Matt Lomax

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Everything posted by Matt Lomax

  1. Ooh you tease 😻 Well, either way I'm sure it will be great ☺
  2. Looking forward to seeing your drawing 👍 Meant to say congratulations on your mauling, hope there are many more to come 🎉 It's all in the name of science after all 😻 I'll probably be on this evening, have fun out there adventurers 💪
  3. Rancid 👍 Inhaling rot never gets old 😄 Haha! It's a strange world I inhabit 😜 Oh no, mind where you step 😱 Don't take silly risks like I do to shave a few seconds off a journey. And yes, I even shave time 💪
  4. Thing is, I found 2 pieces in a beachcombing session and fell in twice ... So had to pretty much use up what I'd found 😄 Obviously I'll get better the more I do, but only tried it once at CH and DP. Not sure how often they respawn or what items wash in. 😂 It's very addictive feeling those scales against your nostrils ... Aaaand inhale 🙊😝
  5. Yeah it's not too bad, preferred it at 31 degrees though. Now I'm getting chilly while ice fishing 🎣 Haha! Well, I'm maybe being over cautious. But now I've got rid of most of my cloth clothing I should be good for quite a while yet. Hopefully 😬
  6. Yeah, probably did sound confusing. I was panicking for Mike and forgot to send the first bit separately ... Or edit it out afterwards 😜 I clearly cannot multitask. As for the snow shelter, I limit my cloth now due to resources being tight so look for alternate means of shelter. Certainly makes it interesting though on the rare occasions you become disoriented. My sprint percentage sucks.
  7. Sorry, I meant to break that sentence into a new paragraph, stopped typing whilst I was playing then started again. Had a 3 day mega blizzard. Cleared up at night. Like an idiot I thought I could easily find my way back. I legged it from the fishing hut. Got lost on the way and ran into the wolf. I should finish messages before carrying them on 🙄 Just realised where I am finally 😄
  8. Lantern oil, says Wolfenfeatures. He's got your invoice in his mouth 👍 The best kind of trip is a guilt trip 😜 And thanks, I'll strive to do better. In the midst of a three day mega blizzard ... Afterwards, got totally lost and walked straight into a wolf. Luckily, torch in hand, I scared him more than he scared me. Still don't know where I am.
  9. You guys are so ungrateful 😭 You know how hard they're trying to kick their corpse circling compulsions? 😫 It's not easy being a chubby bald crow with no sense of direction 😜
  10. Having long armpit hair prevents entry to the Cannery? 🤔 Okay, one shaver on its way ... Fly, crows, fly!
  11. So it was you outside my hut peeking in? How else would you know I'd been sniffing fish? 🤔 It was weird having that many. I sometimes have 1 a week or longer that I've noticed. Bleak Inlet seems more regular, I agree.
  12. The psychological effects are extensive ... Hence the propensity for the selective shaving of local fauna 😫
  13. Maybe so. Was morning for me though, had just woken up after a night of intense ice fishing. Weather was clear. Had 6 auroras in a row. Never seen that before. Rarely get one. My world gets weirder further in I get 😄 👊
  14. Weird, isn't it? You get so used to the natural sounds that something slightly off throws you a bit. Pfft ... I mean, thanks 😜
  15. Haha! I'll hold off on the Predator order for now 😬 Nothing at PV farm for a while, but just had footstep sounds in the snow outside of the fishing hut at Pensive Pond. Looked all over but didn't even see an animal. That was odd. Well, if that's what I'm to be remembered for ... I'll take it 🍻😄
  16. They do get stuck in your teeth though 😫 I'll find a workaround. My reputation precedes me, it seems 🤔
  17. Didn't know they had hair till I tried 👊 Bouffant bass are now on the menu 🎉
  18. Haha! Seriously sounded like the impact they would make. Very weird listening to footsteps from inside a fishing hut. Every last one of 'em 🐺 🐻 🐦 🐟
  19. The bearded warriors are becoming immune to your bullets 🤔 But not to a bit of grooming 💪
  20. Would if I could, daren't leave my hut with you stomping around outside in the snow 😱
  21. Never seen a white wolf. Normal and green for me. Freaky. Need to shave me a white wolf.
  22. That is definitely the downside, scares you half to death. Those green wolves are horrifying. Glad you're enjoying the atmosphere even more though 😻 That would be great, even to observe the night sky to while away the wee hours.
  23. Haha! I do agree though, it looks beautiful on a small screen but ... Totally comes alive on big. Aurora nights in particular are mesmerising 😻