're standing directly on top of a sparking wire. If you absolutely must make the trip...throw caution to the wind, strip off whatever you don't want damaged, and just take it head on.  Treat the burn, or let it heal on its own, and move on. Once you're through that, it is possible to weave between the turbines, take the far stairs up to the catwalk, loop around to the other side, and a mountaineering rope down will lead you down from the catwalk, right next to the lower dam transition.

In Story mode, the lower dam also has a bit of a puzzle section where there is an impassable sparking wire, and you have to find a way to get to the switch to shut it off. And then further on, there's another "time your sprint" moment at the base of a flight of stairs, but that one is more likely to succeed than the one in the hallway in the upper dam.

When I was collecting buffer memories from the lower dam, I just camped out in the cave down by the river behind the dam.  Then go in the back way, check the computer, and break stuff down until the aurora ended, then just walk back to my cave without worrying about the wires.

The only problem with it is that sometimes, at least on stalker mode, if you touch the wires you can die before you even knew what happened. It's happened to me on multiple occasions and frankly I'm scared of the dam at this point, during the aurora at least

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These wires are coming out the wall and looks like a custom job.  It definitely looks suspicious.  In fact this looks almost like a trap.  If those wires are connected to the metal hand tuck and during an aurora could deliver a zap.  

Concerning crossing during an aurora, it does not seem possible.

If you come across Battery and tells you it is safe to cross the electrified wires, just take some advice and do not believe.


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