Game pauses after eating, drinking etc... (another question too)


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Since the new update, whenever I eat, drink, or any other activity like it, the game pauses for 2 or 3 seconds. It makes it really tedious to eat, especially when you're eating something like cattails. This wasn't something added in the update was it? Is this a bug perhaps? I'm on Xbox One, if it is.


Another question. With the clothing, how do you switch what you want to put on? It keeps putting on cruddy clothing instead of the nice clothes. For example: I'll have a nice pair of work boots and a useless pair of sneakers. It puts on the sneakers over the boots. I have to drop all other clothes items to put on the right one. Is there an easier way? You guys said something about it, but there is no way to change it, at least not on Xbox One. Please help.


On a side note, are there any whole buildings on the new map? I can't find a hatchet or a knife, but I have a hacksaw. It's a pain cutting wood with it and meat. I killed a bear very early on because he was blocking the path around the ice, now he's gonna rot because I only have a hacksaw :| . Maybe it's for the better, parasites aren't to be messed with. Anyways, back to the whole buildings thing... Are there any caves, if not houses? Something to stay warm, I'm already out of coal from the Spencer Homestead.

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Seconded. I was going to post a thread on this also - glad to see it isn't just me.
The icons go missing for a few seconds after the activity is completed.

Slightly cumbersome at first but then progresses into an annoyance as you play further.

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2 hours ago, HazardousHowitzer said:


Another question. With the clothing, how do you switch what you want to put on? It keeps putting on cruddy clothing instead of the nice clothes. For example: I'll have a nice pair of work boots and a useless pair of sneakers. It puts on the sneakers over the boots. I have to drop all other clothes items to put on the right one. Is there an easier way? You guys said something about it, but there is no way to change it, at least not on Xbox One. Please help.

I'm on PC myself, so I hope this is still relevant to you. Go into the clothing menu and then select the gear you want to equip or remove. There will be an action icon there named "Take Off" or "Wear". (The icon name changes.)
At the top right of these icons is the picture of the gear - there will be an arrow to select which piece of gear you can equip.

Screen 1 : Before Equipping
Screen 2: After Equipping



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9 hours ago, MarrowStone said:

It seems the game's not actually pausing, but rather it waits for the animation for the hunger and thirst bar to fade away before letting you eat again, this nearly doubles the time to eat and its quite annoying. 

I dont want to whine but I think this needs fixed

Not whining at all - it has to be fixed.

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This problem was partially solved with yesterday's hotfix v.388.

- when inside the inventory interface, it's fixed: we don't have to wait for the progress bar to fade away before having the other buttons enabled.

- outside of the inventory the delay is still there: if I find a bottle in the world and I click on it and I choose the option 'Drink It', then I have to wait first for the thirst bar to fill (fine, as usual), and then for the thirst bar to fade away (to be fixed). Only then I get back control and am able to move around.

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