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  1. I remember this period, and I too recall complaining about it, and I also remember the responses from fanboys about how it isn't that bad, and it's fine, and nothing is broken.... Yet, I don't seem to be having this issue as frequently or to the degree it was when I had originally brought it up.... Guess it magically just fixed itself in a stealth patch....
  2. I am probably one of the most impatient people on the planet. I also like to treat each day like it's my last because you never know when you'll have a piano dropped on your head, or you'll be diagnosed with terminal cancer. Some people just don't have time to waste "waiting." In this instance instead of waiting for Hinterland to recharge their batteries to fix THIS particular game, I should be playing other games that are fun. I just didn't want to move on yet, because typically when I move on I never come back. So in the event I suddenly vanish it's probably because a piano was dropped on my head, I got terminal cancer, or I moved on to another game....
  3. Personally I probably would have waited until patching Wintermute was completed before declaring a month off for everyone. Fixing the mess would be the least that could be done before everyone gets to go into relax mode. We have been waiting over three weeks now for the flare cache to be patched. It was already patched once, but the patch didn't actually fix it. They had the same issue with the bear ear, the bear hide for repairing Jerimiah's coat, and the aurora not appearing for the dam quest. Those were all things that had to be patched multiple times, because the patches didn't even work.... It's pretty frustrating having to wait for patches, but I find it even more frustrating to wait for the same things to be patched multiple times.....
  4. Is this still happening despite you sending the team on vacation @Raphael van Lierop? Some(many?) of us have have been waiting for the flare cache to be fixed for over three weeks now, so we can finish Episode 2. I was hoping you were going to send it out Sunday at 2AM like you seem to do, but that was several days ago and no dice....
  5. At least it only happened once....and it was 20 years! Even drunk, you probably would never forget the time you drank pee....
  6. If you have never accidentally consumed your own urine, then you have never been drunk in the basement and too lazy to go upstairs to use the bathroom. You would think the beer bottle being warm and not cold would have alerted me to my mistake before putting the bottle to my lips and taking a swig.... Drunkenness causes delayed reaction time.... At least it was MY urine.... Now the time my DAD accidentally drank MY urine....that's a story for another day....
  7. True....I was just mentioning basically the same exact thing happened to another group of devs, and they handled it a completely different way. They told the community what happened, and then said we would have to wait.....because expletive happens....
  8. That is basically what happened to the Battletech people too. I believe they were using Unity as well and in July the new Unity update caused them to basically have to rebuild they whole game from the ground up. Which took them an additional month as well, but they just pushed the release of the beta access back another month about one month before it should have been released.... And they were like, "Sorry the whole game just broke, see you in another month...."
  9. The ledge is pretty far up there, when you get close enough....or parallel to it, you can click on it. Then you get off the rope and can stand on it until your stamina fill up. Like I said though, that climb....even to the ledge, takes A LOT out of you. Even after being fully rested AND drinking a coffee, I was below half rested by the time I got to the ledge. That rope is brutal. Now the sleeping on the ledge bug has never happened to me, but I read about it happening to someone else. Basically after sleeping on the ledge he could no longer click on the rope, because the game was expecting him to click on one end of the rope, or the other....not the middle. Since he had slept there, then his game was saved to a ledge with a rope that couldn't be clicked on....not a position you want to be in. Pretty much means your run is over unless you manage to mountain goat down and not die.... I believe he eventually committed suicide. I think reading that story is what convinced me to start backing up my saves. Permadeath is fine in a game as long as the game doesn't have bugs that can "cheat" you out of a good run. Dying due to that scenario isn't exactly fair....
  10. I never said I didn't like the "visual poem." It is pretty badass! Hopefully someday there will be a movie! Also, I always considered Christopher Plummer to be a "good" actor, but many of his roles are somewhat I often want to punch him in the face. Even when he's not going for full on villain....and he's playing like your typical jerk boss, I still want to punch him in the face... His role in the movie " Wolf" with Jack Nicholson, Michelle Pfeiffer, and James Spader comes to mind....
  11. I'd advise against sleeping on the ledge. It may no longer let you select the rope if you do that.....unless they stealth patched it. The best choice is to sleep in the cave down at the bottom until 100% rested, and then drink a coffee at the bottom. That is like the longest rope in the whole game I think. I would take a breather on the ledge to get your stamina back up, and maybe even drink a second coffee on the ledge....but I wouldn't recommend sleeping on the ledge.....
  12. Don't eat yellow's really salty, and tastes NOTHING like a banana snow cone....sadly....
  13. Well I was just going by the whole waited three years for the first two episodes.... That being said hopefully most of the heavy lifting is out of the way. They had to make several new maps and overhaul old maps to get the first two episodes out.... Hopefully there is maybe just one more new location....whatever is through the tunnel....and maybe that's connected to that bridge people saw that they couldn't get to... They also have done a lot of the character model work and animations. They will have to do some more voice over work, but really that doesn't take a lot of studio just have the actors read all the lines a bunch of different ways and then edit together the best versions.....Maybe do a call back later to fix any last minute changes.... The hardest part will probably be all the scripting of the new quests to make sure they trigger correctly and don't all bug out.... That's where they will want to do some serious bug doing things out of order, not going the right way on maps. Dropping important items on the ground and seeing if they, making sure quest items don't disappear if you die....etc.... Hopefully they learned a lot from the first two episodes as far as play testing goes....