Matt Lomax

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Everything posted by Matt Lomax

  1. 😄 Just means you won't be getting bored, embrace the chaos ... Before the inevitable self-fulfilling plummet into darkness 👻
  2. Very brave, should be an interesting challenge. I'm intrigued to see how you do. Loving the frequency of storms, will make hunting all the more arduous I feel. Good luck 👍😎
  3. 🤣 Yep, these pesky mutts always bite the hand that feeds! And, um, may have my own intel division going on ... But he's busy barbecuing and not very intelligent 🙄 Well said, also says something about the longevity of the game and the passion for the project of the developers 👍😎
  4. Exactly. This is the warmest, most receptive forum I've had the pleasure of joining. A great bunch of folk always worth listening to 💪 Wait ... How? How did you find out about the scazor? 😱 I must ready my skeleton army to invade your timberwolf intelligence department 🙊
  5. Exactly. It's a concept sadly lost on a lot of public forums and social media in particular. I mean, I rarely agree with my own ideas so ... Would seem unfair to judge someone else's 😄 We're very good at being objective but quick to forget we're clouded by our own subjective experiences and prejudices. It's how we compose ourselves and respect others that matters, in my humble opinion. Haha! Keep your t-wolves away ... Wolfy won't have uncivilised beasts loitering near the barbecue drinking their fermented peach juice. Oh, he's cooking shaved fish and ketchup chips ... Your favourite, he reckons 🤔😄
  6. Not at all, just saying it as I see it. Told you before you're a 🌟 People deserve the right to voice their opinions, people reserve the right to disagree as long as it's respectful and constructive. And people who defend that mantra earn my total respect 👊 Smores sound good, Wolfy's already got his apron on ready 💪🐺
  7. Always found it an intriguing read and, as you mentioned, could easily take place in the TLD world. Or how about Bill Cutty's (think that's the right name) escape from Blackrock? Could be a fun little mission, though probably not to program in 😄
  8. Couldn't have said it any better, a lot of respect for this comment. It's pure apocalyptic fantasy and escapism. Customisation exists to play and experience it as you prefer based on your own desires. Seems that was the intention of the developers and deserves plaudits for depth of options/specificity. It would be pretty tragic to load up a game just to impress someone else, or think our experiences are more relevant/significant when each run is unique to the individual and builds on our own personal fantasy. I completely agree with everything you've said and how positive and constructive you always are. Ideas and experiences are unique to us all and should be embraced and respected as such. Can honestly say I've disagreed with a lot of things people would like added to the game but they're always fun to read and, mostly, very creative. Surely evidences the fact that the game inspires imagination and how differently we all experience it. And that, my friends, deserves celebrating 💪
  9. 🤣 Freaky, I like it 😄 Not sure how bears maintain their girth with so few animals to munch on 🤔 I reckon they've got a secret hoard of Pinnacle Peaches 💪 Could also be why you can't find much to eat. Haha! So you can shoot quick moving, tiny animals but not great big fluffy targets? Interesting 🤔😄
  10. 😂 The animals have learned to utilise clothing to keep warm, makes sense on Great 'Bare' Island. Imagine seeing a shaved naked moose wearing that ugly green balaclava 😱 Or a bear on a bike pedaling towards you. Be like The Grinch 😄 Hope you managed to find some food, by the way. Don't want you starving to death before you can set a moose aflame 🔥
  11. Love that particular fishing hut in AC; enhanced by such magical nights 😻🍻
  12. Great question. I'm conflicted. So difficult to choose a specific region when they all have such unique identities. PV always feels like returning home, especially after spending so much time cramming the farmhouse drawers and cupboards with as much junk as I can find. Coastal Highway is also one of my favourites, love the fishing huts, surrounding woodland and Jackrabbit Island etc. Bliss.
  13. Wonder if the moose have been keeping an eye on your thread after learning of your pyromaniacal persuasion 🤔 The wildlife is certainly stealthy these days, I wish you could take polaroids in the game just to remind us what the animals look like ... With fur, fluff and feathers, in my case 🙊
  14. Haha! Typical, isn't it? I know how it is having all animal clothing, forever hunting to repair them. My snares get a lot of use 💪 😂 Worth popping in to see Wolfenfeatures in his pink leotard and headband 😻 Wonder where the corpses wander off to? Might be a pub we have yet to discover packed to the rafters with the undead. 👍
  15. Some pretty hefty damage, they clearly enjoy chomping on your clothing. Good work with the mauling though, and how considerate it chose to die outside the hut. Very thoughtful 🐺 Helps not having to lug bags of meat about, despite that it can be a decent workout. Wolfy's Keep Fit Classes for Women are also worth attending 💪 They really do enjoy munching snow pants 🤔
  16. Definitely, be able to push my baldy bear biking buddies around when they get a puncture. Would be cool, though, using stuff like that practically. Wolfenfeatures loves mints, forever crunching them whilst sorting his ruffles 😄
  17. Worth a shot, pardon the pun. Let me know if it works. Haven't tried it myself for yonks. Wheelbarrows, that's what we need to stick deer in. Could tie a wolf to the front and use it as a sled when not loaded with carcasses 💪😄 And stop smooching with the pooches ... Failing that, breath mints 🐺
  18. Haha! You'll have to drop some fresh meat to lure the bearded warriors in then hassle them whilst they're munching 💪 Though they may be more terrified of you after taking down the ghost wolf 🐺
  19. Indeed, that's always been my excuse 💪😄 And you can't, um, judge a man in those temperatures ... Just saying 😬😄 I play on custom so I've no idea what it's comparable to. I just go with it and hope for the best 🤦 Haha! I would propose the business venture but he's playing 'Cry Wolf' on repeat and howling ... He didn't take the white wolf thing very well 😭
  20. Slightly? 🤔😂 It's great 💪
  21. Congratulations on another successful mauling 🎉🎉🍻 Quite a few wolves around that area, forever a deer or two being munched on. I've always shot them dead from a long distance because I'm overly paranoid of going anywhere near them 😱 Sounds like he enjoyed your snow pants, perhaps you'd spilled some peach juice down them at some point 🤔 Wolves love their peaches 💪 Bet they also look quite fashionable with tears in, perhaps you can start a new clothing trend? Wolfenfeatures' ears perked up to the point he almost singed them with his crimpers. Any glimpses of the white wolf? Asking for a friend 🐺 And don't stop now, I'm enjoying your tales from Great Bear Island 😻
  22. Can't imagine not having the character's voice on, particularly for various prompts to eat and drink if I'm being particularly neglectful. Might be interesting though, and probably enhances the quietude. Indeed, feathers are heavy in bulk after a hefty sesh with the ol' clippers ✂
  23. Hahaha! He's clearly been eating all the wolves on the island, greedy (guinea) pig 😄 No wonder his butt crease is showing 🙊😂 Cute though, love his expression 💪
  24. Very cool 😎 A serious character like Gershwin Gizmo deserves a page in the serious art sketchbook 💪😄
  25. Nice idea 👍 Blackrock Prison the setting? 🤔