Reign Of the Canines... The Suggestion for wild dogs.


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Okay, Imagine you are traversing the cold wastes of northern canada, you hear barking, you turn around, but instead of a typical wolf, you see this...


What would you do? It approaches, but instead of mauling you, it sniffs curiously. You put out your hand, you then pet it, you have established a bond... kind of. You begin to feed it some of your meat, possibly putting to good use the food to spoiled for you to consume. It brings you rabbits, sticks, and other such things, then it encounters the wolves... a battle ensues and it may get injured... or worse. You then patch it up and tend to it until it heals. You have now established a greater bond with your new best friend.


I understand this has been suggested before, but sometimes it gets to complicates and sometimes even goes to the point of "Taming" Wolves, The ENEMIES in the game! Dogs, however, can survive things like these and even though the storm may affect there behavior, they are domesticated, making them safer than there wild counterpart. You amy say, "Docterrok! there working as hard as they can!" And you know what? That is 100% true, this isnt a suggestion that should ber implemented soon, but dogs, in general, should be in a land where there are dog houses, dog food, and other things that cater to mans best friend, now, im not asking for a hyper-intelligent superbreed of dog like dogmeat from fallout, honestally, I'd be content with a poodle, but dogs dont just die out in an apocalyptic situation. There are dogs living in places like...







flooded areas...



What do these show? Dogs can take a beating, and they would sure as hell survive a little nippy weather. What do you think?

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The blizzard has become worse as night falls. The icy wind batters your feeble body and you begin to realize that to sleep is to die. So......Tired..... Suddenly you feel a warm embrace, not of death, but of your loyal friend, sparky.  You try and smile, you won't die alone, he is here. 


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15 minutes ago, Cosquake said:

The blizzard has become worse as night falls. The icy wind batters your feeble body and you begin to realize that to sleep is to die. So......Tired..... Suddenly you feel a warm embrace, not of death, but of your loyal friend, sparky.  You try and smile, you won't die alone, he is here. 


thats deeper than the Marianas trench...

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1 hour ago, Cosquake said:

So......Tired..... Suddenly you feel a warm embrace, not of death, but of your loyal friend, sparky...

...humping your leg.


You try and smile, you won't die alone, he is here. 

Yes, and when you both do die, at least dog will be satisfied.

2 hours ago, Docterrok said:


3 Miras at once, ohh God. We are so screwed !

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In almost every post-apocaplyptic game/scenario, feralized dogs would make almost infinitely more sense as antagonists as opposed to wolves, for the simple reason that dogs have had the fear of humans bred out of them, and as thus, don't require any nonsensical immersion-breaking " IT WAS DA STOOORRRMMMM WOOOOOOOOOO -waves hands-" to make them attack humans.

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Note that in rural areas wolves - especially when desperate for food - will attack and eat dogs. Given the short amount of time between disaster and starting the game (<6 months) feral packs are less likely than wolves since they'd be an appetizer to a wolf. If there was a feral dog pack they may stand a chance but even then starvation is more likely as the hunting instinct (at least for large prey) has been bread out of most dogs.

That being said, I'd still love to find a dog curled up in the lap of their frozen master inside a looted house.

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7 hours ago, Wastelander said:

I think the only dogs that would have a chance of survival would be the really large ones. 

Well , i guess it depends on their ability to find food , because logically a larger dog requires more food right ? Wich means it would starve to death faster than a smaller one ?

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47 minutes ago, ZlatanHazard said:

Well , i guess it depends on their ability to find food , because logically a larger dog requires more food right ? Wich means it would starve to death faster than a smaller one ?

Technically, but the smaller one are practically incapable of surviving on their own. They depend too much on us for food and in the context of TLD i would think it would be impossible for them to hunt or find something to eat, as everything would be too big for them. The big ones could do better and at least have a chance. 

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2 hours ago, CarolinaSantAngelo said:

Technically, but the smaller one are practically incapable of surviving on their own. They depend too much on us for food and in the context of TLD i would think it would be impossible for them to hunt or find something to eat, as everything would be too big for them. The big ones could do better and at least have a chance. 

That's true .  imo the best dog they could add is a german shepherd , kinda like in the movie  <<I am legend>> :P 

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11 hours ago, cekivi said:

Any mid to large dog with fur would be fine. Retrievers, labs, huskies, elkhounds, etc. could all survive the cold. It's just a question of could they get enough food to stay alive?

Well i guess you could find one abandoned and starving or something and you would have to raise it and feed it on you're own . Even if that meant losing some of your own valuable food a dog would be pretty helpful .

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I really like this idea. Especially because feral dogs are still domesticated and don't take to organized pack hunting like their wolf cousins, but once trash and easy to get food runs out, they will act like the wolves already do in the game. Aggressive, disorganized, and desperate. I've been playing a lot of Rimworld lately which makes me wish you could tame and train a wild dog, but I understand that would be a whole new mechanic; a little much.

Either way, the feral dog idea is cool. Especially mixing up their appearance with a few different breeds.

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