Help mapping Mystery Lake


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This is the first time post launch that i have tried fully exploring/mapping the new ML and i came across this section north west of the dam that seems completely walled off and that i cannot fully map. I did manage to find an easy rock ledge to climb to get on the west wall and map half of the area from it, but i'm worried that if i actually go down into the area that i wouldn't be able to escape and this is a game i don't want ruin over something like that.

Has anyone been up in this area and have been able to get back out or has found another way to fully map the area.

This is the area


From the on top of the wall i can't see any way of being able to get back up.



To the left is the ledge i used to get on the wall, it's actually a very easy climb.


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Pretty sure you won't ever be able to fully map that spot.  The terrain just doesn't allow for it.  Even at its best, you'll still have an obvious crescent-shaped black smudge.

I wouldn't say I'm the absolute authority on mapping, but I have done a lot of it over the years, and I've never been able to get that spot completely smudge free.  It's one of the few areas I allow myself less-than-perfect cartography.

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