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Everything posted by Smellyfries

  1. Are you going to add more clothing to the game? Pajamas, slippers, and more shoe types, possibly a new backpack?
  2. Are you constantly thinking of new names for updates? Did it take a while for you to come up with "Vigilant Flame" for the cooking overhaul?
  3. Do you guys enjoy working on The Long Dark? Are there times where it is frustrating and repetitive at times to work on it?
  4. Question: Are you going to add more options to custom? Some ideas i had were: Remove find able Hatchets and Knives. Set a date for when afflictions like Cabin Fever take effect. Increase or decrease the rate at which you increase skill levels, or set skill levels to a certain level when you start. These are just ideas i had.
  5. Are you going to make it so it's harder to eat raw meat from the radical menu? It's easy to mess up and accidentally eat raw meat instead of placing it.
  6. Are you guys going to rework the animations and difficulty of the animals? Wolves seem to have some twitchy animations, as well as the deer, and bear. Wolves also have zero turning animation, which can break the immersion.
  7. Hello everyone at Hinterland, I've truly enjoyed the experience of The Long Dark, and the most recent update fixed, and introduced many new things that i really enjoyed, and what the community was wanting for a while now. Now that you are on the way to perfecting the cooking methods with constant improvements, a question came to mind regarding The Long Dark's animals. Question: Can you please do an overhaul of the current animals in The Long Dark? I ask this because as of the moment, in The Long Dark, wolves can be quite simple to avoid, have some very twitchy animations, and next to no turning animations. The same is with all the animals, although i do not know as much for the moose. Any animal that is running away, turned instantly without and animation, which can break immersion, especially when a wolf does a 180 degree turn, without any animation or hint that it's going to turn around. Thank you for the recent updates, but i truly think that the animals in The Long Dark, need a little bit more love. Thanks for reading. -Smellyfries