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Posts posted by wilsonaka

  1. Quote

    I was having the same issues and this indeed fixed it, thanks for the tip!

    (I haven't yet done anything else apart from verifying integrity of game files in Steam, so this indeed must be the fix).


    Well, in all fairness, I still get the occasional crash but not even remotely near as often (I can play for hours w/o). If this works 100% for you, that's awesome.

  2. Hello fellow survivors;

    I had recently been having game crashes when transitioning while playing on PC.  Sometimes I could play normally, but it seemed that I ran into problems any time I transitioned from outdoors to indoors or vice-versa.  Of course, I went through all of the troubleshooting steps, and nothing seemed to work.  This is when I decided to tinker with graphics settings; if it's broke try to fix it, right?

    As soon as I turned Vertical Sync ON (Under Display in Options), I have had 0 problems with the game crashing. 

    I was already using the -force-glcore tag since my computer is a potato.

    I am posting this here just in the hopes that maybe I help out someone here who is also having problems.

    Good luck, and stay warm!

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  3. On 8/21/2020 at 6:55 PM, Jotown said:

    Oh, I think you read my description incorrectly or I didn’t clarify, sorry! The aurora would turn on the new tower’s signal. The flare gun could not be shot in bad weather(including an aurora) so you would have to wait to signal a plane to rescue you, when everything clears. 

    Oh, I did read it correctly.  Although, I don't believe you understand the premise of the game. No electricity works unless it's during an Aurora. A "rescue plane" would not be possible without an Aurora. That would have to be done at night, with an Aurora, and if the Aurora decides to shut off... there goes your plane. Just like before, which is why I would only agree to this idea as previously stated.

  4. 1.)  Trying to take a "shortcut" along the cliffs east of the trailer at the "Train Unloading" In Coastal Highway for a faster route to the "Abandoned Lookout". This was one of those infamous "Instant-kill" spots as I did not fall, nor was I injured or had any afflictions.

    2.) Double Bear mauling during an Aurora at Bear Creek in Coastal Highway. I shot an arrow near it, but just wanted to scare it off. Yup.

    • Upvote 1
  5. It's a two-fer.

    1. This is very simple. Add the ability to make more than 1 cup of coffee or tea when utilizing the cooking pot.  It's 4x the capacity of a can, I think we could reasonably expect it to make more.

    2. Excessive consumption of coffee gives you the "jitters".  Aim is affected (much like freezing/shivering, maybe not quite as dramatic), and you lose your ability to craft effectively (time penalty or refusal to craft).

    Have a great day everybody!

    • Upvote 2
  6. 1 hour ago, odizzido said:

    He did harvest, at least according to the OP, so it is almost certainly more than 7-8 mins character time.

    39 minutes ago, ajb1978 said:

    What most likely happened is you harvested too much off the deer

    I could see that happening, but I did not get close to the deer to harvest. I stated that I had just started down the hill after missing a deer with a rifle.


    2 hours ago, JMK said:

    I am confused. Frostbite doesn't occur unless your head or hands are not covered. Where you covered ?

    Was this playing Winter's embrace ?

    Yes, this was during Winter's embrace. I was about 3 days into the run. I had found better condition wool mittens, so I had harvested the ones I had on and then forgot to put on the new ones. It's a silly mistake.  I've had frostbite before on other runs, and it's never come this suddenly without being outside for a much longer period of time.


  7. Since I cannot edit after a period of time, I just want to add that I was not referring to hypothermia risk, but to frostbite risk.  I am unsure as to whether it needs to give you the risk first before it sets in or if you can just get it regardless.

  8. 36 minutes ago, stratvox said:

    It's also independent of "Feels like" temperature, and is based on the actual temperature.

    Thank you for your response.  I did not remember to calculate that. The reading would have been -18C (-1F). Still a bit much to get frostbite in 7 minutes unless they've changed it to where holding a rifle would add to that.

  9. I found some new wool mittens, so I tore up the ones I was wearing to make needed bandages with.  I forgot to put on the wool mittens.

    I step outside the Trapper's Cabin. It's not particularly cold -1C (31F) with no wind. I see the deer have arrived. I aim the rifle, shoot, and miss. I notice there's a dead deer in the barn. I decide to walk over there and harvest. I start down the path no more than 10m from the door, I have  been outside no more than 7-8 minutes, and I get Frostbite.  No frostbite risk at all, just frostbite with about 5% health gone.  I had been indoors for the better part of the day due to blizzard conditions, my health was at 100% and my warmth was very high.

    I've been playing a while, and I've never seen frostbite hit that hard and that fast before, could it possibly be a glitch?  Has anyone else had this type of experience?

  10. I like most of your challenge's ideas except the Survivor's Guilt/depression aspect. This would be the same as introducing a "morale" meter into the survival needs of the player which, if I'm not mistaken, may have already been decided against. The closest they have to it is the cabin fever risk, which is mitigated fairly easily.

    However, you don't mention any side-effects of the medicine(s) described, which would be important for balance in this particular case, especially for the proposed hallucinogenic mushroom cooked item(I'm assuming a tea).

    • Upvote 1
  11. 9 hours ago, Sherri said:


    PV is tougher.

    Agreed. CH and then DP seem like logical next steps.  PV is absolutely great, though. It can be as tough as everyone says it is, but boy can it be good times when the weather holds.

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  12. This question can't be answered correctly, as it's a matter of preference.  Some people like the console better, others like PC better, some play on PC with a console controller. If you're asking my personal opinion, I like PC because of the ability to modify my mouse sensitivity and I feel it's easier to pan the camera with it.  I'm not sure on this one, but I think the PC offers higher graphics and detail ability as well (I do not own it on console).

  13. 2 hours ago, Pufuletul_19 said:

    Hello everybody, I don't know if it's just me but the running bar empties fast but recharges so so slow, and the energy as well, I can barely walk half of region and have like 10/15% energy left, I usually carry with me 28-31 (when I'm not hunting or looting, just scavenging) and loose energy too fast, Is it because of the items I carry or my clothes?

    Hey.  Your Stamina (the running bar) does recharge slow. If you sprinted with a lot of gear, you'd be winded too.  You can unlock a feat to increase the recovery rate(although you will have to start a new sandbox to use it).  When doing strenuous exercise(rope climbing, sprinting, etc) your fatigue (eyeball) will decrease at a much faster rate.  Once you're below 50% you will get a weight penalty that continues to tick until it reaches a certain point (I think 50% of carry capacity). You will become encumbered faster and with less weight. 
    May I suggest drinking some coffee before you go sprinting?  You do use less fatigue that way. Sprinting is useful in some situations, but primarily walking will and should be your mode of transportation. I know, it's slow. Sometimes, VERY rarely, if I need to get somewhere quick and I am already high fatigue, I'll use a stim just to get there (Stamina does not run out while the effects are active).  Energy drinks are wonderful if you have sequential rope climbs, but you will be quite fatigued afterward.

    Some clothes do carry a penalty on your stamina bar. You can see what it is by noticing the red filled area on the bar. That is stamina that you cannot use because of the restrictive movement penalty on the clothing. You can also see which clothes are affecting it the most by looking at the clothes in your inventory and the symbol with the person moving will tell you how much that particular clothing adds to the penalty.

    Also, you did not mention if you had any status afflictions(aside from encumbered). Some afflictions like Broken Ribs will definitely make a huge difference in your Stamina and weight carrying ability. Hypothermia will make you fatigued quickly. I think infections do as well.

    I hope this helps!

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  14. The only "endgame" I would agree with for sandbox would be to die of old age. That is the only eventuality that none can escape.  If you meet this, I think you should at least get a screen thanking you for playing :D

    That being said, these are some pretty good ideas, and I enjoyed reading this thread.  I'd not be opposed to a sort of mystery to be unlocked to be "saved" from GBI, but I also think it should have big requirements for it to happen, and obviously make it optional or able to be failed - people in real life sometimes don't get "clues" even when they're staring at them.

  15. On 6/21/2020 at 11:36 PM, dissonance said:


    Test for level 2 Rifle firearm,It worked this time.

    I don't know if it will work stable in all situations, after all it is a bug.

    Alright. It works for you there. I tried an organic start...  I tried about 12 times before I gave up on the rifle skill.  Perhaps there's a variable that we're not thinking of? Like picking up the book before it's used?  Also, The many times it worked for me on other skills was by cancelling right before the 1 hour of research was complete.


  16. I was curious, so I tried the cancel-button bug for research on a new sandbox. I leveled up my Rifle firearm(I found guns guns guns!) to 2 normally, and then tried the bug with the Frontier shooting guide. It didn't work. The book disappeared, and my research level did not change (book reappears when entering the building or quitting/reloading after sleep).

    Ice fishing worked at level 1.
    Archery worked at level 1.

    My curiosity was sated. I just thought I'd chime in with my experience.

    • Upvote 1
  17. I tried to find a shortcut from the Abandoned Lookout in Coastal Highway to the Ravine.  Death was immediate, and the game didn't even show my fall to death("dead zone"?) because I think it wanted to save my embarrassment for later.

  18. One of the first things I do when I encounter problems is to verify the game files through my library on Steam. 
    Just in case you don't know how to do that:

    In your Steam Games Library: Right click "The Long Dark" and select "properties". Open the "Local Files" tab, and then click "Verify integrity of game file".  It'll take a few minutes.

    On to the subject at hand: I have also encountered this problem. It seems, for me, the only time(s) that it has happened is when I had used ALT+TAB to switch out of the game, or use the Windows key to change programs, and then return to TLD. I have no idea if this actually triggers it or not, but if there were some common correlation between this and saving, it would probably be useful information.

    Good luck :)