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I also find it rather frustrating. I get that things happen but seriously, even walking up or down a steep hill (and slowly mind you) I could be careful enough to avoid the majority of the sprained ankles and wrists I get. Seriously, you don't sprain your wrist walking up a hill ....

I've done lots of hiking and exploring in the woods including climbing very steep inclines and even down steep rock faces. I have NEVER sprained my wrist or ankle. The only time I sprained my ankle was when I was 14 and wearing platform shoes.....

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I found sprains not punishing enough.

For example, with the sprained ankle my character starts to limp and unable to run, but its not affect the walking speed much, not at all I think. It is no need to attend the sprain, it is not hard at all to get to sleep and be cured. I think it should be some good speed penalty to, lets say 25-40%. Two sprained ankles - more penalty.

Similarly,  sprained wrist penalty is just inability to use weapon. The working speed (cutting wood, harvesting carcasses etc) is without penalty. As for me, it should be penalty 25-40% more time for doing operations with hands, similar to described above.

In my opinion, it is good to have things.

What the topic-starter and the community think?

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17 hours ago, AHGoodwin said:

I also find it rather frustrating. I get that things happen but seriously, even walking up or down a steep hill (and slowly mind you) I could be careful enough to avoid the majority of the sprained ankles and wrists I get. Seriously, you don't sprain your wrist walking up a hill ....

I've done lots of hiking and exploring in the woods including climbing very steep inclines and even down steep rock faces. I have NEVER sprained my wrist or ankle. The only time I sprained my ankle was when I was 14 and wearing platform shoes.....

You have a point. But I bet you was not carrying 20+ kilos in deep snow, that hides rocks and other things. I think sprains rather OK. If you carrying big weight, walking/running steep surfaces, are tired - you probably could get the foot sprain rather easily. But if you are in light weight (less then 15 kilos behind you back), fresh and walking flat surface - you probably wont get one. I can see such correlation in the game.

About wrist sprains by walking hill... Remember, you carrying stuff. If you slip - you will probably fall on you wrist. So, sprain in such situation is not unrealistic. But maybe less hand sprains from walking will be OK.

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Sprains could have less chance to occur. I dont know how things are now, havent got any sprains when simply walking on even terrain lately, but that was rather ridiculous.

At the same time there should be 3 degrees of sprains: mild, serious and severe. With chance to occur be 70/20/10% when sprain happens. Each level decrease player efficiency with associated tasks, be it walking or crafting and severe also drains player condition. Each level also would require more time to heal. If not addressed in a timely fashion(as player continues to walk around on sprained ankle), lower tier sprain is upgraded to higher tier one. Continuous ignore of condition leads to permanent damage(torn tenders for example).

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Sprains are due for a rework in the next couple of updates, according to the roadmap (along with infections).

Hopefully it includes longer heal times, at the very least. I only tend to get sprains when I'm scrambling about on very steep terrain, but perhaps it'd be nice to get more warning or have the ability to move more slowly and carefully to minimise the risk?

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The problem is the game encourages you to explore, by putting things you need in hard to reach places, and having hidden stuff like the bunker, various caves etc.  But then punishes you for doing that exploring in a way you can't really control.

I like the idea of injuries, but they should be rare and much more serious.  Unless i'm jumping off rocks or falling down a hill I don't expect to sprain anything.  Sure its possible to sprain your ankle just walking on uneven ground, never mind clambering up slopes and over rocks covered in snow and ice during a blizzard or whatever, but having 15 sprains in 1 in game month of play is just silly.  If you're going to have an injury system it can't be wholly RNG based, the player has to be able to judge if what they're doing is risky or dangerous by some feedback from the game, not just by experience of how many dozen sprains they've got in the past doing it. And there should be mitigating factors, if I can get an injury slipping on a steep slope, give me an ice axe or crampons or something.

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2 hours ago, Dirmagnos said:

Sprains could have less chance to occur. I dont know how things are now, havent got any sprains when simply walking on even terrain lately, but that was rather ridiculous.

At the same time there should be 3 degrees of sprains: mild, serious and severe. With chance to occur be 70/20/10% when sprain happens. Each level decrease player efficiency with associated tasks, be it walking or crafting and severe also drains player condition. Each level also would require more time to heal. If not addressed in a timely fashion(as player continues to walk around on sprained ankle), lower tier sprain is upgraded to higher tier one. Continuous ignore of condition leads to permanent damage(torn tenders for example).

That is something I've also mentioned in a few wishlist/feedback posts. Anything to give more depth is good.

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@continuity I believe that the likelihood of getting sprains is tied to the specific sandbox.  It's just a guess, but based on my experiences (I often replay the first 30 days with various personal challenges, so I'm on my 100th or so sandbox now).  Maybe the chance for a sprain is a "roll" when you create the sandbox -- it feels that way.  Like the way loot can feel more sparse or plentiful than average.  

Anyway, my experience is that a sandbox which starts with lots of sprains will continue to hand you many more sprains than average forever.  (I think the longest I tried to play one of these was to day 80ish.)  Now I reroll immediately when I encounter one.  Same difficulty, same location but the sprains are far less frequent.  Normal feeling. ;)

Dunno if I'm right but if I am, maybe the current system is a placeholder until something more skill-based comes along?  At least that's my hope. 

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On 7/22/2016 at 5:03 PM, Dirmagnos said:

Sprains could have less chance to occur. I dont know how things are now, havent got any sprains when simply walking on even terrain lately, but that was rather ridiculous.

At the same time there should be 3 degrees of sprains: mild, serious and severe. With chance to occur be 70/20/10% when sprain happens. Each level decrease player efficiency with associated tasks, be it walking or crafting and severe also drains player condition. Each level also would require more time to heal. If not addressed in a timely fashion(as player continues to walk around on sprained ankle), lower tier sprain is upgraded to higher tier one. Continuous ignore of condition leads to permanent damage(torn tenders for example).

I`m strongly for that!

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  • 2 months later...

Want to add another thing:

In case you get both wrist and ankle sprains (happens quite often at the same time these days) you need to take 2 painkillers for each to get rid of them (or you can sleep of course).

I don't think that makes sense. If you take 2 painkillers for one of the two there is no reason why the other should still be "in place".

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