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Everything posted by Leeanda

  1. Just passed through there! It's my main base too but I had so much lead had to go to mystery! Now wondering whether to go back to PV or on to bleak!?. Best weather I've had all week is strangely enough in PVπŸ˜„ If your still at PV wanna share some mouldy moose meat!? It's definitely cooked!πŸ˜ƒ
  2. I've had a bottle sitting there In 100% condition for 600+ days! But why when going to places like HRV would you want to carry extra weight when OMB is everywhere?surely it's better for when you're in places where weight is more of a problem?
  3. Never lost meat before but have lost the harvested bags. Sounds a bit glitchy to me!
  4. Why do most people chose to carry heavy bottles of antiseptic and ignore the old mans beard? I only carry bottles until I can find OMB then I drop them. Its seems JTS the one resource that's ignored and I wonder why?
  5. Sprains are very annoying! Not sure how many people do take it off on custom but quite s few I should imagine! I'm always spraining myself even on the smallest bumps or mounds of snow! It's understandable to some extent but it's just too much too often! And it's not like you get unlimited painkillers!
  6. You are a little devil aren't you!πŸ˜„. First the bunnies now Astrid! What are we gonna do with you? Apart from falling in the ice you get away with it! Me- I behave and what do I get? Food poisoning ,constant blizzards with exceptional high winds inbetween! I went round in a massive circle (by accident) in Ash and all the animals have done their disappearing act! So I'm coming to bleak to join you if your still there!?good job I killed both moose there the other day or I'd probably get trampled on! Oh and stop laughing πŸ˜‚
  7. Bit like pilgrim then! Take the sprains off? They are really annoying! Don't worry about the rancid meat I got a bit of food poisoning this morning! Ate an entire raw fishπŸ˜₯! Could have sworn I cooked it!πŸ˜€. Second time I've done that!. Might be a bit late for dinner though I'm stuck in a blizzard in Ash at the moment. Got any 🌭?
  8. Cool pic! Looks like day and night at the same time!πŸ˜ƒ
  9. Is there a sniper in the tower?
  10. I'll take you up on that! Got any reishi tea?and some cookies? You have a working toilet?😁. Lucky devil! Gentle?does that mean pilgrim?or looking at that bear I guess not! Did you steal his dinner?πŸ˜„
  11. Leeanda

    Map marker

    It's not so much where you are but which direction your facing!
  12. Some better storage in the more desolate areas like ash and HRV would certainly be a bonus! Leaving everything on cave floors doesn't leave much room for fires,beds etc.
  13. Was considering going up to stalker. But not until I can hit the more dangerous animals with a lot more accuracy!πŸ˜„
  14. That looks very deadly! You wouldn't like to stumble on that in the dark or a blizzard!
  15. Shot a wolf yesterday morning! Followed blood trail until it completely disappeared then spent several real time hours looking for it! Never to be found! As I said I can't even see the dot even with brightness maxed or darkest!
  16. Thanks I forgot about that and it's my main base!
  17. That looks so cosy! Just what you need after a hard day of bunny abuse!.πŸ˜€
  18. I did actually start by shooting bunnies! Can hit them fine but deer and bear I seem to have trouble with! Finally had a moose kill this morning whilst charging me! Good job the second one was a kill shot! Thought I'd missed him cos the bow looked too low to me. Would have been my first ever attack by moose if I'd missed!πŸ˜€
  19. Good to know that you haven't used mods for crumpets!. Or that you were wearing them!.Hot cocoa would be nice though!😁with marshmallows. Realised that I didn't listen to anything Hobbs said! Or the others.
  20. I've also spent some time there but last week I was at the south hunters blind when the fog descended so I tried to get my bearings and just ran ! straight into a bear that I have never seen in that area before!😁. Tried to find it next day.diappeared!. Ghost bear in the fog is unnerving even on pilgrim! If I'm going to bleak from mystery I always follow the cliff edge then then ice edge until you reach a small patch of ice then just leg it across. Poor bunnies! You should give them your rosehips for their headaches!. Where did you find crumpets!lovely with butter and jam on. 😁
  21. Don't mind no trajectory just want to see the marker!. Brighter coloured arrows would help as well! I know it's me cos my son can see the dot!😁
  22. Chasing bears and stunning bunnies! That's why you fell in the ice! Bunny god revenge!😁. I've watched a lot of people just wandering a Ross the I e in forlorn and they never fall in! They must know something we don't!. Didn't see the wolves at the cannery! They are speedy little devils!always run away for me but I am on pilgrim!(chicken mode)😁 Sorry about this morning ! No sleep and then I had constant near blizzard weather and spent hours looking for non existent moose and a vanishing bear! Found him then got onto small rock to get a back of the head shot and he'd disappeared! That happened yesterday as well !same bear same rock! Cheered up when I finally got a one shot kill on a deer! First ever after about three years playing! Normally hit run away and never find it or my arrow again!. Like the wolf I managed to hit yesterday!. Dzmn thing vanished with my arrow! Hobbs still sucks!😁 Auto correct at it again!I won't tell you what it tried to change Hobbs to!
  23. Saw your screenshot by the way ! Funny😁. The way that bear is standing reminds me of something on TV! Just can't remember what!?
  24. May I ask! Why? Am glad you had fun! Tell me to mind my own business if you want!
  25. I watch d that last night! His streams are funny! If you want to see shimmying watch episode 138 Spiderman! Nerve racking he can be!