First to unlock!


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Was the first to get multiple achievements including Reaching the top of Timberwolf mountain, Don't starve, and Stone-Age sniper.

When I unlocked these achievements I looked and saw 0.00% of people had them. So I figure i'm one of the first to get them.

But I could be wrong and it takes a long time to update the stats so I could not be first. Has anyone else gotten these three achievements? There's a lot of people playing so for the stats to be 0/10000 for 1,000,000 players (amount of people that own TLD) or maybe it goes off of active players 100,000.

Either way i'm either the first or 1 of less than 1000 to 100 players that own these achievements.

Can anyone explain how the stats go about being calculated and if I am truly one of the first 1000ish players to unlock these 3.


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1 hour ago, Lrrr Ruler of OP8 said:

 How the heck did you get stone age sniper? I've having difficulties with that one haha. 

I did it in the transition area from mystery lake to pleasant valley, between the dam and cave. Just killed the wolf down there then collected 50 stones and went on a rabbit neck snapping spree.

The trick is right above the knuckle on the thumb is the crosshair then it's just a matter of scaring a bunny off in a straight line down the river then chucking the rocks up and having them slide into the rabbit as it runs.

Wasn't even trying for the achievements. Just got them and wondered who else had them.

Anyway good luck.

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3 hours ago, pigbull320 said:

Was the first to get multiple achievements including Reaching the top of Timberwolf mountain, Don't starve, and Stone-Age sniper.

When I unlocked these achievements I looked and saw 0.00% of people had them. So I figure i'm one of the first to get them.

But I could be wrong and it takes a long time to update the stats so I could not be first. Has anyone else gotten these three achievements? There's a lot of people playing so for the stats to be 0/10000 for 1,000,000 players (amount of people that own TLD) or maybe it goes off of active players 100,000.

Either way i'm either the first or 1 of less than 1000 to 100 players that own these achievements.

Can anyone explain how the stats go about being calculated and if I am truly one of the first 1000ish players to unlock these 3.


Why did you add Pigbull320 at the end of the url,? :P quite obvious that it is not part of your screeshot. Very cool though, I don't know that I want to climb that mountain with the weight restrictions and all.

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2 hours ago, Littleork said:

I see 0.4% for Stone-Age Sniper and 0.2% for Don't Starve so maybe 1 more person got Stone-Age Sniper? Timberwolf mountain still shows as 0%

when I first got stone age sniper (like 2 or maybe 3 days ago) it showed 0% same for don't starve when I first got them.

2 hours ago, Littleork said:

Why did you add Pigbull320 at the end of the url,? :P quite obvious that it is not part of your screenshot.

I thought maybe someone would either call me out on it or someone might steal the picture or something. Just did it to avoid questions :P

2 hours ago, Littleork said:

 Very cool though, I don't know that I want to climb that mountain with the weight restrictions and all.

Worst part is going down, you can't climb the ropes while encumbered. So can only take like 10 pounds of stuff with me when I leave.

Here's a quick 'quide' I've made over my 120 hours of playing and the 5 trips to timberwolf i've made.

I'm going to copy and paste this with a bit more tips and information in another post. Hope no one else made a similar guide and I get called out for stealing ideas.

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1 hour ago, happybjorn said:

Grats on the achievements.

Finally made it to the summit myself 19 days in (with 19 blizzards survived too).  Was worth the trip.

The climbing weight restrictions don't actually change much, they are just annoying.

You can't climb down ropes with while encumbered unless you cheese down the mountain. Think I did it on day 12, started in mystery lake.

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On 4.8.2017 at 4:20 PM, Lrrr Ruler of OP8 said:

How the heck did you get stone age sniper? I've having difficulties with that one haha. 

I got mine pretty fast after 20 throws or so after I figured out aiming (with rmb) wasn't helping me at all for this achievement. I just positioned my character so the rabbits would walk towards me and then threw stones at them directly (with lmb) only. After a while I figured out the standart flight distance of stones and managed to hit a rabbit. ;)


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