Taming Animals


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Playing through the game nonstop for weeks I’ve thought multiple times that it would be really cool to be able to tame one of the wolves or bears. 

Possible benefits could be that wild wolves/bears wouldn’t attack you (tamed wolves/bears would scare them off) and wolves could be sent to attack a deer. Just simple commands like attack and sit (stop following). Even if it was required to feed your “pet” I still think it would be worth it.

Another possibility would be being able to train and ride the deer. Or even introduce new animals like horses.

Just to add to the new animals, it would make the entire gameplay more realistic if there was a wider variety. Elk rather just deer, foxes, snow leopards, snow owls etc. 

P.S. I was terribly bored and finished with all my games and was just browsing through what my Xbox store options were and came across this game. I loveddd and love it so much, please don’t see this post as any type of insult/complaint. The challenges make it exciting and more engaging. I’m DYING to get into episode three. Anyways I guess *applause* for the sick a** gameplay, can’t wait to see and play more.

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This idea comes out at irregular intervals. It's cool but a bit too much on the epic fantasy side, taming a wolf requires a lot of time, other animals are way too unlikely. The Golden Compass, King Thranduil and all that. The only animal I could see as possible to "tame" is a crow. If it takes a liking to the character's company it may stay perched on the backpack or a shoulder and act as a sentinel and scout, flying away in the opposite direction of an approaching predator or flying towards a carcass or corpse making it easier to find'em. Not exactlty a wizard's familiar, but better than nothing and not too unlikely.

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17 hours ago, Doc Feral said:

This idea comes out at irregular intervals. It's cool but a bit too much on the epic fantasy side, taming a wolf requires a lot of time, other animals are way too unlikely. The Golden Compass, King Thranduil and all that. The only animal I could see as possible to "tame" is a crow. If it takes a liking to the character's company it may stay perched on the backpack or a shoulder and act as a sentinel and scout, flying away in the opposite direction of an approaching predator or flying towards a carcass or corpse making it easier to find'em. Not exactlty a wizard's familiar, but better than nothing and not too unlikely.

I have never wanted an option to tame an animal but a tamed crow would actually be a pretty sweet addition. 

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If the devs must put an animal companion in the game a crow would be pretty cool, as for wolves, irl they can be tamed, but thats not the same as domesticated, a tamed wolf will still eat you if theyre hungry, wont follow many directions, and can snap at any moment. The aurora is already making them irritable.

If a canine companion were to be implemented, it should be a lonesome family dog you have a chance to find in random locations. That way it encourages those looking for it to explore and has more story behind it than epic fantasy wolf taming.

Poor doggo, its owner's probably frozen.

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The wolves definitely see you as prey. It seems the aurora is messing with their thought patterns making them irritible and loners, probably doubling the work and risk of taming one. 

Bears seem to have their hibernation disrupted and are highly territorial due to the aurora 

Perhaps domesticated dogs might be more feral as well due to the effects the aurora has on predators? 

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On 5.6.2018 at 5:40 PM, Doc Feral said:

This idea comes out at irregular intervals. It's cool but a bit too much on the epic fantasy side, taming a wolf requires a lot of time, other animals are way too unlikely. The Golden Compass, King Thranduil and all that. The only animal I could see as possible to "tame" is a crow. If it takes a liking to the character's company it may stay perched on the backpack or a shoulder and act as a sentinel and scout, flying away in the opposite direction of an approaching predator or flying towards a carcass or corpse making it easier to find'em. Not exactlty a wizard's familiar, but better than nothing and not too unlikely.

I'm not very much a friend of the idea of being able to tame wolves or bears in TLD, but this is actually an interesting idea. A crow which would not really be tame, but would occasionally follow you around if fed regularly. Would probably be a little difficult to implement, but it would definitely give the game something.

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A crow would actually make for a really useful companion in this game.

I heard of crows in real wildlife that draw wolverines to a frozen carcass. The wolverine tears the carcass apart and thus enables the crow to feast on the smaller remainings of what the wolverine left behind. The same could apply to crows in TLD.

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