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Everything posted by straffin

  1. After I got moose-stomped before prevailing over the beast, I wondered which was going to cure first...the hide or my ribs. Thankfully, Quonset plus an entire moose carcass makes for an easy (if boring) recovery.
  2. @piddy3825 I found the same stuff in that same location. I think it's as @Serenity said...some (all?) are fixed, no RNG luck required.
  3. Searched everywhere, never did find one in Mountain Town, but have two now from Carter Dam. 😕 (And more bullets than make any sense...what kind of wild west weirdness went on in the dam? Bullets EVERYWHERE... 😲)
  4. Earlier this evening, I was wondering to myself what the rate is for items spawning "inside" (actually under, right?) wooden crates and cardboard boxes, and if it was actually worth it to bother with them. Immediately after having this thought and deciding to ask about it here, I "opened" a crate near the Mountain Town plane crash site and found a pair of Combat Pants. 😲 Looks like I'm going to "open" crates a lot more often. Does the same "stuff might spawn under them" possibility hold for cardboard boxes as well?
  5. It was a clear evening in-game and warm enough to be outside and not lose heat (on Stalker), so I decided to just stand on the Paradise Meadows Farm porch and watch the stars come out. Lucky for me, it was also an aurora night... Thank you, Hinterland.
  6. ARGH! I'm in Mountain Town on Stalker and I WANT IN THAT STORE but I can't find a blasted prybar ANYWHERE! 🤬 There's not any "guaranteed" prybar spawns like there are matches in 'Loper, are there?
  7. Please add some self- and situational-awareness to the dialog system. I love the helpful prompts that the internal dialog provides, but to have your survivor say "I'd lay down right here if I thought I'd ever get up again" while you're inside a building standing right next to a bed is kind of ridiculous. Same goes for saying "I'd give anything for something to drink" while you're carrying 5 liters of water. And "better find shelter", standing right outside a building. And "never been so cold in my life", at 33% of the temperature gauge when you were in hypothermia threat the day before. I'm sure the community would love the chance to both help figure out the decision trees (if tired and near bed then "Why am I still awake?" or "Time for bed") and possible dialog lines.
  8. Thanks! 🙂 I'd been concerned about the reports that moose don't bleed out. I'm a BIG bow and arrows fan, but that's largely because an arrow causes faster bleed-out. Do you find that they do more base damage than bullets?
  9. Yeah... finally finished it myself, literally passing time in the Mountaineer's Hut in TWM. Yay. Now on to Stalker Mode, Take #2. 🙂
  10. Response: Thank you so much for bringing this issue up to us, we are aware of the problem and investigating a solution. We appreciate your patience and understanding. All the best, -Hinterland Support
  11. This one is a little esoteric, but TIL that: The items in your backpack, when sorted by weight, display their actual weight but are sorted by their perceived weight. Worn clothing feels 25% lighter than carried clothing, so my inventory shows Hatchet (1.50kg), Storm Lantern (1.25kg), Mukluks (1.50kg), and Prybar (1.00kg) as the first four items because the Mukluks weigh 1.50kg when carried, but only 1.13kg when worn (placing them between the 1.25kg and 1.00kg items when sorted by weight). Similarly, my Combat Pants (carried weight = 0.75kg) sort between 6 OMB Dressings (0.60kg) and 5 Bandages (0.50kg) because, when worn, they feel like 0.56kg.
  12. Oh yeah? Well, *I* don't agree that *YOU* don't agree... 😛 Or, at least, I don't disagree with what you wrote here. 😄 I did indeed mean "base building" on the part of the player versus "world building" on the part of the developer. Sorry for the syntactical slip-up. I don't want it to be easier either... I just want to have a level of wolf between "mildly annoying" and "relentless killbot". And I'd like to break down an unused wooden bunkbed or pillow (on a bed) that I don't need. And, for Pete's sake, why can I not break down the planks leaning against the outside of the Camp Office like I can *every* *other* *plank* in the game? Oh, and I want to carry a three-stick-making branch to be broken down somewhere else. And... and... and... 🤣 Thanks.
  13. Discovered this myself in that same cooking session. Dropped all my teas/coffees (so they'd not be in the "Cook" menu options ahead of my meat slabs) and after, oh, 8 or 9 in-game minutes, I hear something boiling... 🤣
  14. (This isn't a new issue, tho... been this way for months:)
  15. Strangely enough, I also bagged a bear in the same hunt because he came shambling down the road while I was stalking the moose. Turned and took a few shots, ran off and died just around the corner from the Coastal House on the hill. Nice of him, that... And, if I recall, the LAST moose I'd seen at Quonset (in another sandbox) got away because of a bear messing things up. Perhaps they're in league with each other? 🤔
  16. This is why I updated my premise to "no scrapings where you've seen them in other sandboxes means no moose at that location in this sandbox". Quonset is where I bagged mine. 🙂
  17. Two thoughts: 1) Yes, wolves are easy to evade and avoid *IF* you're willing to give up on whatever you were working on and turn around instead. Sometimes that's just not feasible (or fun). Just saying... 2) I was thinking about something loosely related to this and I think the conclusion I came to applies here as well: this game is about survival, not world building. The things we would like to have like the "totem" idea speak more to "making a home" than to "surviving the night". Hinterlands has done nothing to dissuade this "world-building" way of thinking, however, because there is no "survive *until*". It's just "survive", in which case you *naturally* drift towards world building because there's no rescue or escape. (My personal thinklings were along the lines of "why can't I build something more long-term out of fallen trees, or even fell trees myself?" and "why can't I add a door, or just block the opening, to a hunters blind and hunt in safety?". These, too, are beyond surviving and into world building, I believe, and antithetical to the game, but without a true end goal, what else are you gonna do?)
  18. "Your request was successfully submitted." 🙂
  19. I just answered my own question...he was still there the next morning, after a blizzard. And now he's lying in the road in front of Quonset. Only took me...7, 8 shots? 😕 But I got him. 🙂
  20. Okay... next moose-y question: Once spawned, how long do they hang around? Just had one stomping around Quonset. Took a couple pot-shots (then hid...I'm such a chicken!), then it got too dark to continue. Should he still be there in the morning? What if a blizzard comes in the night (which despawns animals, right?)? Did I miss my shot (literally), or should I still have a chance?
  21. Yeah, I'm in ML now and the main reason for this question was to determine if I should find excuses to circle back by the dam to check for a moose if there are currently no scrapings on the trees that I've seen scrapings on before. I'm getting that the answer is " scrapings where you've seen them in other sandboxes means no moose at that location in this sandbox". Thanks, all!
  22. I understand that there are particular locations that a moose might spawn. I understand that trees with the bark scraped clean are a sign of a moose spawn location nearby. I understand that it's all up to the RNG and a moose might never spawn in a given location. What I don't understand is how those things relate to each other: if there are no bark-scraped trees in a given spawn location, does that mean a moose will never spawn there, no matter how long I wait (kind of like, with bears, no bones at the cave means no bear)? Or are the bark-scraped trees always there (I believe that they are not)?
  23. Great googaly moogaly, this challenge is so bugged. Spend three days inside each location? I just stood inside the Camp Office, passing time for 12 hours straight, and found the Journal time for it went from 2.1 days to 2.4 days. WHAT PLANET IS THIS GAME ON that days last 40 HOURS? I'm finding myself doing dumb things (like deliberately going BEAR HUNTING) just to keep it mildly interesting. At the proscribed difficulty for the challenge, I'm swimming in bullets, arrows, prepared food, medications, tools, and there's barely a predator to be found. Went bear hunting so I could have a second hide curing while I STAND AROUND DOING NOTHING. Bedroll, here I come. Arg.
  24. Wasn't planning on eating any of it...this was strictly to pump up the Cooking level (hence the "gaming the game" subject...not for survival, but to work the game mechanics in my favor).