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Everything posted by CalNieDaGtarGuy

  1. You must cut down the largest tree in the forest wWIIIIIITH…. a herring!
  2. You must appease it with a shrubbery.
  3. I didn't really have any specific answer I was looking for, just merely curious about how some developers may feel about the F2P business model. So in all reality, you knocked it out of the park!
  4. This question may have been asked before- and I apologize if it has- but how do you feel about Digital Extremes and their motive for free-to-play games such as Warframe? Does it hurt other game companies or negatively affect game developers? As a consumer, it feels quite nice, but I am just curious how things look behind the scenes. Thanks Raph!
  5. I’m with you 100%. You couldn’t have put it better. May we have a eulogy for our beloved tower?
  6. Regarding the Hinterland Store... Are you guys planning on bringing back the Wetterling's hatchet? Or what about the Region posters? I always wanted one of those...
  7. Honestly, I haven't gone up to the Destroyed Lookout too much since. I don't know why, it's just my way of paying it my respects. It's the one place that doesn't deserve to be looted...
  8. For sure! I have owned this game for three years now, and I remember back when the Destroyed Lookout was the OG Lookout, and every time you'd climb to the top it would play my absolute favorite song in the game. Not to mention the beautiful view of course. And for some reason, I could never live with myself if I left the door open... ahh, the memories...
  9. Hey have you guys considered creating a Discord server? I know it isn't probably a huge priority, plus we have the forums here, but it would be really cool to keep in contact with some other forum members and swap cool moments from our gameplay!
  10. Just noticed that the hunting lodge in Broken Railroad is named the Mystery Lake Hunting Lodge. I may be totally incorrect, but it would seem that this lodge is nowhere near Mystery Lake, unless I'm missing out on some totally unknown connection point between the two. Is there a reason it is named the Mystery Lake hunting lodge? Did I miss something while playing Wintermute that I should have gotten?
  11. Wait a minute... Is the naming of Milton a tongue-in-cheek reference? Since the book ‘Paradise Lost’ is written by John Milton?
  12. Back in 2011, there was a game that came out for various consoles called Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katmai. Although it's too early to tell yet, the storylines for The Long Dark and this game are oddly familiar. A female doctor hires out a bush pilot to fly them to a remote community to cure an unknown disease, and the plane crashes in the wilderness, and the pilot and the doctor get separated. I suppose the major difference between TLD and that game is that the latter didn't have a particularly fantastic story or great gameplay. But seeing as how they are extremely familiar, at least as of now, I was wondering if you were at all involved with Shadows of Katmai, or if this is purely coincidental?
  13. I know that the moose is a fairly recent and game-changing addition to the game, but is the cougar/mountain lion still even a ghost of an idea? Also, have you guys considered adding small, non-interactive animals like mice or songbirds?
  14. I'm sure it will be added in story mode, when more 3D characters come into play.