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Everything posted by straffin

  1. You've GOT to be talking about a Voyager run, right? Last Voyager run, I had ammo coming out my ears (but managed to freeze to death by having the weather turn while chopping wood and not realize I could hit ESC!), but it's pretty slim pickins on my current Stalker run.
  2. I've heard of magical spots where you can take pot-shots at bears and wolves all-the-live-long-(dark)-day and not have to budge. I can't seem to find any, instead finding myself trapped on a rock as the bear slowly walks up and mauls me after I missed a critical shot. Anyone care to post an in-game screen-shot of where your magical spots are (particularly outside the Bear Cave on Bear Creek in CH)? 🙂
  3. I'm just about to cross 100 days in a Stalker run and have probably spent half that time schlepping things from place to place because I'm a hoarder. That also means I haven't gone very far, having spent most of my time in Desolation Point (schlepping from Hybernia to Lighthouse to a cache outside the mine), Old Island Connector (to/from the basement), and Coastal Highway (to/from Waterfront Cottages, Quonset, Log Sort (maybe), and Fishing Camp). Then, I recently made my first foray through the Ravine (I LOVE THAT PLACE!) and on to Carter Dam and realized that I may not go back to Fishing Camp for as much as I thought, even though I have LOADS of materials, food, and water stored there. So, what do YOU usually take with you from place to place (even if it means multiple trips) and what do you not even think about picking up again as you exit an area, likely to never return? I'm starting to understand that water is a leave-behind item. It'll be nice to have it there if I ever go back and I tend to never "waste" a fire for just heat/light...I'm always boiling snow. However, I actually had to forge an Improvised Hatchet in DP this run because there was no regular hatchet to be found anywhere in DP/OIC/CH. Hacksaws, but NO Hatchets. I found one almost immediately in the Ravine and another near Carter Dam and now there's no way I'm leaving EITHER of those behind when it's time to head to the Camp Office or Pleasant Valley. Same goes for most other tools. And matches. And Sewing Kits. And Whetstones. And... What do you pack for the trip and what do you allow (expect?) the land to provide (or are okay with only having one with no backup)?
  4. There's a "spare" rope in Coastal Highway just north of Silent Clearing. I usually take that one up to the Abandoned Lookout because it's on the way...climb it, take it, keep walking. (I'm usually coming from Desolation Point...I love that place. 😁 )
  5. This is true and, as far as I can tell, wolves dislike Flares more because the NOISE bothers them MORE THAN THE FIRE. This is why the (louder) Marine Flares work better than normal Flares.
  6. Worst case, there's also the Improvised Head Wrap. Something is better than nothing.
  7. The Fandom wiki says that they "must be worn the outer accessory slot" to get the Sure Footing benefit. Where do you have them?
  8. Why is the Bearskin Coat so heavy? If a Cured Black Bear Skin weighs 1kg and Cured Gut weighs 0.1kg, why does something made from 2 skins and 4 guts (that weigh 2.4kg as materials) more than double in weight to 5kg when crafted into a coat? :-/ At the very least, this should be adjusted down to 2.5kg. 2.0kg would be better since there's undoubtedly material loss in the crafting process, but that would put it equal with a few other obviously lighter coats (Mariner's, Military, OF Parka), so 2.5kg is at least within 0.1kg of what should be its maximum weight. Even the Moose-hide cloak loses a full kg when crafted. Can this be fixed? Pretty please? (Or, in an alternative that I'm sure would be terribly unpopular but would also make sense, you could increase the weight of Black Bear Skins to something like 2.5kg each. And while we're at it, Rabbitskin Mitts, Deerskin Pants, and Deerskin Boots should all be lighter as well.) Loving the game regardless of how oddball the crafted clothing weights are! 😃