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Posts posted by JohnLovesCoffee

  1. Oof... sorry, mate. One of those "alright, never do that again" moments. I have a few myself. It hurts but it makes this game really tense and I love it!

    I'll be sure to pay my respects to your survivor's frozen remains next time I pass by (maybe I'll search his pockets too if you don't mind).

    Good luck with the next one!

    • Upvote 1
  2. Welcome, @MashMash!

    Yep, I think I have around 700 hours and I also feel I have a lot of stuff to discover. Imagine now with the expansion... I'm sure we have tons of memorable moments ahead.

    By the way, I started Dredge this past weekend and I'm fascinated by it! So it looks we have at least two beautiful games in common.

    See you around!

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  3. That's what I thought. I did a quick search here before posting but couldn't find anything. I'll file a report just in case.

    Thanks, mates! @Leeanda @Enigmaecho @SpanishMoss


    3 hours ago, SpanishMoss said:

    the main catch is: 


      Reveal hidden contents


    No condition regeneration, except from a few stims



    Yep, this was working fine. But the rest was crazy easy. No way I had suddenly become so good at the game.

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  4. I think I've found several problems with this challenge.

    I was trying it for the first time yesterday and I started to get suspicious after going through Bleak Inlet, the Muskeg, Broken Railroad and Milton like it was a walk in the park, thinking what was going to be the catch as this one's suposed to be the hardest.

    Things I've noticed that may not be as they should:

    - No survivor monologue

    - No red warning of sprain risk on slopes

    - No wolves at all, not seen or heard. Actually no predators aside from the bear near BI lighthouse

    - Very forgiving survivor needs. I could trek for a couple of days without resting, and for a whole day at feels like -28° without freezing

    - Glorious weather most of the time. - 10° air temperature and the clarest of days at FM (but maybe I was lucky with this one)

    - A lot of loot. I was leaving many valuable things behind

    This is not normal, is it? Has anyone else noticed?

    I've done a couple of test starts today and it's the same every time.

    I'm on PS5 btw

    Thank you!

  5. The wildlife refresh is the best one for me. It will bring back the sense of not being safe anywhere while traveling for the experienced players. I play with few but deadly wolves so I'm always on my toes, but the more danger the better. 😬 I hope it will add more uncertainty to the wildlife spawns and behaviour, not just a new set of spawns and paths that we can learn again. But I'm sure it's going to be great anyway.

    I'm also very interested in the travois. The extra carrying capacity for looting big places or moving to a new base is going to be awesome, but what I'm really looking forward to are its downsides. I believe this is going to be a very risky tool to use and I'm excited about it.

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  6. The Warming up bonus that you get by eating or drinking cooked or reheated items (except meat or water) is very powerful. And reishi mushrooms and rose hips are relatively easy-to-find resources. Consider using the tea that you can make with them only for the Warming up benefit instead of their main use as natural remedies, especially in the early game when you don't have good clothes yet and/or if you need to travel in the morning.

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  7. Starving is not an emergency most of the time. Finding food is obviously essential for surviving and should be a priority and one of the main reasons to move to a new place. But don't panic and put yourself in a deadly situation just because you are beginning to starve, even if it means losing your Well fed bonus.

    • Upvote 2
  8. Of course you are not alone! This game is so special and to see it grow through the years is wonderful. I personally wouldn't mind if a sort of definitive state arrives soon because it exceeded all my expectations a long time ago and I cannot ask for more. But if the studio decides to keep it as a side project while doing other things? With additional expansions like this one or maybe with smaller (and paid) updates every once in a while? Well, absolutely!

    • Upvote 3
  9. 17 hours ago, yollarbenibekler said:

    But there is one thing that scares me which might cause some serious bugs because it's a very complex update: safehouse customization.

    Oof, you are right. I always display all my stuff in several bases and outposts around the island. Hopefully this will be a quite simple feature. I'm looking forward to it, but I'd like it to be no more than some tweaks to make the places warmer and more comfy.

  10. This is a very interesting question, @Woolfy. And I've wondered about it since I started playing because, like you, the answer affects how I approach being a survivor. I'm fascinated by the idea of being the last person alive, the dread and fatality that comes with it.

    As our mates have pointed out, there are hints in both sandbox and Wintermute (more than hints here) that, in my opinion, suggest that this is actually the downfall of the whole civilization. I think we will get even more details with episode five, but the game does a very good job in keeping a mystery around the whole matter and I feel that not everything is going to be explained.

    There is another "meta" hint supporting this, though. The introductory texts for both the Nomad and As the Dead Sleep challenges start with "The world  is changed...", "The world has changed..."

    Ultimately, as this is a game and we are lucky creatures with a lot of imagination, you can take advantage of the ambiguities and build your own story. For sandbox I choose to be the last person alive. There is no hope, but I have to survive.

    So become one with nature, my friend.


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  11. Ah, nice. I think I'll go for the long run then. I have the most fun this way and I'm definitely not waiting until part 6 is out because I'm excited just reading about the new stuff. We all know I'll probably find a horrible and avoidable death before carrying out half my plans anyway.

    Going back to old maps for new items miiight be an issue but a small one. I rarely empty whole regions before moving on.

    And wow, I might need to rethink my idea of a long run. My record is an astonishing 116 days B|. Good luck with those 1000 days, @Leeanda!

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  12. I'm about to start my first run with the expansion and I was wondering if the changes with each update are safe enough for it to be a long run.

    I know there are and will be some (totally understandable) issues as it's a work in progress, but I'm asking about game breaking issues.

    So, are you all doing test or temporary runs to try the new features waiting for the whole thing to be finished? Or are you playing normally and just carry on with the new content when it arrives?

    Not that it makes a huge difference, but I'd like to know because I do very different things after spawn when I'm planning to go the distance.

    Thanks in advance!

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  13. @Smellyfries

    Mate, I just remembered that I found this thread months ago when I was looking for a twist to this challenge, long before actually joining the forums, and I thought "Hell, no. Too much" but ended up giving it a try and, after MANY deaths, I finally did it.

    What I couldn't manage is your route, haha! Entering Bleak Inlet from the Ravine with the need of an extra rope and the DW so close... Or going up the ropes in Milton Basin after a close encounter at BR and just before the nightmare of going in and out HRV... Impossible for me. I actually did the opposite, doing HRV early on and going down to the basin, Bleak Inlet in and out from FM after BR, and the eastern regions just before going up to PV and TWM. I guess we have different black spots on the maps.

    Anyway, thanks for the idea and the extra anxiety!



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  14. Would it be possible to have the green fires of each region spawn randomly in one of maybe three or four possible locations per map?

    I love this challenge and replay it from time to time, but after a while I've found a somewhat optimal route and can't help but follow it every time. It would be nice to start without knowing exactly where you need to go. You would need to improvise a lot more.

    This may cause balance issues, especially with the fog timers, but I think that finding three or four spots in every region that are relatively balanced out should not be a problem.

    What do you think?

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  15. 3 hours ago, conanjaguar said:

    Whew… finally made it!4349A9F6-9EA1-443C-B28F-B2E0D96CB074.thumb.jpeg.ada3497b68ef3da2b4ffa9272a57f3bf.jpeg

    Great! Haha, like you, I've been playing for 4 years and only reached the summit in my last run. Always too busy exploring other areas and a bit scared of the challenge. Enjoy the loot!

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