BareSkins Are Sleepwalking


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On 26/11/2018 at 6:25 AM, BareSkin said:

That's the end of Bareskin11 journal. I'm quite happy to achieve SW1 on my 11th  run (+Story, +4DON, + challenges). I'd like to retire Bareskin11 if there is no objection. I hope you've liked reading his adventures. Now after 135 days the weather gets better and warmer, he has maybe 30 matches, 100+sticks, coals, he'll soon be taking flowers and smiling at deers, eating roots and snared rabbits in a wonderful green Spring landscape.

I know the feeling - time to move on. It was a good run and a great read. Thanks for sharing and good luck in your other adventures!

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BareSkin27- D1 [Sleepwalker level 4]

I know @jeffpeng already slapped this mode, but hey, it's still gonna be a real challenge to me!

Let's go! I follow the rules: I take [fire Master] and [Efficient Machine], random spawn.


Instantaneous bad memories of the Maintenance Shed go down my spine

That’s a new one! A start in Broken Railroad? At least it resembles a lot. Nice weather, warm hours, everything sounds perfect. Except I’ll die wolfed near the Maintenance Shed. Maybe that would be smarter to start in the Muskeg towards ML? Easier yes, but less fun. let’s give BR a try.

Oh, I have winds in my face, telling me “Go to the Muskeg, dumbass!”, so I take the first path on the right side and see a river, I'm down a bridge… wait… I scratch my head: Oh, it’s Coastal Highway! I follow the river and grab all cattails, enter the famous Rabbit Groove cabin without cold damage. FL-2 inside, I immediately jump in bed for 1h sleep The next shelter from there is Fishing Camp since the midway cabin is often burnt: too far since my pseudo doesn't begins with a J.

I go outside for some snapping sport, but the two rabbits disappeared. I wonder if there’s anything valuable in the 2 locked lockers and answer myself: come on, of course they’re empty, don’t be stupid. Since there’s no rabbit, I take advantage of wind absence to loot more cattails and come back to my place for the night.

I start to think the Garage is a guaranteed source of water. I hate going there, but maybe it’s better to do CH clockwise? I transfer in midnight light to the Railroad Trailer, FL+1 there, more than the Cabin, interesting. It then gets to FL-2 without me noticing, did they actually give you a FL bonus when you're spending calories moving? I lose 1% to cold for searching the empty corpse there. It doesn’t change anything to my hydration condition to have searched the trailer, but this part of the map will have been searched by tomorrow morning.


At midnight, I wake up after 1h and my dehydration starts. The only thing I can find in the dark is “Leave Trailer”. Can you hear the winds outside? No thanks.


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I've enjoyed reading your adventures, @BareSkin !  Thanks for taking so much time and effort to document your travels. I'm sure it seems tedious, but it really helped me pass some otherwise quite boring days this week.  I tried Sleepwalker 1 a couple of times but didn't get too far, mostly because my successful Loper starts have been on TWM and Pleasant Valley.  The randomizer gave my Sleepwalkers starts at Mystery Lake, and I soon found out to my great disappointment that there are (apparently) no guaranteed match spawns there and very limited water. :(    Gonna have to try again sometime soon. Thanks for the inspiration!

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2 hours ago, Best_Leopard said:

The randomizer gave my Sleepwalkers starts at Mystery Lake

Happened to my last Deadman (can read in another topic), he died with losing only 1% to cold...

Basically the starts are a bit less hard in SW1 than Interloper (less freezing damage), but it's still brutal. And Mystery Lake does not help on Interloper-like starts.

2 hours ago, Best_Leopard said:

Gonna have to try again sometime soon

I'd be glad about that, don't hesitate to make short report just like you did here in Sleepwalker thread, I'm sure some of the next start will be more fortunate ;)

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BareSkin27- D2 [Sleepwalker level 4]

I wait dehydrated 2 more hours in the morning to loot the trailer, reward is 1 chocolate bar. Nothing at all in the trailer below, but lost all my warmth on this short trip in cold morning, avoiding the bridge wolf.


At noon, heading to the next cabin below, there's a lot of grass at this place and I like it: cooking pot as reward. Qonset is too far with no more clothing than my starting set. I go straight to Jackrabbit in the warmest hour, find a tuke in the fishing hut on the way! I lose 2% to cold, down to 63%. I’ve seen 2 rabbits and heard a third one on my way up here. Immediately go to the toilet: for XO water degustation.


It feels so nice

The place is warm, AT+1, FL+6, and I find wool socks and a thin wool sweater! That's a good day! Total+7° bonus. More searching… Sewing Kit! I'm blessed! Loot festival ends with peaches, but no matches. After 1h warm up, of course the rabbits disappeared. Except one. After hesitating a lot I harvest its gut only, drop it inside, and the carcass outside. In early night, I transfer to Misanthrope, find a Flare in the in-between fishut. That could make Qonset area feasible, maybe? I snap two more rabbits on the way, and sprint not to lose health to cold.

At Misanthrope: MATCHES guys! (I don’t think there’s any girl reading) OMG, matches again in kitchen cabinet, and with good porkandbeans! Am I dreaming? I let my stomach starve to harvest the rabbits. Well, not sure it’s a good idea. In SW1 it is, since the rabbit meat feeds your for more hours than the harvesting takes, but in SW4, 1hr starved must be repayed with 4h fed. I didn’t do the maths, but I decide it’s better staying fed, since the philosophy of SW modes was about removing starvehack and sleep-heal. Cattails it is since my other foods are heatable for tomorrow morning fire, and since I hope to find a can opener tomorrow in the daylight.

I take advantage of aurora electric light to sew my jeans. The second pass on loot in the midnight night gives a chocolate bar. The midnight light is actually better than the aurora...

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Guest jeffpeng
On 30.11.2018 at 7:00 PM, Best_Leopard said:

The randomizer gave my Sleepwalkers starts at Mystery Lake, and I soon found out to my great disappointment that there are (apparently) no guaranteed match spawns there and very limited water.

ML start is counterintuitively really hard. There indeed are no guaranteed matches BUT it is guaranteed to have a maglens on the map. With the toilet water from the dam you have realistically about 48 hours to complete your tour - which is enough if you stick to objectives and don't have really bad luck with weather. To salvage a ML spawn - which I believe is always Clearcut on Interloper:

  • Beeline for the dam and pump those toilets dry. Don't mind anything else there. There are slim chances for soda cans, but it's not worth it.
  • Collect 15-20 cattails at the dam to get you through day 2. They are thirst neutral.
  • Go to the Forest Lookout (the intact one). That's your first chance for a maglens. If it's not there: don't forget to look if there is a can of peaches / dogfood / soup on the table. So far I always had either one of those - and you can "drink" them all.
  • Then: If the maglens is not in the Forestry Lookout BUT you find a hammer your next target is Trappers, where you will find the maglens next to the armchair.
  • If you do find neither the mag lens nor the hammer at the Lookout you will find it at the camp office either upstairs behind a small crate or downstairs next to a shelf in the corner.
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Guest jeffpeng
8 hours ago, BareSkin said:

I let my stomach starve to harvest the rabbits. Well, not sure it’s a good idea.

It's not a good idea. You're on the right track there. Plus 1up for the "philosophy" reasoning. But let's science this:

Let's say you starve one hour doing harvesting. That saves you food for two hours: The one hour you would have burned in calories, and the one hour harvesting (since harvesting = calories x 2). This will inflict 1% damage on you, but ALSO deprive you of 0.25% regeneration (IF it is 0.25% - which I actually start to doubt). So one hour starving costs you 1.25%. Assuming 0.25% regeneration per hour you need 5 hours to compensate this, but you saved food for only 2.

In my opinion there is zero circumstance in which I would starve myself if I can help it EXCEPT I am at full health but really short on food. But that in itself is a contradiction.

Thinking about it .... I feel like it's a zero sum game on SW1. If you harvest one hour starving, you save 1 hour of food in calories for background intake, and 1 hour for work intake. But you also both lose 1% and do-not-get 1%, so effectively you lose 2%. Which you need 2 hours fed to recover.... so you didn't really win anything.

Maybe my logic is flawed there. I mean if food really is super-scarce and periods of starvation have to be suffered through ... sure, those should be the ones you actually work / walk.

On 29.11.2018 at 11:52 PM, BareSkin said:

I transfer in midnight light to the Railroad Trailer, FL+1 there, more than the Cabin, interesting. It then gets to FL-2 without me noticing, did they actually give you a FL bonus when you're spending calories moving?

I noticed something similar lately. It seems like some trailers aren't evenly heated. The "middle" seems warmer sometimes, while the edges are colder. I cannot explain this, but I've noticed it several times now. The temperature difference is exactly the 3°C you describe. The only other indoor I know of that has changing temperatures is the lower dam near the broken window (the one you can enter from Winding River).

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14 hours ago, jeffpeng said:

EXCEPT I am at full health but really short on food. But that in itself is a contradiction.

I ended up in this situation on SW1 but still decided to eat, for philosophical arguments.

14 hours ago, jeffpeng said:

IF it is 0.25% - which I actually start to doubt

I don't know out to make a SPOILER box, but I'm quite convinced you'd be too curious not to open it anyway: had this problem with SW1 too, I was barely healing even full-time fed. Part of the problem is that the UI doesn't show decimals. The other part is that the recovery rate of applies only on consecutive time, the timer is reset to zero with each "waking up". That's how I ended up fighting cabin fever sleepwalking (1h sleep then pass time outside, repeat) and having absolutely no heal after a night spent fed with several hours awake. But not consecutive. This is why the OP of sleepwalking mode states that you still have a very strong incentive to sleep long stretches.

The code could even be worse than that, let's say if you sleep only one hour it might invalidate two healing-hours (the one you start sleeping, plus the one you end) if the counter is not synchronized on game time.

On SW3+ it's even harder to science-check this, since Fatigue will prevent testing on long period of times. At best maybe with a bit of luck you can start a day dehydrated, then hydrate to launch the "awake recovery" counter, then wait 12h doing absolutely nothing (or with coffee) to check if you grabbed +3% from this wonderful day of 12h laziness.

Anyway, seeing your run, I'm really satisfied with the way the health bar behaves and makes you behave :D. SW is some kind of easy-deadman with no need for the stim hunt.

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1 hour ago, jeffpeng said:

In fact condition increase or decrease is calculated every frame based on the time delta it took to render the last frame times the amount of condition to acquire per hour rest - with a single precision floating point data type.

Are we sure that's how it works in "awake" game? The idea of "frames" seems more like the sleeping recovery curve (you choose N hours/frames, it calculates). Or if we're speaking about image frames, that could be about the graphical health bar and not the underlying real number? I'd kill to be able to read the Code.

I'll stick to my model (sleeping long stretches when possible) until the mystery is solved, since it produces tangible results (=more health)

To be completely honest, the first time I've read this, it could have been written in chinese or hebrew or russian, I just had to read it ten times to get a grasp at the meaning.

1 hour ago, jeffpeng said:

my scientist brain cannot explain it either.

I'm smelling challenge in there!

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  • 5 weeks later...

BareSkin27- D3 [Sleepwalker level 4]

Back from Canadian holidays! Let’s check if it makes me better at TLD!

I’m starved in a Coastal House. I open the map, foolish habit taken from Redux, of course my map is black. I’m already nearly starving. I eat some of my 16 stalks and fully harvest barehands the two rabbits I’ve had in my inventory for one month. I’m tired but don’t go to sleep: the coldest morning hour is good for my first cooking fire shielded behind Misanthrope.


After cooking the 2 biggest pieces of rabbit, the wind turns and I’m exposed. I head inside for sleeping, dreaming of all these sticks burnt for nothing. Soda in fishut, leave the deer carcass alone for later (I’ll be back to Misanthrope), beach house at Townsite: tea bags and sports socks. It is still 3:37 at the clock, I wonder if it’s PM or AM. Sleep 2h and cross to the Garage, very stressed but the continuous howling helps a lot in there. I sneak behind 4 wolves around the Garage. When did Loper change to Stalker wolves?

Garage loot: Granola, dog food, toilet water, 2 sodas, painklillers, prybar, Catherine, shooting book,whetstone, fleece mittens to stop frostbite, porkandbeans. Sleep one hour and sneak out in a truck. FL+4, god it’s hot! Jerky in another truck. My target house is actually burnt down, so I choose to run (=burn calories, this is a taboo) to the trailer uphill to avoid freezing. Sleep 9h.


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BareSkin27- D4 [Sleepwalker level 4]

At early dawn, downhill to townsite to loot the only standing house: cotton toque, a can opener (I smashed to cans before sleeping yesterday…), 35% cooked rabbit (no poisoning), t-shirt I leave, cooked tea. This house was barely worth the calories to loot it. I repair both toques as inside warmup before leaving, +1° bonus. Nearby car has beef jerky and another sewing kit, nice!

Back at the trailer, nothing to else to do than sewing and reading the firearms booking waiting for a blizzard to go away. Total +10°C bonus.

Once outside in late evening, I dance the bear only to have to dance two wolves just after, a chance I did some sewing since I have to stay crouched outside for quite a time. The update really increased the wolves number of the Interloper-equivalent custom settings.

I saw and saw 2 birchs near the top of a rope and continue on to the Lookout, exchanging sprains risk for situational awareness. I avoid the 2 wolves, but get this famous double-sprain the code doesn’t officially allow. At the lookout, I find no Jack-O-Lantern like last time I came here, but there are matches, rope and carcassing book.

Since I’m not dead yet, I deploy the rope and craft bandages and OMB before going to sleep in the cold night. I’m down to 4 cattails stalks as calorie reserve.


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BareSkin27- D5 [Sleepwalker level 4]

At early dawn I’m fully rested, I grab the rope down: I gain 1 cedar and hyporisk before entering the cabins: only beef jerky is worth mentioning.

1h later my half tempbar is enough to make it to the mine, noon light allow me to cruise without losing a match: a prybar, a stim, storm lantern, simple tools, fire book, nuts and stuff, cured leather I’ll use to repair shoes, and several infinities of coal (32).

Drop all sticks (82) in he mine to be able to haul coal to the trailer. I stop at the dear carcass on my road to log camp, eat meat, take guts but exchange one for my life before being able to enter the nearby trailer.

New carcass on my way back to Jackrabbit’s: I decided to stop even if it’s already night, I’m so hungry. I’ll sleep in the trailer, and maybe put a new gut to cure there. It goes as planned, but the second gut is out of scope due to blizzard.

BareSkin27- D6 [Sleepwalker level 4]

I wake up around 4AM in aurora, and Well Fed! Great. But that won’t last for long I fear. Today weather permitting I’ll prioritize kill-stealing opportunities. I fail to repair my shoes with the only leather I had. I read while waiting decent temperatures to grab the second gut, then eat my last calories, the 4 cattails.

The plan works well, I manage to full my stomach with fresh deer just before starving, I even bring back the 2 guts back to Jackrabbit since all the wolves are on the ice.


BareSkin27- D7 [Sleepwalker level 4]

I read until noon, (carcassing 2) and I’m already nearly starved! Man, this “very high” calorie burn settings is brutal. I can’t kill the rabbits because, believe it or not, I have no stones! I didn’t even take one one the road from the mine, focused only on my stomach.

Winshielded behind the house, I spend 3h finishing cooking the deer thinking I can’t believe I’ve eaten it in 24h. I mean, a whole deer in 24h and I did nothing! I’ll have to move asap, looting new places is the only way to survive long-term.

I finally grab a stone on the ice and back at the house to stun the 2 rabbits, fully harvest them. I move to Misanthrope in a full-blown aurora early night, I find there my 2 previously deconstructed rabbits, 94% cured. It takes me 3 attempts to repair the fleece mitts in electric light before going to sleep for 9h around midnight.


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BareSkin27- D8 [Sleepwalker level 4]

Nice weather, no rabbits nearby, I head to the Waterfront cottages to try a kill steal, the bear is here but far away near the Townsite road. Everything goes as planned, except the 3 wolves are blocking my way back to the house. Caracassing 2 allows me to harvest chunks of 0.5kg while babysitting a constant 9m-fire due to the strong winds.

Once arrived at 2 third of the meat, the bear comes nearby: I will be leaving, period. But I’m stuck between the wolves and the bear. And the wind is coming from Misanthrope. That’s a bad situation to be in, I have to retreat towards Crumbling Highway entrance, where there is absolutely no shelter. I have to leave the campsite as is, my cooking pot will have to wait for me.


The bear is following me, I go around the rocks back to the burnt house, and back to Jackrabbit since the temperatures are nice. 5 wolves near Log Sort, the new standard of these Custom settings apparently.

[the next part copied itself in bold, can't make it back to normal, sry]

Finish the Fire book for 2h, then transfer to Fishing Camp in orange light and aurora sounds. 2 Fishut and 3 houses later:1 cedar, 2 reclaimed, 1hook, 17% sardines (dropped) and 30% dog food (I keep to replace the missing cooking pot but not to eat), Frozen, Angler, whetstone, oil, candy bar, coffee, painkillers, 84% tomatoes (I drop dog food), 80% sardines.

BareSkin27- D9 [Sleepwalker level 4]

Plan for today: Rabbit hat in the morning, finish harvesting the river in the afternoon. But strong winds facing the workbench, so I head towards the river mouth, prepared to warm up as soon as shielding is found. FL-26 make me u-turn quite quickly, Frozen Angler it is but stomach sounds prevent my concentration. No big deal, I never fish anyway. After 2h reading, I’m in a blizzard, so I finish the book. Thinking about eating the tomato soup cold.

At dusk, hunger gets the better part of my brains, and since the winds have turned I head to the river month following the roadside, shielded. I don’t stop to pick sticks. Frozen Angler and oil lamp starts my 3h fire with 100% chance behind a rock near cattails. Fire gives 46% torches, so I take 5 before dropping a coal and waiting to warm up making water.


The winds turn and kill my fire after half hour, then they die down, allowing me to put sticks in it, and eating 2 cattails that were out of reach until then. I burn myself and lose flat 10% health, I don’t treat since I don’t have enough health to be punished by the red handicap. When the snow starts I leave for the river, upstream, in a grandma’s fog.

I arrive at Bear Creek with 22 stalks, no wolf no bear so I give up 2 reclaimed and start a fire near the deer carcass. I leave the place at midnight under light snow with half stomach, all sticks and reishis available at this place, and the deer hide since I’m definitely not finding decent shoes nor pants. I snap a sleepwalking rabbit and sleep at Rabbit Groove.


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BareSkin27- D10 [Sleepwalker level 4]

In the morning I pry the 2 lockers I wondered about on day 1, I was right they are empty. I saw 2 maples on my way down to Fishing Camp, the cabin on the way is burnt. Upon arrival, I grab my third cured rabbit pelt, eat 5 cattails and head immediately to the workbench since there are no winds.

The fact I have to finish the hat with a straight 2h work is a pain, I barely avoid hypo for lack of fuel to feed the fire. I manage to also craft 2 snares before midnight, in an aurora.


I have more bonus on my head than my whole body

BareSkin27- D11 [Sleepwalker level 4]

Plan for today: log sort to retrieve stuff, then Jack’s with maybe a kill steal. I lose 2% health to hypo on my way to Log Sort for picking up needed sticks and visiting an already looted car. I find 3 cured guts and 2 cured saplings upon arrival.

Once warmed up and ready for herding, blizzard. Down to 5 cattails. Then quickly down to 0 cattails at midnight, when the blizzard stops. I just can't stay here and starve when some cooked meat waits me at home. I head to Jack’s in heavy snow, holding my flare stick against the dark howling night. The inevitable happens, wolves appear from nowhere, I light it up and make it to my destination, sprinting past a sleepwalking rabbit, lose 1% to freezing. I find 4 pieces of cooked meat -that represent one third of a stomach- left there, Thank you BareSkin27 from the past!


BareSkin27- D12 [Sleepwalker level 4]

It seems I won’t avoid starvation today, heavy fog, still 9% to cure on the last guts, 150 calories left in stomach (no stock). My 12% starting leather sneakers are also a concern. I start starving around noon, I fail twice to repair the hacksaw to, no more scraps.


Some meat i waiting for me where I met the bear: I grab everything, one tempbar goes away in the transfer to Misanthrope, I left the 2 uncured guts at the fishut in-between, I wonder if they will cure there. Answer: it doesn’t. Since I’m starved I run a lot, I harvest two rabbit barehands for free.

Back to where I left my cooking pot, I find 4kg venison, some cooked. There’s a deer but I won’t complain not seeing killing machines. Of course the carcass disappeared in the ice.


I sleep 1h then proceed to cooking, you can’t imagine how beautiful cooking sound is. I won’t starve until tomorrow. A very long travel lies ahead: next sleeping possibility will be Hibernia. On day 13. We’ll see if I’m cursed or lucky.

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BareSkin27- D13 [Sleepwalker level 4]

Check the snares in early morning: 1 rabbit I harvest completely, I drop everything for when I come back. Snowstorm coming from destination, I have to delay the trip. I repair the hacksaw with the toaster, drop the toolbox. Mid afternoon, I decided I’ll have to risk it into the snowstorm: I head to the cottages, I heard a deer but here’s no wolf. I stop at the carcass and take the 0.5kg meat… Fortunately 2 rabbits are nearby. Were nearby, now they’re in my stomach.


Before leaving I prepare coffees as I feel I will need them. Wool socks in Crumbling basement. I have to start one defensive fire after the basement, and… Day 13 is luck day: a second wolf from nowhere, sneaky behind a rock, flees in fear of me just before entering the mine. I did start a fire mechanically, but that was too late for that.


I will have to spend the night in the mine anyway, so I keep this fire I hastily started with a cedar, for water. I run into the mine which rewards my torch-chaining with coal of course, plus oil, a prybar to harvest, a cured gut (appreciate that).

Near the exit I start a new campsite with my torch (I love keeping a match! Like, too much...) and leave 30 coals (keep 3) and 3L water in a drawer because of overweight, anyway I’ll find more in the tunnel cave.


BareSkin27- D14 [Sleepwalker level 4]

The plan is simple today: tunnel cave to Hibernia. It’s midnight, the lights start to blink in the cave before I leave: no idea if it’s good news (weather) or not (supawolves) since I don’t have any kind of protection except a defensive firestart which I feel is cheating.

Everything go smoothly, I leave my storm lantern I didn’t even use before exiting to Hibernia under hot reishi influence in my 9% sneakers. Electric lights allow me to sneak into Hibernia safely. That’s actually the first time I use this technique in TLD: who would be insane enough to be outside in an aurora night on Loper+?

Loot gives 2*17% peaches, a buffer memory I can’t eat, matches, a storm lantern I use to loot, cash and accelerant in the safe…, free scraps in prybar packaging, flare (nice!), guns book, skijacket-woot! Soda in corpse backpack. I wonder if I try my luck with the peaches before going to sleep. I do, since else I would wake up starved and I have a reishi and 10h to sleep. I get poisoned, with no consequences since anyway my sleeping is not healing me in sleepwalker mode: no punishment.


0 calories

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BareSkin27- D15 [Sleepwalker level 4]

At the Riken: 1 scrap, sewing book, 31% peaches. I repair the jacket before a trip to Little island in search for rabbits, but it’s dark and too cold, tonight I’ll starve and nothing I can do about it. I light up the Forge after taking reclaimed for 0 calories. I cook reishi and leave the cooked peaches near the forge for when I'm exhausted.

After 1 knife and 10 arrowheads (all the scraps I didn’t have to spend calories for), I’m roughly around 40% health and the peaches go OK. I’m exhausted but can’t pass on a warmup buff in late afternoon: I drop lots of stuff in the Riken before exiting to find food : 2 rabbits and 2 maple as a reward. Back at the Riken the forge is still up, nice.


I eat the rabbits and head towards the waterfall to check for a carcass: no luck. Dusk blizzard towards Hibernia makes my travel safe. I fall into the bed for a 7h+5h well deserved sleep.

BareSkin27- D16 [Sleepwalker level 4]

I wake up starved, of course… I’m in desperate need of a killsteal. The first maple are at 60%, so no bow for now. Starved or not, it’s too cold outside: I’ll try to loot the other trailer. Once inside I can’t see a thing so I repair the jeans to 95%.

Outside, I’m aggroed by a wolf while searching an empty blue truck. It takes ages to go away. I prepare some arrow shafts then Riken, still no deers… I compensate with 0-calorie scraps. I’ll have to do what I hate to: going to the lighthouse. For the stim. I avoid being eaten thanks to careful hearing.

I’m rewarded with Fire book, 2 cedars, 21 sardines, the stim I came for, useless plaid shirt, unnecessary wool toque. When I’m ready to take advantage of late evening to go eat a carcass, blizzard says no. I spend a match for water only, I hate it. My situation is so desperate I have to go on drugs. I take the stim and sleep.



BareSkin27- D17 [Sleepwalker level 4]

I’ve been starved for so long my fatigue bar has a red penalty. The day is windy and beautiful. I downclimb to the lighthouse carcass, while there eating the 1kg meat, I make a deer encounter a wolf. His brother is bothering, the deer is half-eaten when I steal it. I spend the afternoon there, cooking everything until dusk, then warmup with an herbal tea and dash with all the meat towards the Riken. I lose 1% to cold before entering the ship, but I should be able to eat for one day…


I’m down to 20 % life. Basically the stim got eaten by sleeping starvation, and some hyporisk here and there. But that’s better than dying with it in my pocket. I start the furnace with my lit torch and convert the 0-calories scraps into arrowheads, and additional knife. Only one match spent today, for 2 carcasses and a forge session, not too bad.

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BareSkin27- D18 [Sleepwalker level 4]

Since I have a reishi and 10h to sleep I try my luck at 21% sardines. It goes fine, and I use the second stim just before dawn. I have my 4 bars full, it’s so rare I stare at them stupidly while waiting the stim to end. I wake up in a beautiful afternoon and have to dance with the bear to make it to Hibernia.

Just in time, the maple are at 98%, but priority goes to changing my 4% sneakers. Total 8 cured guts: 24 for boots, 2 for mitts, 2 for bow. I have 2 sewing kits, 2 knives, let’s get started! If only I could have an aurora…

Aurora night! I’m blessed! But it ends before midnight.

BareSkin27- D19 [Sleepwalker level 4]

I finish the deer boots and head back to the Riken in heavy fog, no deers but I grab some stuff back (forgot the pot there) to Hibernia and finish my cooked dear. I’ll starve today. I start the bow, finish it with lit barrel. I decide to use a match instead of finishing in the morning because I want to eat 31% dog food I found in the snow to maximize the no-starvation effect while sleeping, but I’m not tired enough in case I get poisoned. I’m swimming in 0-calorie reclaimed I won’t haul farther anyway.

I don’t get poisoned.


BareSkin27- D20 [Sleepwalker level 4]

It’s time to hunt! But here’s no deer to be seen. The bear is here, between Hibernia and the Riken. I’m thinking, what about luring him? Plan goes fine, I shoot it from the ship bridge (I’m sure it has a better “nautical” name than that direct translation from french). I start a fire and look at him running all over the place, go behind Hibernia and don’t come back until the journal says he’s dead. Not good, wolf territory.


I have no other choice than spending the night starved again. Today I couldn’t find any rabbit, any deer, any wolf. Back in Hibernia, I still have a lot of fatigue to spend, I decide to head outside to locate the bear carcass for tomorrow morning. I exit from the ground floor crouched, and get wolfed immediately. No barking, no growling, nothing. It did not care about my prybar. Just before jumping me, he checked my health bar, and laughed.

I just happened to exit the door at the exact moment it was patrolling it.


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Guest jeffpeng
6 hours ago, BareSkin said:

I shoot it from the ship bridge (I’m sure it has a better “nautical” name than that direct translation from french)

You probably mean the bow. :-)

And yeah because of that particular wolf I give the Riken I rather wide berth (another nautical term) everytime I can and never-never-never exit through the hulk (and one more). You cannot even scout for the wolf from up there. Once you go in and exit again .... those wolves might have travelled light years if the game decided to respawn them.

I hope you keep up doing those logs B| as I always like to see how different (and often times smarter) you approach this than I do.

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12 hours ago, BareSkin said:

I exit from the ground floor crouched, and get wolfed immediately.

I'm sorry to hear of such an unfortunate ending. Hibernia is a death trap where wolves lurk at leisure, but the working bench makes it a mandatory place to visit. When I'm there I like to go in and out through the office stairs, just above the lockers thrown on the snow outside. On top of the stairs there is a roof which prevents a full scouting of the area, but at least you can see rather well if any wolves are around.

As always, thanks for sharing your stories. It's a great way of knowing tips and tricks, and also make up a really good read! Keep them coming. :):coffee:

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Damn, that's a brutal end.  Adieu, BareSkin 27.  I've been enjoying the Sleepwalking Tales.   Thanks for sharing them with us, @BareSkin

Inspired by your adventures, I've been playing  SW4 lately, modified as follows:

  1. Rate of World cooling reduced to Medium
  2. Item Decay Rate reduced to High
  3. Rifle
  4. All animal Spawn to Low
  5. Wildlife Respawn to Low
  6. No rabbit stoning.  Snare only

MacBeth 10, who hath murdered sleep,  is still alive but in much degraded condition.   I do like SW4 because it follows Stock Interloper but am toying with an SW4* which would reduce Calorie burn from Very High to High.

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Thanks to all of you for reading! I was so sure nobody cared...:$

19 hours ago, jeffpeng said:

I hope you keep up doing those logs

I did log until Bareskin 30, but stopped for the 31st run (SW7) for lack of interaction, ironically.

13 hours ago, Senauer said:

When I'm there I like to go in and out through the office stairs

That's what I always do too, but I was starved and there was a snowstorm outside, already dark. Exiting from the top (Riken side) to pre-scout the other side (towards bridge), I would have frozen before even seeing anything, so well, I made this call since I had a flare and a bow in case I get barked at. I just didn't have time to blow it up.

1 hour ago, epower said:

Inspired by your adventures, I've been playing  SW4 lately

You sir, made my day :D, I hope you'll end up publishing some journal later in your TLD life, if you feel like it someday ;)

SW4 is brutal, I happened to manage SW7 more easily. You made so many changes my advice to you would be to follow the link in my journal entries, I have posted there a v1.45 updated custom code for Sleepwalking Stalker that might fit you: 8lmY-mmpa-KbpD-ByyG-LgEA

To me the main "Interloper" criteria is the absence of rifles, being defenseless. Being hunted.


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I guess the custom codes are all wrong now, somehow the codes have changed for the same settings. Or maybe the loper template changed its own settings to better match the vanilla one? Moving from Interloper to SW7 settings gives [8MHM-+j8P-Kxun-g6GO-7gAA]

Note from the future: Sleepwalking main topic (link in title is updated with codes for v1.45)

BareSkin28- D1 [Sleepwalker level 7]No monologue – Opium Addict variation – Female – 2 feats (Fire, Efficient) - random spawn
HRV spawn. I’m at a cascade, there are two exits, it’s a very cold morning (AT-22). I choose the left exit, run into tons of deers, can’t find a cave, already lost 20% to hypo when I literally run into a bear. He didn't appreciate the hug.


This is the only screenshot I have in Bareskin 28 folder...

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BareSkin29- D1 [Sleepwalker level 7]No monologue – Opium Addict variation – Female (with no monolgue – 2 feats (Fire, Efficient) - random spawn

Reload of Bask28 HRV spawn. I’m at a cascade, there are two exits, it’s a very cold morning (AT-22). I choose the right (as opposed to left) exit this time, run into rabbits, keeping the windshielding of the mountain, right hand. I recognize the set of small falls near Cloudtop. Grab 4 sticks and 2 cattails that are literally on my way. I make no detour whatsoever. And reach the exit to Milton.

FL-1 in the cave, ****! I’m still bleeding condition, for only one little degree! I didn’t take Cold Fusion, I pay for this choice. Exchanged it for fire master, which is a bad decision for an HRV start. FL+2 in the middle of the cave, nice! I lost only 10% health before stabilizing.

Now, should I run to the trailer for bed and then Grey’s, or directly Grey’s? I have exceptionally poor clothing, +1 bonus, no gloves no hat: if I was naked it would technically be the same. I decide the rope would make me lose more health to freezing than running to the trailer.

Back to the warm part, I pass time for 2h to build a quarter tempbar and clear frostbite risk, it’s noon when I head outside and run to the trailer.


My first shelter

Deadman-level dehydration will force me to move to Grey’s for ignition before nightfall, I’m already down to a fifth of a circle bar after living 4h. I think about a new notation for the needs bar, in the complex plan, but that would be a mess for non-mathematicians. I find a granola bar, and on Sleepwalker only the calories are worth mentioning. There’s also a jeans and Catherine, nice! I sleep 2h cause it’s FL-2 in the trailer, wake up mid-afternoon, dehydrated.

I will lose health to cold before arriving at Grey’s that a given, but doing nothing is worse and I suspect I’ll find a maglens there. I can’t believe how many calories I pass by on the marsh: tons of cattails, 3 rabbits, 3 deers, a moose. Oh, man! I’m on the modified Milton, there’s no more rope here!


The nearest shelter, surprise surprise, is the church or the plane cave...

While I go towards the bridge (that goes to the plane), I have to avoid the moose charge by taking high ground. I end up at an abandoned campsite, a wolf is tracking me, I wasn't that silent running for my life. I don’t even fight. But I take a screenshot:


HRV spawn away from the ice cave + no rope to Grey’s, that was too much. Escaping HRV asap is not a strategy anymore, you have to leave the place with the Cave loot, and that makes such a start even deadlier.

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