Transition Bug from Chapter 1 to 2


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At the end of Chapter 1 after falling from the Rope in Milton, I get the following quest:-

Paradise Lost mission - Find your way through the mountains.

1) I meet Methuselah

2) I climb up the rope to the next section

3) I walk a bit further and then enter into the cave which will bring me to Mystery Lake.

I think there's a transition bug here because when I exit the cave, there's no cut-scene of Jeremiah + the bear. I just see the trapper's house in a distance and when I walk into the house, Jeremiah is already on the bed sleeping and I can't talk to him.

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I just hit this bug as well. I thought something was off when I just walked into Mystery Lake with no cutscene, but definitely knew something was wrong when I found Jeremiah clipped through his bed and not moving... RIP, I just spent all day playing the new Redux and exploring everything, I don't want to have to start over!

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I was able to get the cutscene to fire! I think sleeping in a bedroll in the cave before exiting did the trick. However, I'm not exactly sure which steps were critical though, so I'll list them all in case. Hope these can help

  1. Enter the Cave from the Milton-Map entrance

  2. Navigate the Cave and exit into Mystery Lake (No cutscene fired)

  3. Re-enter the cave

  4. Exit the cave to Mystery Lake (No Cutscene Fired)

  5. Re-enter the cave

  6. Navigate back and exit the cave at the Milton-map entrance

  7. Re-enter the cave

  8. Sleep in a bedroll inside the cave for 1 hour

  9. Manually save my game

  10. Exit the cave to Mystery Lake (No cutscene fired)

  11. Re-enter the cave

  12. Exit the cave to Mystery Lake again

  13. --> Cutscene fired and I am able to progress to Episode 2 :)


Additionally, there is a Reddit thread with this same information here!

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Hmm, I will have to try that.  I continued on down to the cabin where Jeremiah seemed to be dead on the bed.  I took his rifle ammo and supplies and continued on.  I guess I am really screwed now.

Well that worked for me as well.  I guess he isn't dead anymore and I won't get his rifle.

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Same here... first I was shocked to see Jeremiah lying dead against the wall but I wasn't sure if this was a new change in Redux. The map marker was still highlighting Grey Mother's house and the quest "Paradise Lost" said that I need to find a way through the mountains while I was already at Jeremiah's. I continued exploring in hope that something will trigger the proper transition and went to Camp Office, Clear Cut, Lookout and ultimately to the Dam where I am right now. Oddly enough there was not a single animal anywhere, no wolves, deer or rabbits. When I realized that I went to the forum and discovered this thread, so it's definitely a bug not a feature.

Hope this gets fixed soon, by exploring the region I've probably broken my game already :\

[EDIT]: after my odyssey through ML I went back to the cave, slept for 5 hours (from noon) and when I excited the cave the transition scene triggered and the credits for Ep1 rolled. Filed a bug report...

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Well strange, I might have indeed broken my game. After the 2nd episode loaded I talked to Jeremiah and he asked me to get supplies from the dam which I had already on me. I gave him the radio parts and the syringe and he told me the (awesome) story about how Spencer hunted the old bear. Then he tasked me to fetch that weapon. So far so good, problem is that my Journal said that I have finished the task "get the medical supplies back to J before he dies" but I still had to enter the abandoned dam. I revisited the dam but the quest did not update, it still requires me to enter the dam :S

Also, all loot got respawned so I am running around with 70 bullets and double notes and keys, I even got a second rifle from J. Not sure if it makes sense to head for Spencer's as I have no map marker placed on it and no quest open in the journal to go there, only what J told me in the cutscene. I guess I'll try anyway because I've already invested 3-4 hours into the 2nd ep before I do it all over again.

Bummer, it reminds me of the original Wintermute launch when I had to redo Ep1 after a few hours because I *dared* to wander off the expected path.

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