Am I the only one who can't scare off wolves?


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Wolves don't seem to be scared of me. I can't chase them off no matter what. Throw a flare at them? They don't care. Throw a torch at them? Still don't care. Shoot a flare shot at them? They run 10 yards but come right back.

I  just don't understand why flares and torches don't work for me, when we could brandish instead of throwing our on weapon it worked almost perfectly.  But of coarse they removed it for some reason. It just seems like I'm the only one  who suffers from this problem, everyone else can scare them but me! Am I really just that unlucky?

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They don't work for me either. Nothing scares them. I get attacked 100% of the time whether the smell-o-meter is active or not, whether I have a flare and throw it  directly at their feet, same with a torch.  If you are really fast you can make a campfire which might scare them but you have to be very fast..........

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According to the release notes of the 2nd Wintermute patch, just released an hour ago, it's been a bug all along..


Fixed issue with Wolf AI not fleeing correctly when the player throws a lit Flare, Torch, or Stone at it.


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  • 4 months later...

OK, so the things are wolves will only run away if they're "standing" and growling at you. When they're doing it, you can simply throw a flare/torch at them and they're going to fuck off. If they started charging, simply walk back staring at them. They will simply stand for a while, then you can do it. Remember also that you can kill animals with flare gun shots. You just need to shoot it in their "mouth". It will do a huge amount of damage, even being able to kill a bear

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@Morphe, is right, wait until youre in a "standoff" mode between them where the wolf is trying to decide whether its tougher than you or not. Ive also noticed sprinting away from a wolf while in its line of sight can prevent it from going into a "standoff" mode for a while. So its best to walk away from it until its too close for comfort, light flare, then stop walking when it gets close, dont move and it should stop as well at the edge of the light, wait a second, then toss. 

I miss brandishing however, it was more immersive and had good voicelines. 

Hinterland please make brandish an extra keybind for middle mouse click. Or maybe exclusive for brands or torches, I miss brands as well, they added variety.

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11 hours ago, MarrowStone said:

@Morphe, is right, wait until youre in a "standoff" mode between them where the wolf is trying to decide whether its tougher than you or not. Ive also noticed sprinting away from a wolf while in its line of sight can prevent it from going into a "standoff" mode for a while. So its best to walk away from it until its too close for comfort, light flare, then stop walking when it gets close, dont move and it should stop as well at the edge of the light, wait a second, then toss. 

I miss brandishing however, it was more immersive and had good voicelines. 

Hinterland please make brandish an extra keybind for middle mouse click. Or maybe exclusive for brands or torches, I miss brands as well, they added variety.

I miss them too, but it was too easy. You always had a guarantee that they're going to run away.

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13 hours ago, Morphe said:

I miss them too, but it was too easy. You always had a guarantee that they're going to run away.

The tossing of a flare seems to be guaranteed as well though, i actually had less luck with the brandishing. As long as the wolves arent moving and are qrowling, the flares usually do their job, ive had maybe one torch fail. 

Also if they bring brandishing back i wouldnt mind if they fixed it and lowered the success rate, it was more fun imo. 

Itd make sense if we tossed flares and brandished torches. Tossing a torch into the snow doesnt seem like a good idea if you want to keep it burning, but so does swinging it around violently, so im not sure.

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