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Everything posted by Razum

  1. I got one point to add (nobody's gonna read it, because this thread is already so long, but anyways): You know, you can find ammunition laying on the ground as someone let fall a pack of it or something. Or you can find food distributed all over different shelves. This is pretty unrealistic, because nobody would scatter around their stuff around the house, like one tomato soup in one shelve, a cracker in one other. If you don't have so much, you would put it in one shelve so you have it in one place or something. My point is, just by changing the random distribution of things appearing, it would feel much more realistic, without changing much balance wise. Like, you could find a bunch of single ammunition on the ground, because someone before let it fall down and didn't want to collect it again or about all of the food of a house in just one place. One could think this further by making these distributions affect other houses. Like in one village could be empty very much without much to find, like if the old inhabitants would take it with them and in other villages they would just have died or ran away, so theres much to find. Adding just some numbers to affect each other would tell stories, make it more realistic and less predictable.
  2. I like the idea, it's just logical and would just feel right. The next thing would be to break the glass of the cars lights to use it as igniter for torches.
  3. I like the idea of repairing the towers. I'd really like to be able, to climb up that thing. But I don't really like the idea of communicating with other survivors, at least in survival. The core is, that you are alone. There should be no goal except the ones you set yourself. A compromise I'd be ok with would be that you can communicate with other survivors to find those new regions, but they will always be dead the moment you get there. I don't like that so much either. Maybe, repairing them will cause wildlife to be not so angry or disoriented all the time, so they aren't much of a danger during aurora. Maybe they are working (with chance) and you could destroy them (use their parts for other things) so you don't get those afflictions during aurora. All in all I'd like to have a reason to go up there.
  4. I'd like to see some creepy-ness. I thought about it, when I stood in Thomson's Crossing near the fire barrel. I thought, how cool would it be, if the swing would move. TLD really has the potential (which doesn't mean, they have to use it for that) but Hinterland really build a crazy believable atmosphere. Building in some creepy things really is all needed to make a horror game. Maybe TLD 2 could be some horror, who knows.
  5. I disagree. The simplistic style of tld is it's core and changing it to be more realistic, would smash it's popularity. I would'nt change it.
  6. This is a tough one. But Minecraft shows, that its possible. There are RTX-Shaders for GTX-Graphics Cards out there (all still in production) that use raytracing to compute lightning. On my computer they run awfully slow (GTX 1080, 2 GB) but I still use them, because they provide uncomparable better results and less glitches. If it was possible, to make a shader, that would produce equivalent results, I would pay for it. The game would benefit so much from that in atmosphere. And I guess, it's possible to make it lightweight, so you don't burn your PC, by limiting it to certain light sources. (furnaces, sun and moon, other static lightning) while for other light sources (flickering light in auroras, etc.) the normal model is used.
  7. I wouldnt be sure, if it would need to change the core engine. I can't really know, but some hints are the following: A measurement of how steep terrain is, is already introduced (for showing, if you are on steep terrain). And also, there is an displacement effect for when you're under 5% health. Mix this up, and you could make a slide downwards. I don't really think, that slippy physics would be necessary.
  8. I like the idea, I would add, that it can also melt in rooms above 0C. The idea with the waterfall is quite complicated, in my opinion, as it would be difficult in reality to get a bucket of water without freezing your hand as water falls on it.
  9. I wanna talk about the steep terrain mechanic. I like the idea, that you get a sprain ankle or else if you walk on it. And I really like, that its not predictable, like it would be in real life. But what I dont like is, when it comes to the limits. It's logical that you can't walk up any hill, no matter how steep it is. But I dont like this hard edge, when you try. Like, if there's a wall, that you bump against. The other thing is, that you can easily walk at angles, that should be impossible. You can walk down many hills without getting hurt (except for sprain ankle etc.) and that pretty relyable. My idea is just to add a slide mechanic. If you are at steep terrain, you just would lose grip and slide down. If you try to walk up a too steep incline, you would just slide down. If you walk down a 80° slope, you just slide down, as you lose grip. That would be a logic consequence and would make players not laugh at the mechanics.
  10. A while ago, the map drawing mechanic was added to the game. I think it's a really good idea, but practically in the state it is now, not really useful. If you know the maps already, you dont even need it and if you dont, it doesnt really help much, since it's so much work, to draw out the whole map. I think, finding map fragments, like hiking maps in crossroads elegy or something to fill some gaps in your map, but doesnt reveal all the area. Maybe they could give hints to other places, maybe also to places, that are destroyed but werent, when the associated map was created. I think, a change like this would make the map drawing much more useful und more used overall, as drawing with charcoal would be gap filler instead of the whole thing.