Luca Loquax

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Everything posted by Luca Loquax

  1. I know! Right? I am so excited I feel like my brain will explode!
  2. I hope there is Tabasco EVERYTHING tastes great with Tabasco !
  3. I am so excited and can't stand it and stuff !
  4. No pants? Who do you think U R? Ted Kennedy?
  5. "Three new Regions: Airfield, Mine, Mountain Pass" Happy! Happy! Happy !
  6. Yay TLD Merch! I hope one day there is Fluffy Plushie! :)
  7. Thanks Raph! Good luck on the new ventures and can't wait to see what's next! :)
  8. I know, RIGHT!? I think Captain Raph-tastic hinted at selling TLD DLC for 'upgrading your safehouse'. I Like this idea a lot. I agree, it sucks that I can't spruce up the Quonset and make the interior and exterior more homey. How about: 1) a nicer bed I could move in from one of the houses. 2) an actual wood stove as opposed to that stooooopid burn barrel barfing smoke and toxic gasses all over the interior. 3) I REALLY like that painting of the stack of pancakes over the heart, the place would be so much more cheery with it hanging by the door. 4) Pancakes! 5) Maybe craft a fence to keep fluffy out.
  9. If we are going to be stuck in the never-ending winter of The Long Dark, we can at least make our safe-houses moar comfy. :)
  10. From what I understand Hinterland's big Basket-O-Projects got 2020'd right along with everyone and everything else and they are in the process of playing catch-up. Hinterland has time and again demonstrated that they are perfectly happy to take all of the time they need to do it properly the first time and give us the best possible finished product. My best guess is maybe around March or so we can expect Raph and Dev's to give us another juicy morsel as to what lies ahead and I can't wait! Hooray for Raph and Devs!
  11. It has been a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time since Milton look that cheery! Merry Good Year!
  12. It has been a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time since Milton look that cheery! Merry Good Year!
  13. I would like a widget that displays the current, ambient temperature. That could be really handy!
  14. Crap! I missed that. Sorry, my bad. That is disappointing but I can respect that then can only deploy one thing at a time. C U all next year and Happy Halloween!
  15. Hello Super-Kev! The 4 Days Of Night event starts with an update to the survival mode that loads all of the special event content. You don't actually do anything! Although I think Escape the Duckwalker is now a separate challenge event. Tomorrow is Halloween so I'm guessing the update push will be any time now. Be Prepared! (insert spooky laughing here)
  16. Awesome work, folks! Thank you Raph and Devs!
  17. "No guards. No walls. No problem" Holy cow I actually saw that movie back in the 90s! If it was any better it'd be unwatchable! Think of Mad Max meets Lost.