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Posts posted by wilsonaka

  1. Or, as we call them in Alaska: Snowmachines and 4-wheelers.

    I would like to see snowmobiles or ATVs parked outside houses somewhere. They should have a container in the backseat, similar to a glovebox. If the battery is harvestable, make it 1/4 of what a car battery is.

    It'd just be a nice addition to the realism of this game.

    • Upvote 2
  2. Wolves will only eat uncured gut and cooked or raw meat you drop as a lure, and you have to do it properly (i.e. walking away while it's still trailing you).  Meat left outside on its own will never be eaten by wild animals.

    Freezers indoors count as indoor container storage.  Meat left in there will not spoil as quickly as meat left outside of a container, but it will spoil faster than meat being left outdoors on the ground or in a container.  An outdoors container has the slowest decay rate, but once the food reaches 0% it will disappear if in a container. Meat left outdoors on the ground will not disappear.

    To my knowledge, storing meat outside does not attract predators. It is only when you're carrying meat that the scent aspect of the game comes into play.

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  3. When it comes to the revolver, make sure you're aiming, first (I know, but you'd be surprised). I generally have the target below the sight about 1/2 way.  I've found it advantageous to crouch while using it to hunt wolves since they "smell" you and come toward you but don't attack until they get pretty close, giving you time to shoot them in the face-mouth.

    The Rifle is just about the same. However, your fatigue, body temperature, and skill level will play a role in how steady it is.   Crouching is also a good method with the rifle as well.

    As with all things, practice makes perfect.  I practiced on rabbits until I felt I "knew" where the sights were aiming.  They don't go far and won't hurt you.

    It can be very difficult to hit a charging wolf if you're on uneven terrain or around obstacles. Try to avoid those situations.

    I hope this helps!

  4. I just shoot them with arrows or a bullet.  Stones takes too much time and they aren't very accurate, plus, you have about a 4 second window to pick them up before they run off. It gets frustrating.  I'd rather use snares if they wouldn't eat up all the cured gut all the time.  

    • Upvote 2
  5. It is because of the geomagnetic disaster happened that the endless winter is a direct result. How and why it happened is still a mystery.  In order to get to a better climate, you'd have to leave Great Bear Island.  I know it seems like something cool, but I don't personally think this will ever be a part of this game.  Remember: The story mode is not yet finished and we do not know what's coming.  Let them finish the story first, and let the devs come up with what to do next. Perhaps leaving GBI is part of it, perhaps not. We will see.

  6. 29 minutes ago, Hydra said:

    wilsonaka i did everything but i dont know how to verify my files because i installed the game on Epic games

    To verify the installation of game files, navigate to the game in your Library and click on the three dots. Once open, click Verify in the drop-down navigation.

  7. The only animal I'd want to see added and that would make sense to me would be Sea Lions.  That would be assuming, of course, that GBI is on the west coast somewhere, also they would only be available on some maps.  They'd be an excellent source of lamp fuel or quick calories (you'd have to cook down the blubber first), and meat (with parasites).  You could bait them with raw fish.  Other than that, I think that the wildlife in The Long Dark are reasonably balanced.

  8. 19 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    Affliction counters count down not up.  If you look carefully, you'll probably see that the treatment screen is asking for another dose of painkillers and a  bandage (i.e. IIRC, you won't yet see a check mark beneath their symbols - it has been awhile since I've had broken ribs).

    That's what I meant.  At 0/120 means the recovery portion of the affliction was over.  120/120 would have meant no recovery had begun.  I should post more often when I'm not tired :)

  9. Ahh, I know this one.  The 120 hours would have read 120/120 hours.  It's a countdown. You've gotten the rest you need.  You need to bandage and take painkillers again. Poof.

    Try this, and get back to me. I'm sure this is it (it takes 2 treatments of both for the initial injury).

    • Upvote 2
  10. 12 minutes ago, PrincessAutumn said:

    I've noticed this too. I quarter most of the time and when I harvest the bags of meat, sometimes I will get the harvesting skill icon and sometimes I don't. Is it because I'm quartering and it's not enough to get the skill icon? I had originally thought because I was harvesting, I would get the icon every time

    Quartering gives you 1 skill point per hour as does harvesting the meat.  If you're doing 1kg at a time, then you won't see the skill icon until you pass that threshold. It is accumulative, the game does "remember" the time spent from previous harvesting.  Mending works in a similar fashion.


    @Lamp Pole

    4 hours ago, Lamp Pole said:

    I thought that you get point for each gut, hide and kilogram of meat. That would explain everything.

    That's easy to mistake that, because that's how the cooking skill works. I don't blame you :)

    • Upvote 1
  11. I'm highly positive it's related to the synchronization.  I just replaced my HDD, fresh install of Windows and everything else. I was still having the key-binding issue; The only thing consistent was the synchronization. 

    This might only be a temporary fix, but it's worked for me thus far:

    1. Turn of Sync in Steam for TLD only (Right-click the game title in your library, select "properties", change the tab to "Updates" and on the bottom there is a selection for synch. Make sure it's unchecked.)

    2.Close Steam.

    3. Restart Steam. Play TLD.

    4. Make your key-bindings in the menu. Play the game, ensuring it saves(I just went out/indoors). 

    5. Quit the game. 

    6. Do the opposite of step 1. for Turning on Sync. (I still restarted Steam afterward,  just because).

    7. Play TLD without having to set your key-bindings again.

    Because this has worked for me is why I believe it's a synch issue.

  12. 16 minutes ago, djanico said:

    Agree, tinder just seems like such a waste afterwards.  i think fire starting past level 3 should just start adding a small bonus to fire starting depending on which tinder you use (as you mentioned)

    You could also add the ability to use multiple tinder plugs (2x 3x etc) to stack fire starting bonus. (with a % max cap) Would help allot with the newbie skills.  So say a 10% max cap is reached by adding 5 tinder plugs at skill 1,  4 at skill 2,  3 at skill 3.. etc etc. 

    I respect your ideas, but may I offer a little bit of criticism?  The idea of Fire-starting 1 and 2 are that you're learning how to start fires, as it seems you've never really had to before.  Using more tinder plugs shouldn't make much of a difference because if you can't get the flame to ignite the fuel in the first place, more tinder shouldn't offset that chance and give you more skill. Plus, we already have accelerant in-game.

    That being said: If we could break tinder down into kindling, we'd be talking about a better chance.

  13. I would just like to mention, for posterity, that enabling and using the Auto-walk feature will indeed keep you moving slightly forward while you're turning and compensating for directional walking (i.e. strafing).  I know because I fell off that rickety old wooden trestle, losing a 110 day run. I guess that's how you learn 😂.

  14. Quote
    On 11/2/2018 at 7:53 AM, ManicManiac said:

    I think items that are usable as tinder should just provide at least some kind of bonus for starting fires (even if only a very small one)...  Otherwise it becomes a completely wasted resource after we get our fire starting skill to level 3.
    In a game like this, I don't think anything should be useless.  Right now, after level 3 tinder is only good for filling the pockets of corpses. :P

    I think it's time to revisit this suggestion.  It's silly to me, being a person who has started many, many fires(in real life), to assume that one can achieve the same level of a successful fire without tinder.

    I might suggest a few things: 

    Different tinder have different bonuses to the base level fire-starting chance. (i.e. plugs at 4%, cattail heads at 3%, birch bark at 2%. Newsprint, papers at 3%, newspaper roll at 5%, cash at 7% [It's gotta be worth at least *something* :D].
    Different tinder could have an added bonus to the fire's initial temperature.
    Tinder may be added to the fire for a small time bonus (1 min or so, for those wanting to grab a torch at 9m)

    This game is very immersive, but if we're striving for realism, I think this is one particular dynamic that could use a little love.

    Thoughts or criticism are welcome.

    *edit* I just want to specify that Fire-starting 1 and 2 would not be affected since tinder is required at these levels.

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  15. 4 minutes ago, JaySovereign said:

    I'd like to be able to fix this myself, thanks. Are there really no other options I can try?

    Honestly, I just stumbled upon the fix that worked for me.  I'd suggest tweaking settings because that's how I came upon it. I'd love to, but I can't really help. The developers would be your best bet (before they go on vacation).

  16. Quote
    3 hours ago, JaySovereign said:

    I tried these and it still hangs and freezes, what else can I do?


    @JaySovereign Unfortunately, there's nothing here in this particular thread that can help you.  The best you can hope for is to contact Hinterland Support. Make sure to send them your session log file How to find your session log file and I've always found it helpful to send them your DxDiag file (if running windows) How to get your DxDiag file

    I wish you the best!