Deliberately getting Hypothermia


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I was just walking around jackrabbit island and decided to paddle in the water close to the island like I sometimes do, but this time I fell in the ice. No biggie, I am fully equipped, have heaps of food, water, was not wearing any clothing at the time (stripped while I had a hot fire going) and am close to shelter. I go to sleep and wake up due to no longer being tired. So I pass time for 2 hours and realise it completely depletes my fatigue bar.

I have had hypothermia before in game and I know this, but this particular time got me thinking.

I could easily regain heaps of condition by deliberately falling through the ice close to shelter and then being able to sleep much more frequently than you are currently able to due to the waking up mechanic. Ie it is possible that hypothermia is good for your health :)

I know there are other ways to fatigue your player quickly but this method seems particularly effective.

I don't like breaking the game on purpose and tend not to on my proper runs but it may be useful for speed-running or something. What do you guys think about this? Does anyone use fatigue methods to recover condition quickly?

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I never knew this about fatigue and falling in the ice, as I try REALLY hard not to fall in the ice. This is a super good suggestion for if you have low condition due to animal maulings, and you are not tired enough to regain condition through sleeping.

Thank you for sharing this!

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On 7/27/2017 at 10:03 PM, Renegade30 said:

Does anyone use fatigue methods to recover condition quickly?

Yes, not using this "hypothermia mechanic", but I'll sometimes jog around and around, even indoors if necessary, to wear myself out before sleeping, either to recover more condition or ensure I'll sleep until a sensible time in the morning.

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While I have not necessarily been in too many lethal situations, I find that if I am too awake to sleep, I will pass an hour at the bed then sleep for 3 or more hours. May be a bit less extreme than dunking oneself in freezing water just to get tired. 

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On 7/28/2017 at 9:30 PM, JAFO said:

Yes, not using this "hypothermia mechanic", but I'll sometimes jog around and around, even indoors if necessary, to wear myself out before sleeping, either to recover more condition or ensure I'll sleep until a sensible time in the morning.

I use this same strategy to get tired enough to sleep.

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Another strategy I use sometimes is tiring myself out by climbing and descending a rope because it uses up your fatigue very quickly, but there's only a few locations where you can do this. This I consider reasonable in game because it can be considered normal exercise wheras deliberately getting hypothermia is not rational, but I thought it may be useful for going for a certain challenge or speedrun

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