My Wishlist


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Hi there here is my personal wishlist for the amazing game you have created. The suggestions focus on survival mode because that's what the game is about IMO.

1. Craftable head grear, I think this has been suggested many times. And I totaly agree with the suggestions. I don't care if new wildlife is introduced like biever or raccon to make hats from it. For good sake make me craft a bunny hat but I want a craftable hat. 

2. Improved wolf AI, I know that wolfes make the game challenging. The wolfes used to be super predictable which I think is not the way to go but nowadays wolfs in my experience are just random. I know they are not supposed to behave naturally but think about it: at full health with a knife with good fatigue you are most probably gonna kill a wolf in a fight. Wolfes are intelligent they do not attack unless they think it is worth the risk or they are attacked. Make them act this way! If I am well rested, armed, well fed and at full health a wolf should bark at me and come and investigate me. It should be a terrifying experience but you should be able to "stare down" the wolf while in top condition. If they are probably going to lose the fight they should not attack. Not necessary fleeing but just keeping distance and maybe also after a time loseing intrest. So at first growl and try to intimidate, jugde if a possible meal and if thats not the case they should maybe follow you at a distance or leave you alone. On the other hand, if your wounded at half health and winded the wolf should not be easily scared off. Campfires are a fool prove defence agains wolfes and bears, but other methods are pretty much gamble. What I want is the following: Let the elements, hunger, thirst and exhaustion bring me to the knees and when I am on my knees kick me in the balls with the wolf. So anybody who is able to avoid hunger, thirst, exhaustion and the cold should also be save or safer from wolves. The bear and wolf coats as I understood work with smell not with sight. I think that could also be extended to sight too. So the wolf sees other wolfes hanging from your shoulders this should he really should think twice if your a meal nor not. Speaking of improving the AI, this brings me to the next point.

3. Let animals smell the stored food, This maybe in- and outside. I mean come on I can store a metric ton of raw bloody meat outside and no preditors are going to show up? Bears are known for this. I do not want them do be able to break into the shelter but I want them to steal food stored outside and I want them to lure around if a lot of food is inside your shelter. A system that could safely store food outside would need to be implemented. This would then mean, that you need to make an effort to store your food. I think of a bag in a tree or something like that. Or even let us make food storable longer by drying, smokeing or salting it. Raw meat outside should not be an option. One could argue if the lureing around part is necessary, that could also be adjusted to difficulty levels.

4. Negative affliction for permanent malnutrition, at the beginning of a run this may be a viable taktic to starve during the day and recover at night. This however can be heavily exploited in the long run and minimizing the food requirement from 2500 to 800 calories. There should be a heavy penalty for beeing hungry most of the time. A solution to this is an overhaul of the hunger system. Hunger in my opinion should not be a short term killer but a slow death. Hunger should not drop the condition, hunger should lead to drop in stamina which then decreases carryweight and sprint ability. When hungering to much this will lead to a "cabin fever like" mechanic where counter for cumulative hunger hours in the last 7 days keeps track of how many hours you have been starving. If a certain hour count is met there will be an affliction called "weight loss" or "malnutrition". This will decrease start to decrease the condition of the player. So hunger leads to a weaker player, reducing the fatigue level and therefore preventing heavy labor like climbing and long distance traveling. It will also decrease the carryweight if the fatigue drops to much, this makes you slower and able to carry less. Therefore it is favourable to have the hunger meter full. Malnutrition can be treated by eating and keeping the hunger bar above zero a certain amount of days. Condition drop will be stopped when eating again but calory consumption may be ramped up during the curing time. This will prevent further exploits of hunger. Make recovering from hungering a lot a penalty. A positive affliction called " well fed" could also be a thing where if your hunger bar is above zero for x amount of days you get a bonus to carryweight or to stamina. In my opinion the thirst and cold mechanics are perfect where they are. Fatigue is ok. But hunger needs to change. This is an option to change it but I think not the only option. Useing an affliction fits the way the game is going IMO. To hunger a few days should make you temporaraly weak but not kill you in 4 days. And reduced calory input over many weeks should not be an option. Think about it: 4 days (with a consumption of 3000 kcal a day) without food means 12'000 kcal less then needed but 28 days with only 800 kcal a day means 61'600 kcal less then needed. So the first one should be weakening but the second one should bring you close to your end.

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2. is coming later in development I think and 3. if it's frozen I don't think the meat emits a smell at all but I can be wrong im not a wolf but if it's fresh wolves in the area should be able to smell it to some degree.

4. I agree on because well I've suggested something exactly like it before

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I presume you talking about survival mode?

1.  Mentioned many times by many gamers.

2.  I think they still need balancing as well, probably an ongoing experience by the devs.

3. Yes I also wondered why all my food stored in snow outside never vanishes :) Guess the devs have come up with some solutions as in Wintermute where they have those wooden storage boxes outside of cabins.

4. Do you know what a paragraph is lol? I'm not sure but I always thought if you where thirsty or hungry it acts to your fatigue.


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On 12. 9. 2017 at 1:54 PM, The_Materialist said:

2. Improved wolf AI, I know that wolfes make the game challenging. The wolfes used to be super predictable which I think is not the way to go but nowadays wolfs in my experience are just random. I know they are not supposed to behave naturally but think about it: at full health with a knife with good fatigue you are most probably gonna kill a wolf in a fight. Wolfes are intelligent they do not attack unless they think it is worth the risk or they are attacked. Make them act this way! If I am well rested, armed, well fed and at full health a wolf should bark at me and come and investigate me.

I talked about this on a different post. I think you should probably do a bit more research on this. It does not work the way you describe it, though you are correct it would be closer to real behavior of wolves then the current game. But if they were acting more realistically, the game would be mostly about enviromental dangers and not the wildlife, which is bad because environmental is something you can easily prepare for once you are skilled enough.

I skimmed most of what you said (should be doing something else then sitting on forums :D) I can already say from the titles I agree with 1st, 3rd and 4th suggestion. For the headgear, already gave my specs on what it should be crafted out of in "pull the hat out of rabbit" thread. I think that one was fair enough.
3rd bit I agree with if there will be ways to prevent this from happening. Some ways of storing the meat outside safely out of the reach of the predators - by hiding it in frozen ground freezers, or by tying it to a tree high up, that sort of thing).
4th bit is already at works, I believe. Someone reported that there is a malnuricion affliction which is being developed that somehow slipped by to this version of the game - which punishes player for starving soo much, by not allowing him to rest. I think that affliction has a great potential but will need some balancing as atm, it is way too easily avoidable.
2nd bit, the wolf behavior - I dont agree with. With the aurora risk, I think the current wolves are a decent risk player should account for. I dont care they are too hostile, I like that about them.

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