Capricious Crows


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So I ran from ML to PV to make a new base there at the farmhouse. Brought some steak and water with me. Arrived late afternoon to settle in. Glad that weather was ok on the journey in. 

Next morning I woke to a full day long blizzard. Was hoping to hunt but not gonna happen so I loot the farmhouse. Not much food because I have item decay set to high so that my late game is not like a new start in every region. I dig in to my meat rations and sleep. Next day a full blizzard. Grrr.

Woke to foggy and cold. Ate my last meat. Had to wait a couple hours for temperature to go up. Finally made a run for where I know deer to hang out. Was hoping to run a wolf in that direction but none around. Found the deer as expected. 5 of them. Snuck up on one with my bow drawn. Aim, stand, shoot! Damn! He runs away with my arrow in him. I note where he goes but I am cold and about to get hypothermia risk so I let him go. Desperate to get food, I sneak up on another deer and do the same. Damn again! He runs off with my arrow in him, but in a different direction. I also note where he went but now I am freezing so I make a run back to the farmhouse to rest in bed for an hour. Deer should bleed out and crows will find them for me.

Out of bed, go outside, its foggy. Grrr. No sound of crows anywhere. I search around anyway but don't find the 2 deer. But here is another walking deer asking to be eaten. I bow shoot it out of desperation and it too runs off! What!? I almost always instakill. Now three failures in a row and cant even find where they died? And they have my arrows!

Cold, fog and dark makes me retreat to the farmhouse.

The next day has a blizzard until noon as expected. As soon as it ends I run to the field where I expect the dead deer(s) to be listening for crows. Nothing. Crows fly overhead indicating a weather change but no other crow sounds. So I go to the broken cabin where the dead guy is and still no crows above. Next I go to the hay cover where I know a deer carcass is. As I go the weather clears and I hear the crows, then as I get near I see them circling above. Wait! I see another deer carcass nearby. It is one of mine! but no crows above it. No matter. I gleefully harvest the totally frozen beast.

Now it is noon. Sun is up. Im half frozen but getting better. I decide to search for the other 2 missing deer. Still no crows above this one.

I wander all the fields where I know the shot deer should end up. I know the radius of the crow calls. I cross back and forth. I walk the river. I walk the roads. I climb hills. I search far and wide for little brown dots on the snow. Nothing. Not a crow call in all my search. So I go where I know a dead guy is across the highway. Sure enough, crows circling above.

Ran out of time for the day so I retreat back to base with my 1 deer.

The next day I wake to more bad weather until noon. At sunny sky I go again to find my deer that rightfully belong to me. As soon as I set foot in the field where I shot one I hear crows! Leads me right to the meat. Next I go to where I saw the other deer run away. Crows lead me right to it.

You crows are playing with my life you know! I need to eat and don't have time for your games!

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4 hours ago, bighara said:

I can't swear to this, but it seems that the crows are very picky about the weather they'll fly in lately. Weird that they circled in one place but not the other.

Yes I think that was a bug. I also recall a case in Ravine where invisible crows could be heard above a de-spawned deer carcass that I had harvested the previous day. Next time I am camping there I will test it again.

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On 7/10/2018 at 11:41 AM, Sito said:

Yes I think that was a bug. I also recall a case in Ravine where invisible crows could be heard above a de-spawned deer carcass that I had harvested the previous day. Next time I am camping there I will test it again.

Interesting. I think I noticed the invisible crow issue as well with a corpse in ML

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