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Posts posted by wilsonaka

  1. If I'm playing on a mode that allows a revolver I choose to carry that and ignore the rifle. I might pick up the rifle just to clean it and load it and mount it but that's about it. I like the bow much better. Revolver is somewhat redundant but I like to shoot da bunnies.

  2. On 6/22/2021 at 7:12 PM, Stinky socks said:

    If you plan long game and get bitten often, best to use up peroxide because it loses condition; old man beard doesn't. 

    You can still use 0% antiseptic.


    8 hours ago, UTC-10 said:

    I do not know about players carrying antiseptic rather than old mans beard wound dressings, but perhaps the matter might be a practical one.  They haven't found enough old man's beard lichen to make enough wound dressings to suit them.

    I never make the wound dressings until after I've been attacked because OMB weighs less together(3) than 1 dressing. You have a lot of time before infection hits.

  3. On 3/30/2021 at 9:15 AM, Admin said:

    We've previously said that working on a system of mod support is something that is a goal for the team. What we would like to have is a way for modders to create mods, and share them and an easy way for players to install them while knowing that installing a mod will not adversely affect their game, or system. That is something we need to figure out on our end, how we want that system to work and our goals with it.

    So we agree that allowing players to mod their own games is a goal, at this point without official mod support we are unable to offer any form of technical support on modded games. Thus installing a mod risks not only breaking your game in some way, but also won't get support from our team to fix it. While there are people who know enough to be able to break their game and fix it on their own, a large percentage of players don't have that sort of technical skill.

    Thus we do not support, or promote, existing mods on our channels. People have created mods for The Long Dark, we don't stop them from doing that but we don't allow for them to be promoted here. Also another issue is the game is still under active development, and so we may update the game in some way that breaks existing mods without intending to. This has happened in the past.

    So we understand that people are anxious to see mods, but we ask everyone to be patient with us while we work things out.

    • Upvote 2
  4. I was just pondering ideas for TLD and thought I'd search to see if anyone thought the same.  I think some selective, very remote springs where fresh water would be available would be a good idea.  I'm not on-board with big ones where you can gain warmth, but just where fresh water would be available.

  5. 3 hours ago, LoneWolf5841 said:

    Is that actually the case? I've used traps and they seems extremely slow in comparison to just stunning rabbits.

    Here's the thing: There are a finite amount of spawned rabbits in a grove, so say there's 2, you can only get 2 from stunning with rocks until they respawn.  Traps, on the other-hand are not dependent on the actual rabbits in the area.  You can place 12 traps and get 5 rabbits overnight, so long as the traps are located in the rabbit grove.

    • Upvote 2
  6. 4 hours ago, Stinky socks said:

    But how efficient are the weight vs calorie? You need to carry quite a handful to get full stomach. Not that you interloper players ever have full stomachs😂sorry

    Very efficient. They weigh .05kg (.11lb) and pack 150 calories. They're right there with condensed milk, ketchup chips, granola bars, and sardines, all coming in at 3000cal/kg or 1364 cal/lb

    • Upvote 1
  7. 1 hour ago, LoneWolf5841 said:

    If the bow was removed from interloper then you would eventually starve as once you have looted all the manufactured food the only option left is to hunt, you already can't get the rifle or revolver in interloper leaving just the bow remove that and your only hope for food is to scare a Deere towards a wolf no bow means you can't shoot the wolf to get it off the Deere and it's interloper so it's not easy to scare off a wolf so you'll have to wait for the wolf to leave and scavenge what was left, not ideal for long term survival.

    Fishing? Cattails?. . . you're down but not out, bud :)

    • Upvote 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Vince 49 said:

    Hi @wilsonaka, I did learn a lot from your posts with I originally saw them.  However, I can't find anywhere where different protection levels were compared to wolf struggle damage.  If I missed it, please do let me know.

    Yes, in the original post, there is the spreadsheet/database info that portrays the damage per struggle dependent on protection. I.E. 2 thin wool sweaters as only protection. It just off-puts the chance of damage, and I'm pretty sure the damage is RNG at that point.

  9. Nope. Once cured they won't degrade. If your question is how much they degrade during curing, you can only cure "indoors" (the interior of caves is counted as indoors for this purpose).  

    The quality of hides doesn't matter in the long run.  You can cure a hide at 0% and it won't disappear or anything. I'm not even sure it will in a container. Just cure it, it'll still work.

  10. On 2/15/2021 at 5:11 AM, Serenity said:

    Arrows seem like such a waste for a bunny. There are plenty of them in the game, but they do lose condition. And what you get out of a bunny doesn't seem worth it

    Yes, but if you harvest them before they break, you get all the materials except the shaft back.  1 bunny = 1 wildlife hit. This is my past-time when I'm lvl 3 or higher. I shoot every damn bunny I see. Much easier than breaking down carcasses and hauling meat back all day.

    On 2/14/2021 at 12:31 PM, stirfoo said:

    Your bow skill is built like fire building, cooking, mending, etc. It can take a long time depending on how many shots you take, how many new arrows and bows you craft, and how many of the manuals you read. And the random number generator can always step in and pop your balloon. I never use arrows on rabbits, always rocks or snares.  Every time you use an arrow, it takes damage.

    I recommend crafting as many arrows as you can before you even use the bow. I generally carry 12-15 on me if staying in the same region. Every arrow you make is points to your archery skill. 
    The RNG doesn't really kick in unless an arrow is, or lands in, under 20% condition.

    My advice, never try to hit a rabbit with an arrow unless it's traveling from left to right. It's harder to get the timing when you can't see the target.

  11. Never go beachcombing or walk near the coast and run to get something without taking off your clothes first. You could fall in and it can lead to a pretty bad situation. Clothes stay dry if they're not on your body.

    • Upvote 3
  12. If you're not on Interloper, then you may find weapons, tools, lanters, and flashlights. There may be a jerry can or 2. There are a few bodies and backpacks and containers to search. It's only worth it if you're prepared(food, water, firewood to boil more water) to be stuck there for a while.

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