Ice Hole

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Posts posted by Ice Hole

  1. Did not know about the rotating effect.  I only saw if from afar during an interloper run and was harvesting a deer.  Just fabricated tools bow and arrow.  Next stop will be  the lighthouse right after Mr. Bear's appointment. 

    • Upvote 1
  2. Have to agree that too many crafting recipes can become complex.  The Long Dark has always been a minimalist type game.  That is what makes it appealing to us.

    The Mill will become more than just a way to repair stuff and deserves a discussion about the utility of this beautiful new piece of equipment.



  3. The player character is low on thirst or is hungry or cold.  The complaint dialog is triggered.  Some times what the character says is funny but certain times it seems confusing.

    Usually when about to open inventory to take a drink my character starts talking about body fluids and maybe yellow snow.  Would be more immersive if the dialog were more intuitive or predictive.

    Introduce a method to check inventory and have the character proclaim "why do I not eat X in my backpack." when hungry or when thirsty "so much water in my backpack maybe I should drink a little." or when cold "maybe I should put on X piece of clothing".  The dialog is based on what inventory the player has at the time.  To expand on this the dialog could target inventory located at base locations and basically remind the player where certain items have been dropped.  For instance if water is required inventory is empty but water was stored near to the character, this could then trigger the character to speak dialog to indicate where they left the water "Quonset hut has lots of water maybe I should head over."


    Sadly my character has come down with an awful case of laryngitis.  

  4. The inlet should be a location that we all need to visit in a survival run.  For interlopers the Mill is an important piece of equipment.  Personally I am up for the challenge of making useful tools only in BI at the mill.  The forge can construct simple metal shard (similar to story mode version) and simple arrow head. 

    The metal shard is not a great tool, it dulls quickly and there is a risk of self injury when using it.  The whet stone is not effective for sharpening because the metal shard's irregular shape quickly deteriorates the stone.  

    The arrow heads are of poor construction and not balanced properly.  Every shot using these poor arrowhead has a risk of veering off target.

    If the metal shard is used to construct the shaft then the feathers might be improperly attached.  Again this flaw imparts the arrow with poor flight control.

    Crude bow can be constructed with the shard one sapling and gut.  Bow with poor damage(no draw weight) and short range.  Wears quickly and can break while in use.  Used best to shoot rabbits.  Try and use it against anything bigger and you will shoot your eye out.


    The forge only prepares the metal.  The workbench crafts the metal.  The heavy hammer is required for metal work on the forge and work bench.  The forge could have another use.  Metal hardening is another step in the process.  Heat the metal to specific temperature and cool the metal at specific rate. Bellows would be a great addition to the forge.  The sight and sounds of the coal fire breathing can be mesmerizing. Hardening improves the durability of tools.  The knife's edge stays sharper would be a good example. 



    oops 43 hours


    Every body is reducing the time but the challenge records the longest time.

    Maybe the challenge could be tweaked. All graves are displayed and we choose the first to visit.  Once the first grave is touched then this removes the site form the list.  The map clears and the next grave site does not appear until twenty days later. Then a random cross location chosen from the list appears on the map.  After that grave is visited and the cycle repeats.  This should make the challenge, after visiting the five graves, at least one hundred days in length.  Or use a week per grave and then it becomes a thirty five day challenge.

  6. So the forge is found in many regions now.  The horizontal milling machine is located in a well protected area.

    What if the forge was used to create metal ingots.


    Metal from cans, lamp fixture, metal pails results in soft steel; pop, sardine cans, metal ladder results in aluminium; toaster, computer and other electrical devices results in copper; can opener, hammer, hatchet, prybar results in tool steel; shell casings, basins, flower pot, flashlight result in brass; bullet slugs, fishing sinkers, automotive wheel balance weights and Battery results in plumbous. 

    This is just a short list with some items that exist currently and some that would need to be created.

    Another important ingredient would be purified coal or coke.  This is used in the steel making process.  The coal is heated in an oxygen deprived environment.  This fuel results in an ingot that has low impurities.

    Flux is another useful item and can be as simple as gum from pine trees.

    With ingots head to Bleak Inlet.  There the metal ingots can be manufactured into useful devices.

    The forge could be used only to create low level hardware.  The workshop in Bleak Inlet is where premium hardware can be created.  Also blueprints and guidebooks would also be important.

    • Upvote 4
  7. There are many of these paths throughout the landscape.


    This particular one has been updated in a great way.  Previous to the EP update this area could be a trap.  Now there is a cave that has a moon roof.  This leads to the other cave that has the reshi mushrooms, old man's beard and a fir timber.  The wolves patrol this area and this could be a life saver.

    Start near the rope climb.







    Backing up a little ramps you up a smidge.



    Aim for the gap.


    This pass will avoid the wolves and put you part way up the climb of the hill.


    Sometimes slipping would cause a miss step and getting down from here was tricky and could lead to being in a landscape trap.


    Look here there is a moon roof.









    Cave with a mezzanine.





    • Upvote 2
  8. On 12/17/2019 at 11:27 AM, jeffpeng said:

    Just realised that those lyrics were from a Hollies Song

    Great progress on speedrunning.

    Watching kimiota stream then seeing Battery on the work bench has set things in motion,  Tried a few times and did not see a battery in BI or the Maintenance Yard/building in BRR.  So continued to the Hunters lodges and sure enough Battery is here.


    The added weight is going to slow me down.  So being well fed and obtaining a moose satchel might be the way to alleviate the burden. 

  9. Let me introduce you to this survival engineer.


    This is one of his current projects.  It is a modifier to a long bow; a six/seven bolt magazine.  Allows for rapid firing.




    The repeating bow evolved.  This is much more of an engineering project but results into a satisfactory Timber Wolf negotiator.  

  10. 14 hours ago, Sceh said:

    I was expecting something complex and challenging,

    Have you found the secret area?  I explored most of it but maybe it still holds more secrets.  Not trying to dash any hope but to be honest the parkour at the cannery seems to be less of an environmental puzzle than the secret area.


    @Valuable Hunting Knife I have found other routes that are safer.

    @Morrick take the two ropes from the Overlook, both areas can be goated safely.