Anyone else miss the “new location” music?


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It’s been quite a while since it was removed, but man, listening to the soundtrack again the other day made me want it back, it added to the mystique and feeling of accomplishment when finding a new place. 

Anyone else miss it? 

Or maybe a better question is, anyone else remember it? :D


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Yes and Yes!

I loved that track, it made exploring feel much more engaging and immersive. 

Both tracks fit well except only for certain locations, it got repetitive after a while, so if they are going to re-add it I suggest only doing it for major locations. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/03/2018 at 4:54 PM, Rusty_Old_F250 said:

It's in the soundtrack collection, ($10 on steam I think...) I dunno if the devs would be ok with me posting it though, perhaps @Patrick Carlson can comment on that


I been trying to find it on youtube videos without success yet. Was it the same sound from the Alpha/Preview version of the game? I remember I liked it but don't know how it sounds anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have only been playing since the full release on Xbox one so I have never heard it in game myself... However I do wish it was still used. I think it would add a feeling of accomplishment every time it played knowing that this was indeed a fresh place to explore, and to see what bounty (or peril) this location may hold in store for me.

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